四年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1(1)教学案 外研版(通用)

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1、(外研版)四年级英语下册教学案Module 6 MusicUnit 1 This girl is good.一、学习目标:1. 语言技能目标 词汇: good、better、bad、worse.句型学习: I think this girl is better than the first girl. Tom is worse than the girls.句型结构:形容词比较级+than.2. 运用能力目标能运用“better(worse) than ” 对事物进行比较。能运用“I think”来对事件发表评论意见。能运用“Do you agree?” 来征求对方的意见并能用“Yes, I

2、agree. / No, I dont.”回答。3. 情感目标增加人与人之间的沟通和了解,让学生学会赞扬和鼓励别人,并进行评价和比较。二、预习学案1. good、bad的比较级。2. 用think造句。三、导学案热身复习:bigger, smaller; fatter, thinner; taller, shorter; longer, shorter; older, younger; stronger, S: The apple is bigger than the pear.S: The pear is smaller than the apple.自主学习:1. 听本课录音2遍,寻找课文

3、中的生词。voice, think, better, agree, worse, quiet.2. 再次听录音,将不明白的句子用 划出来。3. 自读课文,将课文中出现的形容词及其比较级标出,抄写在随堂记录本上。合作交流:1. 小组内讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题,然后全班交流,教师评析。2. 小组内分角色朗读课文,之后互换角色朗读。3. 句子大比拼,用课文中的生词造句。4. 课本剧表演。四、课堂检测(火眼金睛)Good worse better(2) think This girl is_. I _ this girl is_than the first girl. This boy is _t

4、han the girls. Tom is _ than the girls. 五、课后作业1. 预习Module 6 Unit 2.2. 完成调查表。(示例表格)SubjectGoodBetterBadWorseChineseMathsEnglishMusic请学生根据个人情况填写,然后四人一组相互问答。六、板书设计Module 6 MusicUnit 1 This girl is good.This girl is good.I think this girl is better than the first girl.This boy is better than the girls.Tom is worse than the girls.七、教后反思


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