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1、光电子学期末复习资料绪论1、 光电子器件有哪些功能;Information generation, Information transfer, Information enhancement/amplification, Information manipulation, Information reception/detection, Information display2、 有用的光电子器件应该拥有的特性;High gain, Non-linear response, Input/output isolation, Tuability, High speed, Low power con

2、sumption, High power output, High temperature3、 电子器件和光电子器件的优缺点对比;Electronic devices:a. metallic inter-connects limit the inter-connectivity of the devices;b. difficult to transmit information over very long distances;c. external electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects;d. charged particles scatter

3、ing processOptoelectronic devices:a. Immunity to electromagneticb. Non-interference of two or more crossed beamsc. High parallelismd. High speed-high bandwidthe. special function devicef. wave nature of light for special devicesg. Nonlinear materialsh. Photonics-electronics coupling4、 光电子器件的应用范围;a.

4、Optical communications: Cable TV, Longhaul communication, LAN communication b. Data communication: Equipment control, Local area network, Factory automation c. Defense applications: Laser guided systems, Radar d. Consumer electronics product: Compact disc, Laser printer, Night vision, thermal imagin

5、g, Video disc libraries5、 三个窗口波长;850nm, 1310nm, 1550nm6、 光电子器件的发展趋势;WDM OEICTrend:a. high response speedb. wavelength division multiplexing technology (WDM)c. function devices: optical fiber LD , optical fiber amplifierd. optoelectronic integrated technology (OEIC)第一章1、 光电子器件的工作机理,基于光和电磁场的相互作用;Optoe

6、lectronic device depends on the interactions of photons or electromagnetic field with semiconductors.Interaction: photon - semiconductor Electromagnetic Field - semiconductor2、 光在半导体中的传播规律:按指数规律衰减;3、 折射率实部、虚部;The real part of index speed of light The imaginary of index attenuation of light4、 光的吸收和光的

7、发射(画示意图);受激辐射和自发辐射比较;The stimulated emission is due to the initial photons present in the system and the emitted photons maintain phase coherent with the initial photons. The spontaneous emission comes from the perturbations and the emitted photons are incoherent with no phase relationship.5、 直接带间跃迁

8、和间接带间跃迁的物理图像、特点、吸收系数;特点:Vertical in k-space吸收系数: , A is a constant特点:(1)Not vertical in k-space(2)Mediated by a phonon interaction or other scattering process(3)Second order process吸收系数: is a constant is a temperature dependent factor7、 辐射的种类:辐射复合和非辐射复合,俄歇复合的两面性; Non-Radiative Recombination -No emit

9、ting photons Radiative Recombination - emitting photons俄歇复合的两面性:(1)Auger processes are unimportant in semiconductors with bandgaps larger than 1.5eV (2)They become quite important in narrow bandgap materials and are thus a serious hindrance for the development of long wavelength lasers.(3)Auger proc

10、esses could be mediated by defects. Deep levels in the bandgap can be involved in the Auger processes. (4)For high quality materials, these defect assisted processes are not important.8、 粒子束反转时的自发辐射率; 9、 增益与费米分布函数之间的关系; 10、 俘获时间:CCHC、CCHS; , 11、 CCHC的全称及示意图,并说明过程;全称:CCHC-Conduction(electron) - Condu

11、ction(electron) - heavy hole - Conduction(electron)Initial state: 2 electrons+1 holeFinal state: hot electronAfter the scattering, an e-h pair is lost and one is left with a hot electron.The hot electron subsequently loses its excess energy by emitting phonons.12、 俄歇复合率与n之间的关系,俄歇复合率的计算及影响俄歇复合率的因素:带隙

12、、温度等; 带隙增加,俄歇复合率下降;温度升高,俄歇复合率上升。13、 扩散长度的理解及计算;The average distance of a hole(electron) can move before recombination, 14、 带隙重整效应(第1.11节);The presence of the excess electrons in conduction band or holes in valence band shifts the bandgap energy , decreasing it slightly . This phenomenon is often cal

13、led bandgap renormalization 第二章:1、光检测的过程;Optical Absorption Electron-Hole Generation Diffusion and Drift Detection2、直接带间跃迁的特点、 1) Momentum Conservation 动量守恒:the electron-hole transitions are vertical in k-space 2) Energy Conservation 能量守恒3、本征吸收的必要条件、类型、示意图、特点,及特征参量(吸收系数、截止波长或频率);the essential condit

14、ion(本征吸收的必要条件): 类型:1. Direct Absorption 直接吸收 吸收系数: (与吸收光子能量有关)2. Indirect Absorption 间接吸收吸收系数: 截止频率(cutoff frequency):截止波长(cutoff wavelength): 4、分析本征吸收的吸收图谱的变化规律(图2.3的Si和GaAs吸收系数曲线);Si、Ge: weak absorption at the bandedge (indirect absorption )GaAs: strong absorption at the bandedge (direct absorption )5、例题2.2;A Ge detector is to be used for an optical communication system using a GaAs laser with emission energy of 1.43 eV.Calculate the depth of the detector needed to be able to absorb 90% of the optical signal entering the detector.Condition: Ge detector GaAs laser


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