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1、Unit6Doyoulikebananas SectionA11a 2d 1 NewWords bananafoodhamburgervegetabletomatofruitice creamsaladstrawberrypearmilkbread 香蕉 汉堡包 西红柿 冰激凌 沙拉 草莓 梨 牛奶 面包 食物 蔬菜 水果 2 Thisisafridge 冰箱 What sinthefridge 猜猜冰箱里有什么 somefruits someVegetables ved t bl 3 halfanapple anapple threeapples 4 n 橙子 橘n adj 橙色 的 api

2、eceoforange rInd twooranges rInd IZ 5 threetomatoes apieceoftomato 6 sixpears somebananas 7 astrawberry manystrawberries 8 salad 9 Chicken t IkIn manychickens abagofrice 10 acarrot somecarrots 11 apotato Frenchfries potatoes potatochips p teIt t Ips 12 twohamburgers 13 ice cream aIs kri m 14 milk mI

3、lk bread 15 tellthewords ice cream bread oranges bananas strawberries salad pears tomatoes hamburgers 16 Pairwork Reviewthewordsandfillinthechart 两人为一组将所学单词归类 17 可数名词 countablenoun apple applespear pearshamburger hamburgersbanana bananasorange orangesstrawberry strawberriestomato tomatoescarrot carr

4、otsFrenchfries Frenchfries 不可数名词 uncountablenoun milkbreadrice 18 1 hamburgers 2 tomatoes 3 oranges 4 ice cream 5 salad 6 bananas 7 strawberries 8 pears 9 milk 10 bread d i f h b g c j e a 19 A Doyoulikebananas B Yes Ido A Doyoulikesalad B No Idon t A Doyoulikeoranges B Yes Ido 2 1 3 1bListenandnumb

5、ertheconversations 1 3 20 bananas oranges hamburgers Frenchfries ice cream strawberries tomatoes salad 1cPracticetheconversationsabovewithyourpartner Thenmakeyourownconversations 21 A Ilikebananas Doyoulikebananas B Yes Ido Ilikeit them No Idon t Idon tlikeit them A Let shavebananas B Thatsounds 22

6、2aListenandcirclethefoodyouhear hamburgerspearstomatoesstrawberriesorangesice creamsaladbananas 23 2bListenagainandfillintheblanks 24 2bListenagainandfillintheblanks tomatoes tomatoes ice cream ice cream 25 Doyoulikehamburgers No Idon t Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t 2cPracticetheconversationsabove Giv

7、eanswersthataretrueforyou 26 27 2dRole playtheconversation Jack Hey John sbirthdaydinnerisnextweek Let sthinkaboutthefood Tom Sure Howaboutburgers vegetablesalad andsomefruit Bill Soundsgood Johnlikeshamburgers Jack Oh Idon tlikesalad Bill ButJohnlikessalad andit shisbirthday Jack Yes you reright Wh

8、ataboutthefruit Tom IthinkJohnlikesstrawberriesandapples Bill OK Let shavestrawberriesandapplesthen 28 Languagepoints John sbirthdaydinnerisnextweek nextweek 译为 下周 英语中的 next last 后跟表示时间的词语构成时间状语 如 nextday第二天lastmonth上个月nextmonth下个月lastweek上周nextyear明年lastyear去年 29 2 Let sthinkaboutthefood 让我们来想想 吃什么

9、 食物吧 thinkabout 表示 思考 考虑 think 为不及物动词 常与介词about连用 例如 Letmethinkaboutit 让我考虑考虑 这件事 30 3 Howabout 意为 怎么样 相当于Whatabout 用来询问情况或征求意见 如 Howabout Whataboutplayingfootball 踢足球怎么样 Myfatherisateacher Whataboutyours 我的父亲是位老师 你父亲呢 31 4 Let shavestrawberriesandapplesthen Let shave 译为 让我们吃 1 在英语中 have 表示一日三餐的名词 意

10、为 用餐 havebreakfast lunch supper吃早饭 午饭 晚饭 havedinner吃饭 吃晚饭 2 have 表示食品 饮料等的名词 意为 吃 喝 eat drink 如 have some bread吃面包haveeggs forbreakfast 早餐 吃鸡蛋have acupof tea喝 一杯 茶 32 Quiz 英汉互译 第二天明年lastweek上个月考虑怎么样havebreakfast吃晚餐 nextday nextyear 上周 lastmonth thinkabout howabout whatabout 吃早餐 havedinner 33 根据句意及图片

11、提示写出相应的单词 1 Mybrotherdoesn tlike 2 Wehavesome forbreakfast 3 Nickdoesn tlike 4 Ihavea andmilkforbreakfast 5 Lucylikes verymuch bananas eggs carrots hamburger ice cream 34 Translateandwritethemdown 1 你喜欢沙拉吗 我不喜欢 2 我喜欢花椰菜 但我不喜欢炸薯条 Doyoulikesalad No Idon t Ilikebroccoli butIdon tlikeFrenchfries 35 Than

12、kYou 36 Unit6Doyoulikebananas GrammarFocus 3c 37 Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Freetalk Review 38 Doyoulikehamburgers theyTomandSally Yes I theydo No I theydon t 39 Whatdoesshelike Doesshelike 40 Doesshelikeicecream heyoursisterhisfather Yes she hedoes No she hedoesn t 41 DoesBoblike DoesGinalike Yes

13、hedoes Helikestomatoes No shedoesn t Shedoesn tlike No hedoesn t Hedoesn tlike Yes shedoes Shelikesbananas 42 Pairwork Doeshe shelike Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t Bob Gina 43 GrammarFocus 44 Countablenouns Uncountablenouns Countableanduncountablenouns 45 3aUnderlinethecorrectwordsinthebrackets 1

14、Ilikefruit butI don t doesn t likevegetables 2 She like likes bread butshe doesn t don t likesalad 3 He like likes bananas buthe don t doesn t likeoranges 4 We like likes hamburgers butwedon t like likes chicken 5 They like likes pears butthey don t doesn t likestrawberries 46 3bNumberthesesentences

15、 1 4 tomakeaconversation 1 1 2 3 4 47 3cAskyourclassmatesaboutthefoodinthechart Findoutwhattheylikeanddon tlike tomato hamburger strawberry milk chicken salad bananas 48 Likethis A Hello Doyoulike B Yes Ido Ilike No Idon t Idon tlike A DoesLucylike B Yes shedoes Shelikes No shedoesn t Shedoesn tlike

16、 Doareport Hello everyone Ilike and ButIdon tlike or Lucylikes and Butshedoesn tlike or 49 3 Doesshe helike Yes she hedoes No she hedoesn t 2 Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Summary 小结 1 CountablenounsandUncountablenouns 可数名词和不可数名词 50 Languagepoints 1 Doyoulikebananas 你喜欢香蕉吗 Yes Ido No Idon t 是的 我喜欢 不 我不喜欢 1 Doyoulike 是一个一般疑问句 它表示询问对方是否喜欢某物 句中do的是助动词 没有意义 回答时 肯定回答用do 否定回答用don t 51 2 如果主语是第三人称单数形式 助动词用does 其句型为 Doeshe shelike Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t e g Doeshelikestrawberries 他喜欢草莓吗 Yes hedoe



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