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1、低分子有机酸对茄子生长发育及产量的影响学生姓名:郭劲松导师姓名:徐福利摘学科专业:生态学研究方向:植物营养要有机酸钾肥作为一种新型的有机钾肥,在补充作物钾素营养,提高作物产量,改善农作物品质方面有着明显的效果,作为其生理活性物质之一的有机酸对作物的影响机理复杂。本文采用盆栽试验,以植物营养理论为科学依据,在水分充足的条件下,通过叶面喷施地途径研究了低分子有机酸对茄子生长与发育过程中不同生理指标的影响, 研究、评价促进茄子生长发育的有机酸种类。为有机酸钾的作用机理提供了理论基础,同时为新型有机酸钾肥推荐了合适的有机酸原料。本文主要研究结果如下:1.低分子有机酸对作物生长具有调节作用。在茄子生长发

2、育过程中,不同有机酸处理对茄子的株高、叶面积、茄径、产量、气孔导度、生物量以及抗逆生理指标MDA含量,保护酶SOD、POD、CAT活性产生不同的影响。2.低分子有机酸中,因其分子结构以及主要官能团的差异,不同有机酸处理对茄子生长发育过程中不同的生理指标影响不同。其中,只含有单羧基的乙酸和丙酸对茄子各项指标影响不显著,而双羧基的草酸能显著降低 MDA 含量,提高POD 活性,提高了茄子的抗逆性。含有三羧基和一个羟基的柠檬酸对茄子株高、产量以及气孔导度产生显著影响。在多官能团羰基、a-氢以及羧基的作用下,乙酰丙酸能显著提高株高、叶面积、气孔导度和茄径,极显著提高了产量和 CAT的活性。3.综合各有

3、机酸对茄子不同指标的影响能力大小,以及依据对主要指标茄子产量影响,本文推荐乙酰丙酸、柠檬酸和甲酸可作为新型有机酸钾肥的原辅料。关键词:有机酸 、有机酸钾、茄子、产量The effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids on Eggplant Growthand yieldABSTRACTStudent:Guo JinSongMajor:EcologySupervisors:Xu FuLiResearch field:Plant nutritionAs a new kind of organic potassium fertilizer, The or

4、ganic acid potassium fertilizerhas the remarkable effect on the aspect of the supplement of the crops potassiumnutrition, the increase of the crops yield, and the improvement of the crops quality. Asone of the biological activity matters of the organic potassium fertilizer,the organic acidhas a comp

5、licatedinfluence mechanism to the crops. On the basis of full supply ofwater and the plant nutrition theory, this article used the pot experiment, , studied theeffects oftheLow-molecular-weight organic acid on different physiologicalindicators of the eggplant growth process by means of sparying the

6、organic potassiumfertilizer on leafand evaluated which organic acid types to promote eggplant growth inorder to provide theoriesfor the mechanism of the organic acid potassium fertilizer ,andrecommend the suitable organic acid raw materials ofthe new organic acidpotassium fertilizer. This main resul

7、ts are as follows:1.Thelow-molecular-weight organic acid showed the adjustment effect on thegrowth of eggplant. In the growth process of eggplant, the different organic acid treatmentshad different adjustment effects onthe leaf area, the eggplant diameter、the yield、thebiomass、stomatal conductivity、

8、as well as physiological indictors of resistance ,such asMDA content, SOD, POD,the CAT activeness2.Because of different molecular structure and main functional groups, differentlow-molecular-weight organic acid treatments had different effects on the physiologicalindicatorsin theprocess of eggplant

9、growth among theLow-molecular-weightorganic acids.The ethanoic acid and the propionic acid ,including the single carboxylgroup didnt have a remarkable effect on each indicator of the eggplant growth., oxalicacid, including double carboxyl group ,couldremarkably reduce the MDA content,enhance the POD

10、 activeness, enhance the eggplant resistance. Citric acid, including threecarboxyl group and one hydroxyl ,remarkably influenced, the height ,the yeild andthe ,stomatal conductivity of eggplants. With the compounded effects ofthe multi-functional groups carbonyl, the a-hydrogen and the carboxyl grou

11、p function, the levulinicacid remarkably enhanced the height, the leaf area, the ,stomatal conductivity and theeggplant diameter, and extremely remarkably enhanced the output and CAT activeness.3. Based on the intensity of effects of different organic acid on indicators of eggplantgrowth, including

12、the yield, the article recommends the levulinic acid, the citric acid andthe formic acid would be used as raw materials of the new organic acid potassiumfertilizer.Key word: Organic acid, organic acid potassium, eggplant, yield致谢本论文的研究工作是在尊敬的导师徐福利研究员的精心指导下完成的。从论文的选题、方案的设计、到数据的处理与分析无不倾注了徐老师巨大的心血。3 年转

13、眼即逝,这几年我所取得的点滴成绩离不开导师的精心培育。在此我向尊敬的导师致以衷心的感谢!徐福利导师对论文实施进程的缜密安排和指导使论文得以顺利完成。从田间地头到实验室的具体操作,从数据处理到结果分析,从学术论文的撰写到论文发表,都浸透着徐老师的汗水。徐老师脚踏实地、认真负责的工作精神和对科研工作的高度投入极大地影响着我。在毕业论文的撰写中,每一次论文修改无不表达着徐老师的谆谆教导,他对试验的独到见解时时丰跃着我的思维。这些都为我今后的科研工作打下了坚实的基础,并激励我在今后的科研工作上奋发向上,不断进取,提高自我。在我 3 年的学习工作中,王渭玲老师无论从资料的借阅,试验的指导,还是在日常的生

14、活中,都给予了诸多帮助,在此表示由衷的感谢。在试验研究过程中,得到了本所谢永生等老师的热情指导和建议; 陕西巨川富万家钾肥研究所李军林副所长对我的研究给予了许多帮助;在试验的测定中,得到了师弟马涛、王振;师妹徐铭的热情帮助,以及步秀芹、杨慎骄、王明明、张振国、赵勇钢、谭红潮等同学的支持和帮助。在论文完成之际,作者谨向以上老师、师兄妹、同学和朋友等的鼎力支持和帮助,以及所有关心过本项研究的先生和女士们,还有一直默默支持我学业的家人表示诚挚的谢意,并向参加论文评阅和答辩工作的各位先生顺致谢忱!郭劲松2007 年 5 月 25 日第一章 文献综述1第一章文献综述低分子量有机酸(Low-molecular-weight organic acids,简称LOAs)是指分子量小于500的含羧基(-COOH)的有机化合物1。如:乳酸、乙酸、草酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸、丁酸、5-氨基已酰丙酸、乙酰丙酸等。这类含羧基化合物在植物体内和土壤中广泛存在。现已检测出植物体内的LOAs种类很多,有苹果酸、乙酸、乙酰丙酸、柠檬酸、丙酮酸、谷氨酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、丙二酸、乙醇酸、羟基苯乙酸等;同时广泛存在于土壤中主要的LOAs有柠檬酸、草酸、苹果酸、酒石酸、乙酸、水杨酸、五倍子酸、苯甲酸、香草酸、乳酸等2,3,4,5,6,7



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