新视野大学英语读写教程 第三版 book unit 教案讲稿.doc

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1、Book 2 Unit 7 Women: Making a difference today周次第18-20 周课时数8 hours教学章节Text A Woman at the management level女性管理者Text B A proud homemaker自豪的家庭主妇教学目标和要求Objectives:After completing Text A, students should be able to:1. To know the names of common occupations2. To be acquainted with characteristics of fe

2、ature story 3. To be able to express ideas concerning womens role at management level After completing Text B, students should be able to:1. Cognitive objectives: to get familiar with the phenomenon and history of homemakers2. Linguistic objectives: to understand and use the words, phrases, and stru

3、ctures, in the text3. Communicative objectives: to be acquainted with the reading skillsPredicting the authors ideas时间安排Text A Woman at the management level女性管理者Pre-reading Activities (1st class period ) 1 . Warm-up Questions (15M) 2. Words & Expressions checkup (30M)While-reading Activities (2nd cl

4、ass period ) 1. Overview of Unit 1 (5M) 2. Culture Notes (5M) 3. Difficult Language Points (25M) 4. Comprehension Check (8M)5. Assignment (2M)After-reading Activities ( 3rd class period ) 1. Class presentation (15M) 2. Exercises (20M) 3. Structure analysis (10M) After-reading Activities ( 4th class

5、period )1. Paragraph writing (10M) 2. Translation (30) 3. Assignment (5M) 时间安排Text B A proud homemaker自豪的家庭主妇Pre-reading Activities ( 5th class period ) 1. Reading Skills (5M) 2. Background Information (5M) 3. Words & Expressions for checkup (35M) While-reading Activities( 6th class period) 1. First

6、 reading for general understanding (15M) 2. Second reading for specific understanding & Difficult Language Points (30M)After-reading Activities (7th class period ) 1. Class presentation (15M) 2. Check exercises after Text B. (20M) 3. Unit project (10M):Working on a talk shouw about management styles

7、After-reading Activities (8th class period )1. Unit project (continued) (15M) 2.Thematic study (15M) 3. Language feature analysis (10M)4. Written homework assessment of Text A (5M)教学重点Text A1. Master the usage of the following new words and phrases: be disposed to do sth., on both counts, feel at ea

8、se with sb, make a concession / concessions to, come down to, take exception to sth, burst into, administrative, attorney, accommodation, segment, tolerance, dispose, sector, precede, flourish, bystqander, hrness, symbolic, plausible, hirerachchical, diplomatically, etc.2. Master the functional patt

9、erns:sb. would rather do sth., sb. do sth., by contrast, sb. else do sth. else., Some proclaim / announce / reveal / state / propose / indicate / post / declare, There is no dispute thatText B1. master the usage of the following new words and phrases: work full time, crawl into bed, quality time, tr

10、im the unnecessary things, joint understanding and respect, converted to, an ounce of, supplement ones income, domastic, disgusting, condemn, duration, crawl, calendr, overflow, fuss, compound, conscience, wrinkle, etc.2. Master the functional patterns:1.Sb remembers his own days or time before he d

11、id sth.as2. Even more importantly, sb does sth when3. Sb is revolted by the notion that 3. Reading Skills Predicting the authors ideas难点Text A1. How to analyze the text structure and generalize the main idea of Text A;2. How to develop an essay with examplesText B1. How to predict the authors ideas2

12、. How to work on a talk show about management styles教学方式 课堂讲授 小组活动 提问使用媒体 文字教材 电子教案作业Review: the new words and phrases in the texts Preview : the content of the next 2 class hoursWritten homework 1 Finish translation practice on P.188Written homework 2 Write a paragraph of developing an essay with e

13、xamples based on P.186Unit 7 Text AWoman at the management level女性管理者(1st -2nd class-hour)I. Pre-reading Activities: 1.1 Warm-up questions (15 M) Whats the respective role your father and mother in your family? Whats your opinion of the traditional family roles/division? How would you perceive the w

14、omens role at the management level in the future?1.2 Words & Expressions checkup (30M)Check if the students have mastered the new words, which are required to be previewed before class.1.2.1 New Words1. flourish: To develop quickly and be successful; to grow well 近义词thrive, bloom 繁荣,兴隆;茂盛 Few busine

15、sses are flourishing in the present economic climate. These plants flourish in a damp climate. He is alive and flourishing. 他还活着,并且混得不错。2. harness: If you harness something such a natural source of energy, you bring it under your control and use it 利用(自然能源) Techniques harnessing the energy of the sun are being developed 马具 To harness a horse ( to put a harness on a horse , to attach a horse or other animal) 3. hi


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