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1、分类号:单位代码:10727密级:学号:2011217西安体育学院体育硕士 学位论文河南省高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养研究The students take part in Competitive Aerobics Competitionon the Cultivation of Colleges and Universities in HenanProvince学位申请人:杨丹指导教师:白 跃 世(教授)专业领域:推 荐 人:体 育 教 学申请人单位:推荐 人:西 安 体 育 学 院论文提交日期:2013 年 3 月学位授予单位:西 安 体 育 学 院2013 年 3 月学位论文独创性声


3、、传播学位论文的全部或部分内容。论文作者:日期:导师:日期河南省高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养研究摘要自健美操运动在我国高校广泛开展以来,深受大学生的喜爱,许多学校无论是体育专业还是公共体育部都开设了健美操选修课,健美操现已成为大学体育教学的主要内容,是高校体育专业 6 大主干课程中的体操类课程内容之一。虽然竞技健美操在我国起步相对较晚,一批以大学生为主的中国竞技健美操队经过十多年的努力在世界比赛当中取得了一席之地。高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养过程是一种有组织的教育活动,把培养模式作为一个完整的系统加以分析,厘清系统内各基本要素并对其进行分析,是竞技健美操运动培养模式不断完善的重要前提。

4、高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养模式包括培养目标、培养途径、质量评价几个构成要素,这些要素在运行过程中相互影响、彼此制约。本文运用文献研究法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法对河南省 10 所每年参加竞技健美操比赛的高校大学生的培养进行了研究,研究发现在河南省 10 所高校竞技健美操队当中,从未制定过参加竞技健美操比赛学生培养目标的有 1 所学校,占被调查学校的 10%;在赛前临时制定运动员培养目标的有 6 所学校,占被调查学校的 60%;对参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养设置完善的培养目标的学校仅有 3 所,占被调查学校的 30%;运动员文化课学习不受重视,存在运动员可以以训练和比赛


6、需求,具体可表述为:培养适应体育发展的需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有科学理论和运动训练实践经验、学术和技术发展潜力大,能够胜任各类学校和体育部门及其它企事业单位岗位任职需要的学生运动员;在培养途径方面,提出应丰富训练方法和内容,以运动竞赛促使运动技术、战术和体能训练的I河南省高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养研究不断更新;在质量评价方面,提出应校内与校外相结合,建立综合评价体系。关键词: 河南省高校;竞技健美操;比赛;学生;培养;论文类型:应用型II河南省高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养研究AbstractSince an aerobics in colleges and universit

7、ies in our country extensively ,ispopular with college students ,many schools both in professional sports and publicsports opened aerobics elective course ,aerobics has become the main content ofcollege physical education teaching ,is the university sports professional one of sixbig backbone course

8、in the gymnastics class curriculum content .Althoughcompetitive aerobics in China started relatively late ,a group of predominantly collegestudents after ten years of effort in Chinas competitive aerobics team achieved aplace among the world game.Competitive aerobics athletes training process is a k

9、ind of organized education and training mode as a complete system analysis, to clarify the system each essential factorand carries on the analysis of movement of competitive aerobics training mode is the important premise of constantly improve. Competitive aerobics athletes in colleges and universit

10、ies including training objectives, training methods, training mode of qualityevaluation of several elements, these elements interact with each other, each other restriction in operation process.This paper USES literature research, expert interview method, questionnaire survey and mathematical statis

11、tics research methods such as training of aerobics athletes of 10colleges and universities of henan province were studied, the research found ten colleges in henan province of competitive aerobics team, never to develop competitive aerobics athletes training goal 1 school, accounted for 10% of surve

12、yed schools; Temporary before the game for athletes training goal of six schools, accounted for 60% of surveyed schools; Of competitive aerobics athletes the training objectives of the trainingset only three of the schools, accounted for 30% of surveyed schools; There academicathletes, athletes in t

13、raining and competition as an excuse to not go to class at random,in the learning and evaluation, there are some schools in the form of reduction creditsas the big game to get good rankings reward; Therefore, the cultivation of competitive aerobics athletes in colleges and universities in henan province there are fundamental problems, no training goal, the cultivation of the athlete has lost direction, training plIII河南省高校参加竞技健美操比赛学生的培养研究an is not set, athletes training will be lost. In respect of ways for the cultivation of theathlete, the selection of compet


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