语篇填空(上)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习]

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《语篇填空(上)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《语篇填空(上)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习](25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、白衣天使专题语篇填空题型专练(1)致敬最美逆行者语篇阅读: 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(10分) I be want hair ordinary for medicine one hero fightTo 1 in harms wayAccording to Guo Yanhong from the National Health Commission (国家卫生健康委员会), over 30,000 2 workers have been sent to Hubei Province, especially Wuhan

2、, to help fight against the novel coronavirus. They are just people, but they are all heroes.After seeing the front line registration (登记) notice from her hospital, nurse Su Lili from Henan Province called her husband and told him she to go to Wuhan. He agreed. “On the way to the airport, he keeps t

3、elling me to eat well, sleep well and protect well. I thank him his support,” Su said.Before leaving for Wuhan, Liu Lu, a nurse from Jiangxi Province, had her long cut. “Looking pretty is no longer important at this moment. I must beresponsiblefor the safety of my patients and myself,” said the 30-y

4、ear-old.Actually, many of the medical workers on the front line were born after 1995. As the young generation in China, they often described as immature (不成熟的) and self-centered. But their fight against the virus makes society see their bravery. Sun Qin is a 21-year-old nurse from Jiangsu Province.

5、She said, “This is my first year of being a nurse. I was frightened at the beginning and was worried about being infected, but I was not afraid any more when seeing how my partners cheered and encouraged each other.”These medical heroes risk their lives on the front line of the disaster.They have ag

6、ain provenwhat Henry Kissinger wrote in his book On China: China is always well protected by the bravest of them.温馨提示:涉及语言知识点,大家要掌握哦!Vocabularyordinary/dnr/ adj. 普通的;平常的eg. This is not an ordinary cat. It can use the toilet itself.responsible/rspnsbl/ adj. 负责的;有责任的拓展:be responsible for 对负责eg. You sh

7、ould be responsible for your actions.SentenceSb./Sth. has once again proven (that)某人/某事再次证明eg. China has once again proven its a responsible count答案解析:1、答案是heroes 本句意思是致逆行的英雄们,此处应该用hero的复数形式。2、答案是medical 该句的意思是3000多医务工作者被派往湖北省。作为workers的定语,此处应该用medicine的形容词形式medical.3、答案是ordinary 句子中but是表示前后转折的连词,相对

8、于英雄而言,应该是普通的人,做people的定语普通的,所以填ordinary.4、答案是wanted. Su Lili from Henan Province called her husband and told him she to go to Wuhan.句子中 she to go to Wuhan做told的宾语从句,意思是告诉他她想要去武汉。主句是过去时态,从去也要用过去时态,所以此空选用want的过去式wanted.5、 答案是myself. 此处 protect sb. Well意思是保护好某人。句意是他一直告诉我要保护好我自己,所以该出选用I这个词的反身代词形式myself.

9、6、 答案是for. 此处用的短语是thank sb. for sth.故选填for。7、答案是hair。had her long cut.是剪掉她的长发。Hair在此处是不可数名词,故选填原型。8、答案是fighting。the medical workers on the front line意思是在前线正在战斗的医务人员,fighting在此处是现在分词作定语修饰medical workers.9、答案是were. As the young generation in China, they often described as immature (不成熟的) and self-cent

10、ered. 在中国作为年轻的一代,他们经常被描述为不成熟、太自我。这是在疫情之前人们对他们的看法,所以在这里应该是被动语态的过去时态。因而选填be的复数过去式形式were。10、答案是once.They have again proven.他们再次证明 once again是再一次、又一次的意思,故而选填one的序数词形式once.白衣天使专题语篇填空题型专练(2)为预防新冠病毒,中国都做了什么?China working to slow the spread of COVID-19语篇填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完

11、整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 cross single as child little use on turn be take COVID-19 continues to grow and spread, but Chinaseffortsto control it seem to have helped. 1 China struggles to control the disease, the number of cases in other countries 2 rising day by day.Health experts at the World Health Organiz

12、ation (WHO) say the steps that China has 3 to limit the spread of the disease have worked very well.The Chinese government has closed off huge areas of the country, and limited travel for many people. The New York Times says that at 4 760 million people in China are under some kind of lockdown (封闭)

13、and have limits placed on their movements.China is 5 to high-tech ways to try to control the disease. It has used drones (无人机) to ask people in the street to go home. Its using apps and special codes (码) to control which people are allowed to move. The government is even cleaning paper money before

14、people 6 it.Health workers are now going from home to home in Wuhan to try to find every 7 person whos gotten the disease.Chinas 300 million 8 have been forced to stay at home for weeks. Schools and daycares 9 the country have been closed because of the disease. In most areas, children arent allowed

15、 to go out to play.COVID-19 is a serious disease that health experts are still struggling to understand. But because the disease spreads so easily, its still having a hugeeffecton China and a growing effect 10 the rest of the world.参考答案:1、 As 2、is 3、taken 4、least 5、turning 6、reuse 7、single 8、 children


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