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1、题 目 广东省高尔夫现状及其 未来发展方式 中文摘要自1985年国家体委发出“率先在北京、大连和广东三个地区开展高尔夫运动”的通知后,高尔夫俱乐部在我国的沿海经济发达地区迅速增加,特别是广东省,在短短十几年兴建了80多个球场(截至2011年12月),占全国现有球场中的三成左右,近几年的高尔夫产业更是呈现出新一轮热潮,2002年10月,深圳龙岗出现了我国第一个由政府投资的高尔夫公众球场,可以说是政策上对高尔夫运动发展持肯定态度的一个表现,但此举也引起了社会和有关方面的广泛关注,并引发社会上关于“现阶段是否应该发展高尔夫”的争论。一方面,持肯定态度的人们认为高尔夫的发展有利于体育经济及其相关产业的


3、一步了解分析高尔夫俱乐部在广东的市场环境和市场潜力,以及其现状、发展趋势并探讨其发展对策。调查结果表明,发展高尔夫经济有利于我国体育经济发展,高尔夫作为一种有效的健身方式和高尚的社交方式,其普及有助提升国民生活素质,同时也是我国扩大内需,刺激消费的需要,符合社会发展的要求,另外,发展高尔夫项目有助于完善招商引资的环境配套。笔者认为,对高尔夫运动的发展政府应该加以扶持而不应过分限制。关键词 :高尔夫球,市场环境,发展趋势AbstractSince 1985, a state physical culture took the lead in the Beijing, dalian and gua

4、ngdong three areas to develop golf Notice, golf club in Chinas coastal economic developed area in the rapid increase, especially guangdong province, in just ten More than 80 years to build the stadium (December 2011), accounts for the existing thirty percent of the stadium, the high in recent years

5、Captains of industry, is present a new upsurge, in October 2002, shenzhen longgang appeared Chinas first cast by the government The golf course in public, it is the policy of golf development held a positive attitude of a performance, but this For also caused social and related aspects of the extens

6、ive concern, and cause the society at present about whether should develop gore The argument of Cardiff. On the one hand, the positive development of the people think that golf sports economy and its related to production The development of the industry, to the implementation of the national fitness

7、. On the other hand, the opposition is think golf covers an area of too big, greatly Taking up space resources; Stadium of herbicides with caused by environmental pollution; And say the noble movement easy to AIDS Born on corruption, etc. Until now, the advantages and disadvantages of golf developme

8、nt has not yet been determined. Therefore, the author proposed by the guangzhou city, guangdong province and its surrounding areas are typical of the golf club Check, including the number of the stadium, business nature, investment scale, the area, the types and the land policy operation Features an

9、d operation mechanism, and operators to their business prospects and at present the enterprise are stages of development of judgment and the frankincense The music in the business process to improve the competitiveness of the as well as the strategies widely visit survey; In addition, Will pitch pro

10、perties, price, and service and in the movement of the cost of the questionnaire survey to member of the club. Hope that through the reality in the investigation of, can further understanding analyzes golf club in guangdong market environment and the market Potential, and the current situation, deve

11、lopment trend and discuss the development countermeasures. The survey shows that development economic good golf In our country sports economic development, golf, as an effective way of fitness and the noble social way, its popularity will help Improve the citizens life quality, as China is expanding

12、 domestic demand, stimulate consumption needs, meet the demand of social development, In addition, the development of golf program helps improve the environment of investment promotion and capital introduction complete set. The author thinks that, to the hair of golf Show the government should be su

13、pport and should not be too limited.Key words : golf,marketing environment,development tendency 目 录摘要 前言 1.研究对象和方法2.高尔夫定义以及我国高尔夫起源与发展 2.1 高尔夫定义2.2 我国高尔夫起源2.3我国高尔夫整体发展3.广东省高尔夫发展现状 3.1 全国和广东省高尔夫球场分布及数量统计 3.2 广东省高尔夫球场分类 3.2.1 依据广东省高球场经营性质分类 3.2.2 俱乐部用地类型 3.2.3 俱乐部用地审批 3.3 高尔夫球场建造的相关土地政策 3.3.1 我国历年高尔夫球场

14、建造政策4.广东省高尔夫未来发展趋势5.结论与建议 5.1 总结 5.2 建议参考文献附件 致谢 前言近年来,随着我国社会经济体制改革的深入进行,体育也逐步成为一个产业面向社会,体育产业化成为体育发展的总体趋势。国家提出“进一步改革体育管理体制,有条件的运动项目要实行协会制和俱乐部制,形成国家社会共同兴办体育事业的局面,走社会化、产业化道路”的指导思想,给一部分有现实市场需求的运动项目提供了走产业化道路的良机,高尔夫运动就是其中之一。自1984年,在广东中山市兴建了全国第一个经营型的高尔夫俱乐部以来,高尔夫产业在广东乃至全国的发展逐步趋向成熟。但一直以来,高尔夫在中国发展的道路较为坎坷,直到目

15、前体育理论界在其发展的问题上也还存在很多争议,作为经济水平和体育产业发展都领先的广东省,在目前全省总体已经实现小康,并且其经济能力已经达到富裕水平,人们追求生活高质量化,体育消费大大提高的情况下,按照“区域性发展战略”去思考,是否具备发展高尔夫产业的条件,或是将会发展如何,本文主要运用已有的相关理论和市场调研做了如下分析。1研究对象与方法:研究对象:据1872高尔夫俱乐部网站统计,截止到现在 广东已经有84家正规标准高尔夫球场,其主要城市有广州市、深圳市、中山市、惠州市、东莞市、珠海市和佛山市。按照这次普查制定的标准,标准的高尔夫运动场是指:供高尔夫运动训练比赛等使用的、有9个以上包括9个球洞的室外高尔夫运动场,高尔夫运动场附近的练习场不单独统计为一个高尔夫运动场。非标准的高尔夫运动场是指:按照国家规定,未达到标准体育场地要求,但又可供长期开展体育活动健身使用,较为固定的室内外体育场地,这儿主要是指9个以下球洞高尔夫运动场和高尔夫练习场。研究方法:文献资料参考:通过查阅相关高尔夫运动方面的相关学术论文和政策法则,全面了解高尔夫



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