高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测18 试题解析(整理)

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1、学 海 无 涯 课时跟踪检测课时跟踪检测 18 B3 Unit 4 单项填空 1 I m thinking of the test tomorrow I m afraid I can t pass this time I m sure you ll make it A Go ahead B Good luck C No problem D Cheer up 答案与解析 D 句意 我正在考虑明天考试的问题 恐怕这次我会不及格 振作起来 我相信你会通过的 根据上下文只有 cheer up 振作起来 符合题意 而 go ahead 继续 good luck 好运气 no problem 没问题 均不

2、符合题意 2 We were prevented the project on time by the bad weather A to complete B completed C completing D from completing 答案与解析 D prevent from 在主动语态中 from 可以省去 在被动语态中 from 不能 省去且 from 后跟 v ing 形式 3 you are good friends you must know each other very well A Even though B Unless C Now that D Before 答案与解

3、析 C 句意 既然你们是好朋友 你们彼此应当非常了解 空格处引导原因 状语从句 因此 C 项是正确答案 4 Using many symbols makes to put much information on a single map A possible B it possible C that possible D it is possible 答案与解析 B make it adj 动词不定式或者宾语从句 此句式中 it 是形式宾语 形容词作补足语 真正的宾语后置 5 we stood at the top of the building we were able to enjoy t

4、he town below clearly A As B Although C Unless D Until 答案与解析 A 句意 由于我们站在楼顶上 我们能够清楚地看到下面的整座城市 学 海 无 涯 由句意可知 两个句子之间是因果关系 所以用 A 项 6 Don t talk about such a thing in the of young children A appearance B surface C existence D presence 答案与解析 D 句意 不要当着小孩子的面谈论这样的问题 appearance 出现 surface 表面 existence 存在 in t

5、he presence of sb 当着某人的面 7 The young dancers looked so beautiful in their new clothes that we took pictures of them A many of B masses of C the number of D a large amount of 答案与解析 B 句意 这些年轻的舞蹈演员穿着新衣服 显得那么漂亮 我们给她们 拍了许多照片 many of 许多 其后接复数名词 且名词前要有 these those the their 等 限定词 masses of 许多 大量的 既可修饰可数名词

6、又可修饰不可数名词 the number of 意为 的数量 表 许多 大量的 时 要用 a number of a large amount of 许 多 大量的 用以修饰不可数名词 由题意可知选 B 项 8 The talk went on in a n of mutual trust and respect between the two parties A circumstance B background C atmosphere D climate 答案与解析 C 句意 会谈是在两党互相信任和尊重的氛围中持续下去的 四个词的 意思分别是 状况 背景 氛围 气候 根据句意可知选 C

7、项 9 Organizations of all kinds now recognize the Internet as an effective means for communication A natural B global C formal D usual 答案与解析 B 句意 现在 各种类型的组织都认为因特网是全球通讯的一种有效方 式 natural 自然界的 global 全球的 formal 正式的 usual 通常的 故选 B 10 He that he himself on the playground enjoying the sun A lay lied B lied

8、lay C laid laid D lied laid 答案与解析 D 句意 他撒谎说他躺在运动场上享受阳光 根据句意可推知第一个空 学 海 无 涯 意为 撒谎 其过去式为 lied 而第二个空后跟 himself 所以这里应用 lay 安放 其 过去式是 laid 所以选 D 项 11 What me most was that the puzzle he came up with should be for everybody A puzzled puzzled B puzzling puzzled C puzzled puzzling D puzzling puzzling 答案与解析

9、C 句意 最使我感到迷惑的是他想出的难题竟令所有人不解 第一空处 作主语从句的谓语 这里要用动词的过去式 第二空处的主语是物 故选 C 项 12 I was still sleeping at home when a fire not far away from my house and then it spread quickly A came out B got out C put out D broke out 答案与解析 D 句意 离我房子不远处一场火灾发生了 然后迅速蔓延 那时我还在 家睡觉 come out 出版 get out 泄露 put out 扑灭 break out 爆发

10、 故选 D 项 13 Attention please for your luggage on the train or the bus A Break out B Turn out C Watch out D Come out 答案与解析 C 句意 请注意 在火车上或公共汽车上要小心你的行李 watch out for 注意 小心 故选 C 项 14 The house rent is expensive Here I m paying as I pay at home A as three times much B as much three times C much as three t

11、imes D three times as much 答案与解析 D 句意 房租很贵 我在这儿付的钱是在家里的三倍 考查倍数句型 倍 数 as adj adv as 故选 D 项 15 When the young man came back tired he just forgot to turn on the radio and missed the program A anyhow B thus C however D somewhat 学 海 无 涯 答案与解析 B 句意 这年轻人回来时 累了 他就忘了要打开收音机 因而错过了 那个节目 anyhow 不管怎样 thus 如此 因此 这

12、样 从而 however 然而 somewhat 稍微 有点 根据句意可知选 B 项 阅读理解 In their book Time to Eat the Dog The Real Guide to Sustainable Living Robert and Brenda Vale say keeping a medium sized dog has the same ecological impact as driving 10 000 km a year in a 4 6 liter Land Cruiser We re not actually saying it is time to

13、eat the dog We re just saying that we need to think about and know the ecological impact of some of the things we do and that we take for granted Constructing and driving the jeep for a year requires 0 41 hectares of land while growing and manufacturing a dog s food takes about 0 84 hectares or 1 1

14、hectares in the case of a large dog such as a German shepherd Convincing flesh eating cats and dogs to go vegetarian for the sake of the planet is a non starter the Vales say Instead they recommend keeping greener smaller and more sustainable pets such as goldfish chickens or rabbits The book s play

15、ful title and serious suggestion that pet animals may be usefully recycled by being eaten by their owners or turned into pet food when they die may not appeal to animal fans Annoying as the idea may be the question is valid given the planet s growing population and limited resources Robert Vale said

16、 Issues about sustainability are increasingly becoming things that are going to require us to make choices which are as difficult as eating your dog It s not just about changing your light bulbs or taking a cloth bag to the supermarket he said It s about much more challenging and difficult issues he added Once you see where cats and dogs fit in your overall balance of things you might decide to have the cat but not also to have the two cars and the three bathrooms and be a meat eater yourself 16



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