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1、天才眼镜狗.Mr.Peabody.And.Sherman中英剧本我们的故事发生在纽约城上空的.Our story begins high over New York City.奢华屋顶公寓里.in the luxurious penthouse apartment.这公寓住的可能是世界上已知最牛逼的天才了of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known.哦 抱歉 你看到我做瑜伽了Oh. Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga.你是想看You were expecting一只倒立的狗 是吗?do

2、wnward dog, perhaps?我的名字叫皮博迪先生My name is Mr. Peabody.既然我们可能要一起渡过一段时间.And since were going to be spending some time together.那我会告诉你们一些我的事Id like to tell you a little bit about myself.从我还是一只小狗的时候.You see, ever since I was a pup.我就明白我的与众不同it was clear that I was different.我试着去适应.I tried to fit in.不用 谢谢

3、No, thank you.但却徒劳无功but never could.长大以后 我见到越来越多的兄弟姐妹们.As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates. .被新家庭领养being chosen by their new families.但是因为某些原因 我从没被领走But for some reason, I never was.快去 好孩子! 去捡棍子!Come on, boy! Fetch the stick!为什么啊? 就为了让你再扔出去一次吗? But why? Wont you just throw it again?这就是没

4、意义的锻炼Its an exercise in futility.我不想要这只 妈妈 他太刻薄了I dont want this one, Mommy. Hes sarcastic.等等 等等! 回来! 再扔一次棍子Wait, wait! Come back! Throw the stick.我会坐 会站 还会握手呢Ill stay, Ill heel, Ill even shake hands.我还会叫?Bark, bark?所以 我没有自己的家庭.So, without a family of my own.我将自己投入到对知识 文化.I dedicated myself to the p

5、ursuit of knowledge.还有运动的渴求中culture, and athletics. 我拿到了哈佛大学的学位I received my degree at Harvard.当然还当上了告别演讲狗Valetorian, of course.耶!Yeah!然后呢 我就致力于帮助人类And then, I devoted myself to helping mankind.我开发可代替能源领域的新技术I pioneered new techniques in alternative energy.耶!Yeah!还致力解决全球的地缘政治冲突Resolved geopolitical

6、conflicts around the globe.在我的业余时间里.And in my spare time.我还发明了击拳 平板支撑 还有速脱短裤.I invented the fist bump, planking, tearaway pants.调音器.Auto-Tune.背转式滑板跳.the backside oHie.还有尊巴舞and Zumba.走起Now go停stop再来DROP停Pause但是最让我骄傲的还是我儿子 舍曼But what Im most proud of is my son, Sherman.嗨 皮博迪先生Hi, Mr. Peabody.哦! 你告诉观众时

7、光机的事儿了吗?Oh! Have you told them about the way back?我正准备说呢I was just getting to that.当我收养舍曼的时候 我就发誓成为最好的父亲When I adopted Sherman, I vowed to be the best father I could be.给他准备好所有的世界奇迹To prepare him for all the wonders of the world,现在的和过去的present and past.所以 是舍曼激励我完成了世界最伟大的发明.And so, Sherman inspired t

8、he greatest invention of my life.时光机a time machine.当然 时光旅行还是有点难以预知的Of course, time travel can be a bit unpredictable.旅途中必然会出现一些灾难There are bound to be a few mishaps along the way.可以这么说 比萨斜塔Lets just say, the Leaning Tower of Pisa以前不是斜的wasnt always leaning.但是没什么东西能比得上But theres nothing like learning最

9、直观的历史课the lessons of history firsthand.对吗 舍曼?Right, Sherman?我们今天要去哪儿 皮博迪先生?Where are we going today, Mr. Peabody?不是 去哪儿 舍曼Not where, Sherman.是 去什么时候When.天才眼镜狗哇哦! 这是我见过的最大的房子了!Whoa! This is the biggest house Ive ever seen!这是凡尔赛宫 玛丽皇后的宫殿Its the Palace of Versailles, home of Marie Antoinette.你知道的 她因为一件

10、事而闻名天下You know, she was mostly famous for one thing.蛋糕!Cake!我太爱蛋糕了I love cake so much.玛丽皇后确实很爱吃蛋糕 皮博迪先生Marie Antoinette sure likes cake, Mr. Peabody.哦! 她的确很喜欢Oh! Indeed she does.玛丽是个有着恐怖食欲的女人.Marie was a woman with a prodigious appetite.对一切覆盖着糖霜的东西for all things covered with frosting.但是她的昂贵嗜好成了所有批评的

11、目标But her expensive tastes made her the target of much criticism.- 为什么? - 因为 舍曼.- Why? - Because, Sherman.在玛丽的统治时期 法国的普通人民during Maries reign, the common people非常的贫困of France were exceedingly poor.你拿到面包了?Youve got any bread?没有! 我都穷成狗了No! Im exceedingly poor.那现在 我们能吃点儿蛋糕吗?Now, can we have some cake?可

12、以Ma is, oui.哦 是的 抱歉Oh, yeah, sorry. 请问 我们可以吃点儿蛋糕吗?May we have some cake?可以Ma is, oui!也许她的头发太厚重 听不清我说的话Maybe she cant hear me through the hair.舍曼 王后的意思是.Sherman, what the queen means is.啊! 让他们吃蛋糕!Ah! Let them eat cake!当女王听说巴黎的穷人都要买不起面包的时候.When the queen heard the poor of Paris could not even buy brea

13、d.她居然说 让他们吃蛋糕吧she said, Let them eat cake.不!No!我亲耳听到的I heard it myself.- 这简直是丑闻! - 这简直是侮辱!- Its a scandal! - Its an outrage!打倒女王!Down with the queen!废除君主立宪!Down with the monarchy!等等!Wait!哪种蛋糕?What kind of cake?这聚会棒极了 女王陛下Smashing party, Your Majesty.但是现在 恐怕舍曼和我必须.But now, Im afraid Sherman and I mus

14、t be.舍曼? 舍曼?Sherman? Sherman?舍曼!Sherman!舍曼?Sherman?舍曼! 这里 舍曼Sherman! Here, Sherman. 嘿 皮博迪先生Hey, Mr. Peabody.你在这儿干嘛呢?What are you doing in here? 尝尝其他的蛋糕Trying these other cakes.这边有一个是生奶油和草莓做的.Theres one in here with whipped cream and strawberries thats.超好吃!pretty fantastic!舍曼.Sherman.你难道不记得我告诉你的dont you remember why I told you


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