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1、雪人奇缘Abominable中英剧本是的 波老板 Yes, Mr. Burnish会场门票已经完全售罄 the venue is completely sold out.这是本世纪最重要的发现 This is the most important discovery of the century.所有人都想一睹为快 and everyone wants to see it.是的 媒体也会到场 Yes, the press will be there.这是你的大日子 波老板 This is your big day, Mr. Burnish.不会让你失望的 我保证 You wont be dis

2、appointed. I promise.放轻松 放轻松 孩子 Easy. Easy, boy.红色警报 Code red!是谁没关围栏的门 Who left the enclosure open?他来了 退后 There! Stay back!他在这 抓住他 There he is! Get him!好了 慢慢靠近 All right, move in slowly.不要贸然行动 No sudden movements.怎么回事 Whats happening?谁去告诉波老板 Whos telling Mr. Burnish?当心右边 On your right.想投篮吗 晚点吧 Hey,

3、wanna shoot some hoops? Maybe later.二号 特辣 Number two, extra spicy.不了 我要和佩林约会 不过我可以去看看 Nah. Nah, Im going out with Peilin, but, uh, maybe Ill stop by.要是你能来肯定很有趣 It would be so fun if you could come!小艺 我要去上班了 小艺 Yi! Im leaving for work. Yi?你醒了吗 Are you awake?大伙再见 祝今天愉快 Bye, everybody. Have a great day

4、!小艺 你这是什么打扮 明星吗 Yi, what are you supposed to be? A famous person now?你要去哪 Where are you going?我有事 有事 Ive got stuff to do. Stuff?你能有什么事 都放暑假了 What is this stuff? Its summer holiday.我常说 没有正事就安心放假 Either be busy or be on holiday, that is what I say.出门注意安全 放心吧 Be careful out there. Of course.晚饭前回来 我尽量 B

5、e back before dinner. Ill try.冷不冷 很暖和 Warm enough? Toasty.不能和男孩子一起玩 什么 没有男孩子 No boys. What? No. No boys.要钱吗 Do you need any money?妈妈 奶奶 我能行 Mom. Nai Nai. Ive got it covered.再见 Bye.好吧 再见 Okay. Bye.你说她整天到底在干什么 What on earth do you think she does all day?抱歉 抱歉 抱歉 Sorry, sorry, sorry.跟着我走 Heel!你们能消停点吗 W

6、ould you guys give me a break?我的宝贝们 Oh, my babies!转账可以吗 Money transfer?抱歉 只收现金 Sorry. Cash only.我们几个小时后回 Well be back in a few hours.你好 小可爱 Hey, cutie.你不是我妈妈 Youre not my mom!阿俊 你这周末去阿硕家吗 So, Jin, are you going to Shuos this weekend?不去 我要去北京看看我的学校 No. No, Im heading to Beijing to check out my school

7、.我要读医学预科了 Im, uh, premed.不错啊 医学院吗 Nice! Oh, med school?太帅了 Thats so hot.可不是吗 I know, right?那是什么 Whats that.味道 smell?她看上去像是睡在垃圾桶里 She looks like she slept in a dumpster.自拍 Selfie!他假动作向左 He breaks left.他假动作向右 他要扣篮了 He breaks right. Hes going in for the dunk!小艺 Hey, Yi.来跟我打篮球 来嘛 Come shoot hoops with m

8、e. Come on.抱歉 小鹏 我没时间 Sorry, Peng. I dont have time.要不你还是找其他小孩玩吧 Why dont you ask the other kids?其他小孩都太小了 The other kids are too little.而且有些人球技好得与年龄不符 And some of them are freakishly good.拜托了 小艺 你都不陪我玩了 Come on, Yi, you never play with me anymore.小鹏 我忙了一天了 Peng, Ive been busy all day.你表哥可以跟你一起玩 Hey,

9、 your cousin will play with you.我明天去接你 灯光秀八点开始 Ill pick you up tomorrow. Light show starts at 8:00.回见 Buhbye.他和平常一样 要去约会 As usual, hes got a date.等等 小艺 看着 Wait, wait. Yi, watch.来了 Here we go.三 二 一 Three, two, one.停下来照镜子 Stop and check.小艺 你知道我隔着这么老远 Hey, Yi, you know I can smell you就能闻到你的气味吧 from all

10、 the way over here, right?你还说我 Like you can talk.不好意思 你的须后水还有剩的吗 Im sorry, is there any aftershave left不是把整瓶都用光了吧 or did you use the whole bottle?怎么 你想借去用吗 Why? You hoping to borrow some?可能还是盖不住你的臭味哦 Oof, not sure itll help.真好笑 Very funny.你们想上球场缓解下这个紧张气氛吗 You guys wanna work out some of this tension

11、 on the court?算了吧 小鹏 Forget it, Peng.我们还是不要把阿俊的发型弄乱了 We wouldnt want to mess up Jins hair.也不能弄脏我的新球鞋 And the new kicks.我的宝贝鞋可不是打篮球用的 No basketball for these babies.下次吧 好吗 表弟 Another time, okay, cuz?你总是这么说 Thats what you always say.四十八个赞 美极了 48 likes. Sweet!别 Dont.我知道你在想什么 别说出来 I know what youre thin

12、king, so just dont say it.她现在总是不在家 Shes never at home anymore.妈 Ma.我只准备说这个 没其它话了 Thats all Im gonna say. Not another word.就这样吗 我们不管她了 So, thats it? Were just going to give up on her?我绝不会不管小艺 Id never give up on Yi.我们都知道她经历了什么 Look, we both know what shes been going through.她想念她的爸爸 She misses her dad

13、.我们都是 We all do.如果我们对她有点耐心 不去逼她 或许. If were patient and dont push her, then just maybe.小艺 是你吗 Yi, is that you?我们一直在等你吃饭 Weve been waiting for you to eat.我回来的路上吃过了 现在不饿 Oh, I ate on my way back. So Im good.要么在家吃 要么在外面吃 但不能边走边吃 Either eat here or there, but never on the move.我常说的 That is what I say.小艺

14、 今晚我们一家人坐下来谈谈吧 Hey, Yi. Why dont we all sit down together tonight as a family?一家人 Family.你得吃东西 You need to eat.你可不想像你妈妈这么矮 You dont want to be so short like your mother.我不饿 谢谢你 奶奶 小艺 等下 Im okay. Thank you, Nai Nai. Yi, wait.要不晚饭过后你拉小提琴给我们听听 What would you say to playing a little violin for us after

15、supper?还记得你以前. 不行 Remember when you used to. I. I cant.不行 为什么 Cant? Why?因为我. Because I.我把小提琴给卖了 I. I sold it.我. I.抱歉 Im sorry.别这样 No.我会完成这次旅行的 I will take this trip.我们的中国之旅总有一天会的 Someday.不 不 不 No, no, no.等下 两点钟方向有发现 Hold up. Spotted something at two oclock.什么都没有 继续搜 Theres nothing there. Moving on.波尼斯实业你好 妈妈 再见 奶奶 Hi, Mom. Bye, Nai Nai.借过 Excuse me.砰的一声 它不知道从哪冒了出来


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