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1、 中考模拟试卷14 Part 1 Listening 第一部分听力 I Listening Comprehension 听力理解 共 30 分 A Listen and choose the right picture 根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片 共 6 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听到的对 话和问题 选出最恰当的答案 共 10 分 7 A July 1 B July 2 C October 1 D October 2 8 A T

2、o see a film B To watch a basketball match C To watch a football match D To play a basketball game 9 A Japan B Germany C China D Asia 10 A The man is calling up his wife B The man is going to make a call C The woman doesn t let the man use her telephone D The woman is using the phone herself 11 A A

3、teacher B A doctor C An artist D A shop assistant 12 A On October 29 B Next Friday C On October 24 D On October 19 13 A On Monday C On Monday and Wednesday B On Wednesday D On Tuesday Thursday and Friday 14 A Half of the book B Three fourths of the book C One fourth of the book D Only one page 15 A

4、Neither of the girls B Both of the girls C Jane D Betty 16 A At a quarter past six C At a quarter to six B At six o clock D At half past six C Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的用 F 表示 共 7 分 17 If you are invited to din

5、ner it is best for you to arrive on time 18 If you go with a group of friends one present from all of you is fine 19 When receiving presents Americans will open them in front of the visitors right now 20 If you are going to eat at a friend s home Chinese paintings are among the best presents 21 You

6、d better arrive early enough so that you can help your friend prepare things 22 If you are very late for the party you d better not go there 23 Western customs are different from Chinese customs D Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences 听对话 完成下列内容 每空格 限填一词 共 7 分 24 Today the temp

7、erature is degrees 25 Today it is and windy 26 Heavy is coming 27 Tomorrow the temperature is degrees 28 Tomorrow it is and very windy 29 Typhoon No is coming 30 The weather is today but the weather will be much worse tomorrow Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 第二部分词汇和语法 II Choose the best answer 共 20 分

8、31 This is a story about one eyed old man A a B an C the D 32 The workers finished the repair of Waibaidu Bridge March 2009 A on B in C at D since 33 of your answers is right Please try a third time A Neither B Both C Either D None 34 About the students in our school have watched the football match

9、A three hundreds B three hundred C hundreds of D three hundred of 35 Obey the traffic rules is more important than life A Anything B Everything C Nothing D Something 36 When his wife knew he was wounded she couldn t help A cry B to cry C crying D cried 37 Would you like some more rice Yes Just A a f

10、ew B few C a little D little 38 Tom made great progress that he could write an article in English A such B as C very D too 39 Don t cross the road the light turns green A when B while C until D as 40 You don t like the book I don t like it A too B also C either D as well 41 Computers are very popula

11、r now and they are than before A more cheaper B much cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest 42 When I got to the hall the meeting for five minutes A has begun B has been on C had begun D had been on 43 I like the teacher classes are very interesting and creative A which B who C what D whose 44 What are y

12、ou going to do tomorrow I m not sure I make a trip to Hangzhou with my girl friend A may B should C can D must 45 will the supper be ready I m very hungry In a minute A How soon B How long C How much D How often 46 John failed in the exam again His father looked at the report A angry B angrily C hap

13、py D happily 47 The physics problem is that one A less easier than B as difficult as C more easy than D so easy as 48 My daughter wants a rabbit for long but I have no time to buy for her A it B one C the one D that 49 Do you know A when they have a discussion about C what we will do next B how did

14、they arrive there D if he is a doctor or not 50 Can you help me with my luggage A It s a pleasure C With pleasure B That s all right D I d like to III Complete the following passage with the words in the box Each word can only be used once 共 8 分 Two of China s cutest diplomats 最聪明的外交官 came to China

15、from Japan last month Do you know who they are Rynhim and Shuhin a pair of four year old male pandas Rynhim and Shuhin are twins born in Japan The panda base in Chengdu lent their parents Yong Ming and MeiMei to a Japanese zoo The family is popular in Japan and this is the first time the twins 51 Ch

16、ina A crowd of Japanese 52 the twins at the zoo I ve often driven hours to see the twins Now I am 53 to have to say goodbye to them said Tanigaki Kunilo Tanigaki along with some other panda 54 even went with the twins to Chengdu Scientists at the panda base said the pair would stay in a new house for two to three months They have to 55 a new diet before 56 visitors The twins will have a new friend with a similar experience to them another foreign born male panda He was born in the United States



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