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1、 2014-2015第二学期三年级英语Unit1-8单元练习听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1.A. open B. close C. sorry ( )2. A. sleep B. shout C. talk ( )3.A.come in B. stand up C. sit down ( )4.A.lunch box B. over there C. welcome to ( )5.A.under B.behind C. beside ( )6.A.seven B. eleven C. twelve ( )7.A.time B. old C. these ( )8.

2、A.man B. twins C. girl ( )9.A.chicken B. orange C. cow ( )10.A.who B. what C. where二听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分)( )1. A. Its six oclock . B. Im six .( )2. A. Its behind the door . B. Hes behind the door.( )3. A. Theyre pigs. B. Its an apple.( )4. A. Thank you. B. How nice!( )5.A. No, they arent. B. Yes,please.三

3、、听录音,给句子标序号。(5分)( )What are those?( )Welcome to my farm.( )Would you like a sweet?( )Are these apples too?( )Whos that boy?笔试部分一、英汉互译。( 8分)1.on the farm_ 2.Welcome to _3.Dont run._ 4.Hurry up._5.开门_ 6.在书桌下面 _7.在椅子后面_ 8.一个橙子 _ 二、选择不同类的单词。(12分)( )1. A. shout B. talk C. blackboard ( )2. A. chicken B. o

4、range C. cow ( )3. A. these B. ten C. those ( )4. A. under B. on C. lunch( )5. A. door B. window C. bag ( )6. A. we B. they C. is三、 单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. Look the blackboard, Liu Tao.A. at B. onC. to ( )2. -_is it? - Its five oclock. A. How old B. What time C. Whos( )3. Welcome _my home. A. to B. at C. i

5、n( )4. Its time bed. A. to B. for C. at( )5. -Mum, this is my friend John. -_. A. Goodbye, John. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you.( )6. -Whos that? - _ A. Its an apple. B. Its in the tree. C. Thats my sister Tina.( )7. -Is that your sister? -_ A. Yes, they are. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, she is.( )8.

6、_a nice cake! A. How B.What C. Where( )9.-Dont talk in the library. - _. A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. Sure.( )10.Wheres the bird? -_ A. Hes behind the door. B. Its a bird. C. Its in the tree四、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。(10分)( )1. What time is it now? A. Yes, please. ( )2.How old are you ? B. Yes, it is. ( )3.Ni

7、ce to meet you. C. Its ten oclock. ( )4.What are those? D. Nice to meet you, too.( )5. Is this a pear? E. Im eight. ( )6. Look at my bag. F. Its in the desk.( )7.Wheres my pen? G. Theyre ducks.( )8.Would you like a sweet? H. No, thank you.( )9.Dont eat here. I. Thank you. ( )10.This robot is for you

8、. J. Im sorry.五、情景选择。(20分)( )1.你第一次见到苏海并跟她打招呼,你会说:A. This is SuHai . B. Are you SuHai? C. Nice to meet you,SuHai .( )2.你想知道远处的事物是什么时,你可以说: A. Its a cow . B. Whats this? C. What are those ?( )3.有客人到你家做客,你可以说: A. How old are you ? B. Welcome to my home. C. Thank you.( )4.迈克想让你看他的新书包,你会说:A. Look at my

9、new bag. B. Its a bag. C. How nice!( )5.你碰到了朋友,想知道她身边的女孩是不是她妹妹,你会说:A. Is this your sister? B.This is my sister. C.Is that your sister? ( )6.你想知道那是不是蜡笔,你会说;A. Yes, it is. B. Is that a crayon? C. This isnt my crayon.( )7.刘涛找不到他的钢笔了,他会问:A. Its in the pencil case . B. Wheres my pen? C. Is it a pen? ( )8.你把机器人送给蒂姆,他会说:A. This robot is for you. B. No, it isnt. C. Thank you.( )9.你上学快迟到了,妈妈会说:A. Stand up. B. Hurry up. C. Ok, Mum.( )10.你问海伦几点了,她会说: A. What time is it? B. Im nine. C. Its nine oclock.六、阅读理解。(10分)



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