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1、河北大学硕士学位论文摘要摘要随着社会经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们的环境保护意识也在逐渐的增强,环境保护已成为 21世纪人们最为关心的问题之一。如何协调环境与经济的发展,建立人与自然之间的和谐,也成为世界各国越发关心的问题。从我国目前的情况来看,现有的环境保护机制并不能起到应有的保护作用,破坏环境事件屡屡发生,亟需建立一些能够更好更有效的保护公共环境的制度。环境公益诉讼制度以其保护社会公共环境利益的根本目的和最大限度的调动人们参与环境保护经济性的功能而成为人们的手选。建立环境公益诉讼制度,不仅是构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必要保障,也是我国环境保护制度中不可或缺的一环,还是我国民主政



4、制度的建立提出自己的构想,并通过立法方式对环境公益诉讼制度予以确立。具体制度方面包括(1)明确原告资格,赋予公民社会团体和国家有关机关在公益诉讼中的原告资格。(2)扩大环境公益诉讼的范围。(3)环境公益诉讼的保障措施,主要是对诉讼费用进行减免和相应的激励措施等方式对环境公益诉讼制度予以保障.这是本文的重点,也是本文的创新点。关键词环境公益诉讼制度构想II河北大学硕士学位论文摘要AbstractWith the development of economy and the improvement of peoples standard of living,peoples environmenta

5、l protection consciousness also increase gradually, the environmentalprotection problem has become one of the problems most concern in 21st century. How toharmony the environment and the development of economy, establish the diapason of thepeople and nature, also becoming an international community

6、more and more concerningproblem. Seeing from the current circumstance in our country, current environmentalprotection mechanism cant reach to the protection function, the event that destroy theenvironment took place repeatedly, some more effective system to protect the environmentmust be set up imme

7、diately. The environmental public interest litigation takes the protectionof the public environment as its ultimate goal; the environment public interest litigation candeploy the peoples positive to participate the protection of the environment mostly. Therefore,the environment public interest litig

8、ation becomes the best choice to protect the environment.Establish the environment public interest litigation system, not only the necessary guaranteefor the establishment of the social that economy in resource and friendly in environment, butalso the necessary part of the environment protect system

9、 of our country. It is the embodimentof the development of the democracy in our country, too. This text joins together the currentcircumstance of our country, absorbing the advanced experience of the abroad, provided someviewpoint of establishing the environment public interest litigation in our cou

10、ntry. textincludes the preface and conclusion and other four parts totally.The first section summarizes the environmental public interest action, aim to definite theconception and characteristic of it, and know about the differences between public interestaction and our country representative lawsui

11、t system.The section introduction of the relevant lawmaking and the practice in environmentalpublic interest litigation abroad. Introduced the United State citizen litigation in theenvironmental law system primarily.It is belong to the environmental public interestIII河北大学硕士学位论文摘要litigation. On the s

12、uit qualifications of the citizen litigation, change from the original“juridical right” to “injury physically” principle in the United States, this make somelimitation such as the notify in advance. At the same time, this text introduced theenvironmental public interest litigation in Japan, in Briti

13、sh, in France and in Germany.Compared these countries environmental public interest litigation, provided some valuableexperience in the establishing of the environmental public interest litigation system in ourcountry.The third section is the necessity and possibility to set up the environmental pub

14、licinterest litigation system in our country, and some concrete ideas of the writer. Our countriescurrent condition of the environmental protection isnt optimism. Because in our country andthe lack of litigation system in the environmental public interest litigation etc., call on theestablishing for the environmental public interest litigation. The citizen environmentalprotection of our country increased, the concerning of the environme



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