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1、外刊阅读被虚假信息包围的世界,如何独善其身在我们日益支离破碎的媒体环境中,从虚构的事实中筛选事实,似乎是一件令人困惑的事情。但我们本可以选择不屈于这样的事实。What is misinformation vs. disinformation?Misinformation is information that is misleading or wrong, but not intentionally. It includes everything from afactoidyour friend reposted on Facebook toassertionsmade by official

2、s or, yes, even journalists.虚假信息VS误导信息是什么?虚假信息是指让人产生错误观念或错误的信息,但不是故意的。从你朋友在脸书上转发的虚假信息到官方(是的,甚至是记者)的断言都包括在内。Disinformation is more deliberate and is distributed with the intent to confuse, disturb, or provoke.It also includes plausible information shared through devious means, such as a fake Twitter

3、account; doneen masse, this can create askewedimpression of popular opinion.A particularly deceptive form of disinformation are “deepfake” videos, with imperceptible alterations in the footage making it appear that someone said or did something that he or she never said or did.误导信息更多是故意的,以混淆视听、干扰大众或

4、挑起事端为目的而散布的信息。它还包括通过诸如虚假的推特账号等不靠谱的手段分享似是而非的信息;如果都这么做的话,会给公众舆论造成歪曲的印象。一种特别具有欺骗性的误导信息形式是“深度伪造”视频,通过对视频中的片段进行不易察觉的篡改,让人觉得某人说了或做了他/她从未说过或做过的事情。How can I fact-check a particular claim?Fact-checking sites arecropping upall over the internet to help you do just this. Duke Universitys Reporters Lab, run by

5、the creator of PolitiFact, has compiled a list of such sites. Their database includes more than 237 fact-checkers in nearly 80 countries a 26% increase in less than a year. Some of these specialize in exposing online hoaxes and disinformation.我怎样才能对某一特定的说法进行核查?互联网上出现了很多事实调查网站,它们可以帮你做到这一点。“普利提事实”创始人管

6、理的杜克大学记者实验室已经编列出了这样一个网站列表。他们的数据库包括来自近80个国家,超过237名的事实核查人员不到一年内增加了26%。其中一些人专门揭露网络骗局和误导信息。You can go directly to one of these sites and search for the claim youre researching, or type the claim into Google along with the name of a recommended site, to see if any of them have looked into it. If you dont

7、 see the claim youre researching on your preferred fact-checking site, look for a place to submit a claim for investigation, such as these pages on PolitiFact and Snopes.你可以直接访问其中一个站点并搜索你正在研究的说法,或者将说法与推荐站点的名称一起输入到谷歌中,以查看是否有站点已经对其进行了调查。如果在优先推荐的事实核查站点上没有看到你正在调查的说法,请在例如普利提事实和斯诺普斯的页面上,找到提交说法申请进行调查的入口。If

8、 its a photo youre trying to verify, a reverse image search on Google can help topinpointits origin. Sometimes photos are reposted out of context, or with falsecaptionsabout the year, place, and event at which they were taken.如果你想要验证一张照片的真伪,在谷歌上进行反向图像搜索可以帮助你确定它的来源。有时,照片被转贴时,会出现断章取义的情况,或者给照片附上虚假的拍摄年份

9、、地点和事件。本文节选自:The Christian Science Monitor(基督教科学箴言报)发布时间:2020.04.30原文标题:Disinformation is everywhere. Heres how to spot it.1.factoid英 fktd 美 fktdn 仿真陈述(仅因出现在出版物上而被信以为真)adj 虚构的;似是而非的2.assertion英 srn 美 srnn.断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持;认定 3.skewed英 skjud 美 skjudadj.歪斜的;曲解的4.pinpoint英 pnpnt 美 pnpntvt.查明;精确地找到;准确描述ad

10、j.精确的;详尽的n.针尖;精确位置;极小之物 5.caption英 kpn 美 kpnn.标题;字幕;说明;逮捕vt.加上说明;加上标题词组搭配1.en masse (法)全体地;一同地2.crop up 突然出现、出其不意写作句总结Some of these specialize in exposing online hoaxes and disinformation.结构: Some of these specialize in .其中有些是专门例句: Some of these specialize in using for isolation at a particular time.


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