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1、 高考语法复习 状语 Part1非谓语动词作状语1 不定式作状语2 非谓语作状语 主动 被动 一般式 完成式 否定式 3 要注意的问题 基本内容 什么可以作状语 多个状语连用的顺序重点 非谓语动词作状语状语从句 定义 状语是修饰动词 形容词 副词 介词 连词 和整个句子状语在语法上并不是必不可少的 但在意义上却很重要 因为它对所修饰的成分作更细致的描述 状语用于修饰动词 形容词 副词和整个句子 来表示时间 地点 原因 方式 程度 目的 结果 条件 让步 频度等情况 通常状语可以由下列这些来表示 1 副词做状语 2 介词短语做状语 3 不定式短语做状语 4 分词做状语 5 形容词 短语 做状语

2、6 词组做状语 7 复合结构做状语 8 从句做状语 9 状语在句子中的成分 10 多个状语连用的次序问题 1 副词做状语 Heoftendoeshimhomeworkatfiveeveryday 2 介词短语做状语 Westayeduptillmidnight IliveinXinhe 3 不定式短语做状语 Theydideverythingtheycouldtosavetheman slife Wecansendacarovertofetchyou 4 分词做状语 Pleasefillinthecardgivingalltheinformationrequired Comparedtoyou

3、 Iamindeedveryfortunate 5 形容词 短语 做状语 Theyarerushedovereagertohelp Hungry hewenttoarestaurant 6 词组做状语 Shejumpedtenfeet WhenIwasillshenursedmedayandnight 7 复合结构做状语 Thatbeingthecase we llhavetoreconsiderthewholething Heenteredtheroom hisnoseredwithcold 8 从句做状语 Wediditonlybecausewehadto Heaskedmetostayw

4、hereIwas 常用频度副词 always often seldom never ever sometimes usually hardly scarcely 频度副词的位置 实义动词的前面 be动词 助动词 情态动词的后面 多个助动词 放在第一个助动词之后 Eg Weoftengotothepark Eg Heisalwaysreadytohelpothers Hehasneverbeenlatetoschool 10 多个状语连用的次序问题 a 连用几个状语修饰同一个动词时 通常按 方式状语 地点状语 时间状语 的顺序排列 Theytalkedfriendlyintheliving ro

5、omlastnight Shewalkedquicklyoutoftheroomjustnow b 由小到大 用几个不同的时间状语或地点状语修饰同一个动词一般按照由小到大的顺序排列 Mysisterstayedinmyhomeforthreemonthslastyear Myparentslivedinasmallfarawayvillageinthenorth c 交换位置 状语在简略答语中 谓语部分只有be动词 助动词或情态动词时 状语要在这些词前面 Hewillneverdoitagain No heneverwill AreyouallAmericans Yes weallare 时态

6、和语态及否定式 not doing not beingdone not havingdone not havingbeendone 时态 语态 2 非谓语动词的时态 语态和否定式 不定式作状语的用法 不定式作状语 修饰动词 在句中表示 行为目的 to inorder not to soas not to 不能用于句首 结果 onlyto find 程度 enoughtoo so astodo such 名词 astodo Thegirlwassokindastohelptheoldmanoffthebus I mnotsuchafoolastobelievethat Wehurriedtoth

7、eclassroomonlytofindnonethere Shewhisperedtomesoasnottobeheardbyothers 1 不定式作状语 3 Hearingthis shegotsoangry unabletospeak A astoB asbeingC tobeD astobe 2 Hehurriedhomeonly hisgirlfriendhadjustbeenengagedtoanotherman A tellingB tobetoldC beingtoldD havingtold 1 Mum whydoyoualwaysmakemeeataneggeveryda

8、y enoughproteinandnutritionasyouaregrowingup 99上海 A GetB GettingC TogetD Tobegetting 1 不定式作状语 D 现在分词 过去分词作状语表示时间 原因 方式或伴随解题关键 主语与所填动词的主被动关系确定用现在 过去分词 不定式的被动式 1 Thestudentcorrectedhispapercarefully theprofessor ssuggestions A followB followingC followedD beingfollowed B D 2 time he llmakeafirst class

