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1、海底两万里十一1. homesick: 表示“思乡的,想家的”。原句: I felt quite homesick on New Years Day.e.g. He was homesick for China after one year in Europe. 2.riches: 这里以名词的复数形式出现的时候表示“财富”。原句: Half an hour later we arrived at the Nautilus, with all of our riches.e.g. There are a lot of natural (自然的) riches on this island.十二

2、1.【复习】still: 做形容词表示“静止的”(除了做副词表示“依然”)原句:“Everything wasstill.”e.g. The lake is still.2.contain: 做动词表示“抑制”(除了表示“包含”)原句:“He couldntcontainhis excitement. ”e.g. He managed to contain himself.十三1.charge: 作动词可以表示“充电” (亦可表示“控诉,索费”)。原句:The railing had beenchargedwith the ships electricitye.g. My phone is d

3、ead and I need to charge it.2.marvel: 作名词表示“奇迹,令人惊奇的事”。原句:We moved from onemarvelto the next.十四1.practice: 做动词可以表示“从事”(除了“练习”)。需要注意的是在英式英语中使用动词词性的时候需要写作practise,而美式英语practice可以直接用作动词。- 原句:“Well, Ipracticedmedicine several years before entering the museum.”e.g. He began to practice law after graduati

4、on.十五1.dead: 作名词可以表示“死人”原句:“Yourdeadsleep quietly.”e.g. I love watching the Walking Dead.2.in time:“适时”, 还可以表示“及时”。原句:Well, we are used to them, replied Nemo, and in time you will get used to them too.十六1.spot:表示“地点”(除了“斑点,污渍”)- 原句:“ at seven oclock we found ourselves at aspotwhere the oysters produ

5、ced their pearls.”e.g. There is a nice picnic spot.2.last:表示“持续”- 原句:The whole operationlastedthirty secondse.g. Their marriage lasted for three hours.十七1.against: 表示与对抗原句:“Shark against man. Managainstshark. ”e.g. There is a protest (抗议) against the war.2.register: 做动词表示“流露出”,通常是负面的情绪(除了表示“登记,注册”)原

6、句:“His faceregisteredshock and surprise at seeing four men in helmets leaning over him. ”e.g. His expression registered upset when he saw his favorite team lose.十八miss: 做动词表示“错失”(除了表示思念,怀念)- 原句:“But please dontmiss.”e.g. Stephen Curry didnt miss his shoot (投篮) at the last minute.十九1.depth: 这里表示“最深处”

7、(depth表示深度)- 原句:“Sometimes we went down to very greatdepths”e.g.Thisperfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart.二十1.productive的意思是“富有成效的”。这个词还表示“生产力高的”,这两个意思有相近之处。原句:It was a veryproductiveday.(Aronnax教授做了一天的研究,他觉得是富有成效、收获颇丰的一天。)e.g. We had a productive meeting that solved many prob

8、lems.2.strike(过去式 struck, 过去分词struck/stricken) 的意思为“突然想到”。原句:As soon as we were safe a thoughtstruckme.(我们一脱离危险,我就灵机一动。)这个词常见的意思是“打击、敲打”,这两个意思是相通的,一个想法击中了我,就是我灵机一动,突然想到一个点子。二十一1.wonder意思是“奇光、奇景”,名词。这个词还可以表达“惊讶”的意思,动词。原句:Thosewondersof nature, those masterpieces of art.(这些大自然的奇观,这些艺术的杰作啊!)e.g. seven

9、wonders of the world世界七大奇观2.riches意思是“财富”,名词,在用此意的时候,需要用复数形式。原句:You said yourself that the sea contains suchriches.e.g. naturalriches大自然的财富补充:from rags to riches 由穷致富3.finance意思是“给提供资金”。这个词还可以表达“金融”的意思,名词。原句:You know how Ifinanceall of this.4.course意思是“航道”。这个词还可以表达“课程”,名词。原句:Thecourseof the Nautilus

10、was now South West.拓展:我们之前还学过“在.期间”的意思。In the course of the day, many other trains went by出自Black Beauty5.light意思是“轻松的”。这个词还可以表达“重量轻的”。原句:I feltlighterand happier, and I was able to return to my work calmly.二十二1.present意思是“在场的”,形容词。这个词还可以表示“礼物”的意思,名词。原句:When I arrived at the changing room, I noticed

11、 that we were the only onespresent. (当我来到更衣室时,我发现我们是唯一在场的人。)2.ruin意思是“废墟”,名词。这个词还可以表示“摧毁”的意思,动词。原句:In the distance I could see someruins, some signs of a past civilization on the ocean bed.(在远处,我能看到一些废墟,这代表着河床上曾经存在着文明。)3.remains意思是“残留、残骸”。这个词还可以表示“保持”的意思,动词。原句:There were theremainsof a e on意思是“亮起”。这

12、个词还可以表示“加油”的意思。原句:Then the ships lightscame onand I could see again.e.g. When the lights came on again, we found that the money was missing.5.element意思是“(化学)元素”。这个词还可以表示“成分”的意思。原句:We need theelementsof nature to produce our power.(我们需要大自然的元素来生产我们的能源。)二十三1.current文中意思是 “水流”。还可以表达“现在”的意思。原句:The next d

13、ay the Nautilus made its way to the Sargasso Sea, a sea with very strongcurrents.第二天,Nautilus驶到了马尾藻海,这里海流湍急。2.organ文中意思是“风琴”。还可以表达“器官”的意思。原句:Sometimes I heard Nemo playing theorgan,but only in the evening.补充:表示演奏乐器时,西洋乐器的前面要加the,如play the piano弹钢琴,play the violin 拉小提琴;表示演奏中国传统乐器前不用定冠词the,play erhu 拉

14、二胡,play dizi 吹笛子。3.instant文中意思是“瞬间的”,形容词。instant 还有“即食”的意思。原句:It would have meantinstantdeath.e.g. I need to find an instant solution. 我得找到一个立马就能解决问题的方案。e.g. instant noodles 方便面, instant coffee 速溶咖啡。4.shoot文中意思是“疾驰”。还可以表达“射击”的意思。原句:As the Nautilusshotupward, it went up four leagues in four minutes.Nautilus正在向上疾驰,在四分钟的时间里速度提到了四里格。二十四1. head文中意思是“朝前进”,动词。还可以表示“头”,名词。原句:.they were headingstraightfor the Antarctic whales.e.g. I head towards the classroom. 我朝教室跑去。2. opening文中意思是“通路”。还可以表示“开始”。原句:Captain Nemo eventually found an openingwhich he moved through.拓展:这个词还有“空缺的职位”的意思。e.g. Ou


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