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1、2011年中考英语模拟试卷 (满分:120分 时间:100分钟)听力部分(25分)II笔试部分(95分)四、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16.The underlined part in the word clothes is pronounced as . A./zis/ B./sis/ C./s/ D./z/17. This kind of cloth _ soft, so we should buy it.A. feel B. feels C. is felt D. is feel18. Dont forget to f

2、eed my dog when Im away, _ _? A.will you B. Would you C. Do you D. Dont you19. I wont take part in Miss Lis party _ she invites me. A .but B. unless C. if D. since20.There _ great changes in Jing Jiang since 1992. A. were B. have been C. has been D. was21. Four hundred dollars for a pair of shoes ,

3、you _ be joking! A. may B. can C. need D. must22. Look at the girl! Is it Susan? No, it _ be her. She has gone back to Shanghai. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wouldnt23.-There many birds in the forest. Where are they now? - Most trees have been cut down. We should try more. A. used to be; to plant

4、B. were used to be; planting C. used to be; planting D. are used to be; to plant24.Excuse me, but may I ask you _? A. what business are you in B. what business youre in C. in what business are you D. are you in what business25.I prefer not to eat too much food _ is fried, like French fries. A. that

5、B. what C. it D. 不填26.You cant wake a person is pretending to be sleep. A.he B. Whom C. Which D. Who 27.Dont be late again, Mike. _.A. No, I dont B. Dont worry C. Sorry, I wont D. I dont know28. Look, Tina is waiting _ the bus stop.A. for B. at C. in D. to29. I asked Danny to me my book, but he brou

6、ght me his book. A. fetch B. take C. carry D. buy30. -Im afraid Ive broken the chair. -_,I can easily get it fixed. A. No way B. Excuse me C. Never mind D. Go ahead五、完形填空 (共15小题,计15分) The little boy entered the house, unhappy. His mother was 31 cakes in the kitchen. She smiled as she 32 but stopped

7、when she saw his face. “Tyler, 33 happened? Is everything okay?”“Nothing is okay, mom.” said the boy, “Today, in our science lesson, Mrs. Green was talking about the 34 .She said that the whole world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we

8、 can do to help. I thought all the way, but there is 35 I can do to make a difference.”“Let me tell you 36 .” the mother said after thinking for a while. “One morning a man was walking down a beach, there he saw thousands of dying starfish covering the beach, they were pushed up by the 37 , and it w

9、as too far up for them to make their way back by 38 . The man shook his head as he walked along, What a pity! So many starfish will die on the beach. The man felt very sorry 39 those starfish. He went on walking and just at that time he was 40 to find a boy in front who was throwing the starfish bac

10、k into the sea as 41 as he could, how silly you are! My 42 , the man said, There are so many starfish, can you throw all of them back? The boy didnt stop but kept throwing, 43 I cant help them all I can make a difference to this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.”“Thinking for a moment,

11、the man 44 to help return the starfish to their home. He smiled and said to himself, Sometimes the biggest lesson in life comes from the 45 person. 31. A. drinking B. making C. selling D. washing 32. A. turned around B. turned down C. turned on D. turned off 33. A. what B. when C. where D. why 34. A

12、. air B. land C. water D. environment 35. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 36. A. a lie B. a joke C. a story D. a truth 37. A. wind B. rain C. waves D. sands 38. A. himself B. itself C. ourselves D. themselves 39. A of B. for C. from D. forward 40. A. afraid B. surprised C. sad D. angry 41. A. slow B. fast C. soon D. high 42. A. father B. mother C. son D. daughter 43. A. Or B. So C. Because D. Though 44. A. began B. continued C. forgot D. wa


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