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1、2010年1月研究生英语学位课统考真题(A 卷)GENRAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TESTFOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR GRADUATE STUDENTS考试注意事项一、本考试由两份试卷组成:试卷一(Paper one)包括听力理解、词汇、完型填空与阅读理解四部分,共80题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二(Paper two)包括翻译和写作两部分,共三题。此外,试卷分A、B卷,请考生注意在答题卡上标出自己的试卷类型。二、试卷一(题号1-80)为客观评分题(听力Section C 部分除外),答案一律用2B 铅笔做在机读卡答题纸上,在对应题号下所选的字母中间画黑道,如 A

2、BCD。三、 试卷二为主观评分题,答案做在ANSWER SHEEII上。答题前,请仔细阅读试卷二的注意事项。四、 试卷一、试卷二上均不得作任何记号(听力Section C部分除外),答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无效。五、 本考试全部时间为150分钟,采用试卷一和试卷二分卷计时的办法。 试卷一考试时间为90分钟,听力理解部分以放完录音带为准,大约25分钟;其余部分共计时65分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。试卷二共计时60分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。六、 试卷一与试卷二采取分别收卷的办法。每次终了时间一到,考生一律停笔,等候监考老师收点试卷及答题纸。全部考试结

3、束后,须待监考老师将全部试卷及答题纸收点无误并宣布本次考试结束,方可离开考场。PAPER ONEPart I Listening Comprehension (25miniutes, 20 points)Section A (1point each)Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The con

4、versations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1.A. Nancy shouldnt be too busy.B. Nancy should take a break from her work.C. Na

5、ncy must be under great pressure.D. Nancy must feel depressed.2.A. After class.B. The next day.C. Tonight.D. When the woman gets to the bus stop.3.A. Because her grandmother was ill.B. Because it was too late fro her to go to the party.C. Because she went to her grandmothers party.D. Because she wen

6、t to visit her doctor.4. A. She expected to have a better time with Sammy.B. She didnt get along well with Sammy.C. She was very happy together with Sammy.D. She wouldnt go out with Sammy again.5.A. His wife is waiting for him at home.B. His wife is angry today.C. His wife is not at home today.D. Hi

7、s wife is sick today.6.A. The man can make a random decision.B. The man should decide later.C. The man should forget about it.D. The man doesnt have to be so serious.7.A. He has won a big lottery.B. He has passed an oral examination.C. He is going to get his driving license.D. He has been relieved f

8、rom a big burden.8. A. 10 dollarsB. 15 dollarsC. 20 dollarsD. 25 dollars9.A. The woman can only take some useful courses which are still open.B. The woman will have to wait till the next week to take useful courses.C. The woman will have to go to the registration building herself.D. Its nothing beca

9、use many students forget to register on time.Section B (I point each)Directions: In this section, you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you ONLY ONCE. After each question, there will be a pause. During th

10、e pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Mini-talk one10A. Because she likes old programs on TV.B. Because she was very bored.C. Because she had missed th

11、e program earlier.D. Because she doesnt like outdoor activities.11.A. Because she doesnt feel like going out today.B. Because she is very busy today.C. Because she has to meet her parents for dinner today.D. Because she doesnt like the man.12.A. To go to a live outdoor concert.B. To have a picnic fo

12、r lunch.C. To check out activities by the river.D. To go fishing in the river.Mini-talk two13.A. Because the small diamonds in the old setting are of different color.B. Because the setting has been damaged.C. Because they want people to see it in its natural beauty.D. Because the style of the settin

13、g is too old.14.A. In India.B. In France.C. In England.D. In the U.S.15.A. Over 100 carats.B. 67 carats.C. 60 carats.D. 45 carats.Section C (1point each)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the rec

14、ording TWICE. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.(请在录音结束后把第16-20题的答案抄写在答题纸上)16. in the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are _.17. According to a survey conducted by prof.

15、Graham, about 90% of teachers teach handwriting in _. 18. In todays thinking _ are better for the practice of handwriting.19. Handwriting involves two skills: One is legibility, which means forming the letters so _.20. According to prof. Graham, most of the writing done in schools is _. Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points)Section A (0.5 point each)Directions: In this section, there are ten questions. Each question is a s


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