9、tennisplayer A HavinggivenB TogiveC GivingD Given 3 Thediseasewillspreadfastif A untreatingB beingnottreatedC nottreatingD untreated D C Allthesegiftsmustbemailedimmediately intimeforChristmas A inordertohavereceivedB inordertoreceiveC soastobereceivedD soastobereceiving 2 非谓语作状语 主动 被动 2 非谓语作状语 主动 被

10、动 5 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce nothingcanbedonetochangeit 02N A beginsB havingbegunC beginningD begun D 6 Wecan tgooutinthisweather saidBob outofthewindow AlookingBtolookClookedDhavinglooked A 2 非谓语作状语 主动 被动 如果be 过去分词表示状态 尽管主语是人 也要用过去分词作状语 belostinthought 沉思 beengagedinwritinganovel inbusinessb

11、eoccupiedwithmuchworkbefrightened excited puzzledatwhathesaw inthought healmostranintothecarinfrontofhim 96N A LosingB HavinglostC LostD Tolose C bebusywith 解题关键 1 如果和谓语动词几乎同时发生或紧接着发生用一般式2 如果两个动作明显有先后 一个动作完成后另一动作才发生 用完成式 A 2 manytimes hestillcouldn tunderstand A HavingbeentoldB HavingtoldC Hehavingb

12、eentoldD Telling 1 thecomposition JohnhandedittotheteacherandwentoutoftheroomA WritingB HavingwrittenC WrittenD Beingwritten Hewalkedupanddowntheoffice whattodonext A wonderedB havingwonderedC wonderingD andwonder B C 2 非谓语作状语 一般式 完成式 注意否定式not的位置 howtodothehomework Iwenttoaskmyteacherforhelp A Notto

13、knowB NotknowingC KnowingnotD Notknown 2 非谓语作状语 否定式 2 areply hedecidedtowriteagain A NotreceivingB ReceivingnotC NothavingreceivedD Havingnotreceived C B 3 要注意的问题 问题一祈使句 and or 陈述句和Todo sb 的区别 thecornersofthehandkerchieftothepointsofthecross andyouwillhaveanicestrongkite A TotieB TyingC TiedD Tie th

14、eproblem meandI llseewhatIcandowithit Whenleft forB Leaving toC Ifyouleave withD Leave with D D 1 buthestillcouldnotunderstandit ToldmanytimesB HavingbeentoldmanytimesC HehasbeentoldmanytimesD Thoughhehadbeentoldmanytimes2 sohehadnodifficulty in understandingEnglish A BecausehehadbeeninLondonfor3yea

15、rsB HavingbeeninLondonfor3yearsC HehavingbeeninLondonfor3yearsD HehadbeeninLondonfor3years 问题二从句还是分词 如果句中有连词 and but or 要用句子 C D 1 Findinghercarstolen 01上海 A apolicemanwasaskedtohelpB theareawassearchingthoroughlyC itwaslookedforeverywhereD shehurriedtoapolicemanforhelp 2 Whilewatchingtelevision A t

16、hedoorbellrangB thedoorbellringsC weheardthedoorbellringD weheardthedoorbellrings 问题三要特别注意非谓语的逻辑主语 3 Inordertomakeourcitygreen 02上海春季 A itisnecessarytohaveplantedmoretreesB manymoretreesneedtoplantC ourcityneedsmoretreesD wemustplantmoretrees D C D 问题四注意介词 分词和连词 分词的用法 Onhearingthenews shebegantocry OnreturningtoBeijing shecalledonmostofherfriends Thoughseparatedfromeachotherforalmost20year Istillrecognizedheratfirstsight Ifrobbed youcancall110 Assoonassheheardthenews Thoughwewereseparated Ifyoua


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