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1、合肥市公共建筑节能设计标准实施细则(2009版,征求意见稿)2009年5月10日emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lakes Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targetsEve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the ret

2、reat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: Wuzhen hold, is our militarys duty! I have win a series of victori

3、es, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare.Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling

4、of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a b

5、oat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Mia

6、o came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command . 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen

7、Yongzhi, Director of6目 次1 总 则12 术 语23 室内热环境和节能设计计算参数44 建筑与建筑热工设计74.1 一般规定74.2 建筑设计74.3 围护结构热工设计84.4 围护结构节能的细部构造设计94.5 特殊建筑和部位的节能设计114.6 特殊建筑类别的界定125 建筑节能设计的综合评价146 采暖、空调和通风节能设计167 给水、排水节能设计318 电气节能设计33附录A 外遮阳系数的简化计算37附录B 围护结构热工性能的权衡判断39附录C 建筑物内空调冷、热水管的经济绝热厚度43附录D 建筑热工设计常用计算方法44附录E 建筑面积和体积的计算45附录F 外窗

8、(包括透明幕墙、屋顶透明部分)性能参考说明46附录G 节能窗传热系数计算54附录H 建筑外窗、幕墙的物理性能分级54附录I 围护结构外表面太阳辐射吸收系数56附录J 建筑材料性能计算参数63附录K 墙体、屋面和保温材料在不同使用场合,S的计算值75附录L 合肥市室外主要气象参数121附录M 节能设计一览表表式122实施细则用词说明123条文说明1241 总 则1.0.1 为贯彻国家节约能源、保护环境的法规和政策,在合肥市公共建筑节能设计标准实施细则(2007试行)的基础上,进一步提高采暖通风、空调和照明的能源利用效率,改善室内热环境,建设节约型公共建筑,构建和谐社会,制定本细则。1.0.2 本

9、实施细则适用于合肥地区新建、扩建和改建公共建筑的节能设计。有条件对既有公共建筑进行节能专项改造时,也应执行本实施细则。1.0.3 公共建筑的节能设计,应按本实施细则的规定进行。通过改善建筑围护结构的保温隔热性能,提高采暖、空调、通风、照明设备及其系统的能源利用效率,充分利用自然通风、太阳能等新型可再生能源的措施,在保证相同的室内热环境参数条件下,全年采暖、空调、通风和照明的总能耗,与未采取节能措施前相比,应减少并控制在一定的范围内。1.0.4 公共建筑的节能设计,除应符合本实施细则的规定外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准、规范的规定。2 术 语2.0.1 围护结构热工性能权衡判断 building

10、envelope tradeoff option当建筑设计不能完全满足规定的围护结构热工设计要求时,计算并比较参照建筑和所设计建筑的全年采暖、空调能耗,判定围护结构的总体热工性能是否符合节能设计要求。2.0.2 参照建筑 reference building 对围护结构热工性能进行权衡判断时,作为计算建筑的全年采暖和空调能耗用的假想建筑。2.0.3 设计建筑 designing building 正在设计的、需要进行节能权衡判断的建筑。2.0.4 外窗遮阳系数(SC)sunshading coefficient of windows透过窗户的太阳辐射得热系数对透过3mm厚透明白玻璃的得热系数的

11、比值。其值等于玻璃遮阳系数与窗框系数的乘积。玻璃遮阳系数为实际透过窗玻璃的太阳辐射得热与相同入射条件下透过3厚透明白玻璃的太阳辐射得热之比值。无因次。2.0.5 建筑外遮阳系数(SD)outside sunshading coefficient外窗外部遮阳系统(包括建筑物和外装置)的遮阳效果。建筑外遮阳的遮阳效果按本实施细则附录A进行计算。2.0.6 综合遮阳系数(SW)overall sunshading coefficient外窗本身的遮阳效果和窗外部遮阳装置(包括建筑物和外遮阳装置)的综合遮阳效果,其值为外窗遮阳系数与外遮阳系数的乘积,SW=SDSC。2.0.7 窗墙面积比(Cm) ar

12、ea ratio of window to wall某一朝向的外窗(包括透明幕墙、外门、阳台门)总面积,与同朝向墙面总面积(包括门、窗面积在内)之比。无因次。2.0.8 围护结构传热系数(K)overall heat transfer coefficient of building envelope围护结构两侧空气温差为1K,在单位时间内通过单位面积围护结构的传热量为围护结构传热系数。单位为W/(K)。2.0.9 外墙平均传热系数(Km)average heat transfer coefficient of exterior wall外墙主体部位传热系数与结构性热桥部位传热系数按照传热面积的

13、加权平均值,为外墙平均传热系数。单位为W/(K)。2.0.10 太阳能辐射吸收系数() absorptance for solar radiation材料表面吸收的太阳能辐射热与入射到该表面的太阳辐射热之比。2.0.11 太阳能辐射反射系数() reftective coefficient of solar radiation材料表面反射的太阳能辐射热与太阳辐射热之比,1,又称“太阳反射比”。2.0.12 耗电输热比(EHR)ratio of electricity consumption to transferied heat quantity在采暖室内外计算温度条件下,全日理论水泵输送耗电量与全日系统供热量的比值。两者取相同单位,无因次。2.0.13 输送能效比(ER)ratio of axial power to transferied heat quantity 空调冷热水循环水泵在设计工况点的轴功率,与所输送的显热交换量的比值。无因次。2.0.


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