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1、完形填空训练 第31页,共 31页初中英语完形填空专项训练(1)Bertha Ingram had been collecting them for more than 40 years. Every once in a while she would bring home a new book. Shed sit with it on her leg, looking at the meaningless black marks without moving the eyes and cry.She was not stupid. She simply had not had the 1 t

2、o learn to read. Her parents were sharecroppers in Florida in the 1920s. Sharecroppers did not own the 2 they farmed. Instead, they gave a part of their crops(plants grown on farms for food)to the owner. It was quite a hard way to 3 , and both of Berthas parents worked hard in the fields. Often Bert

3、ha had to leave school to help. Before she was a teenager, Berthas schooling was 4 .Bertha Ingram didnt learn to read 5 her early married life, either. She wanted to, but she was always too busy. She worked all day.Bertha Ingrams mind was sharp(敏锐地). As a housekeeper for other people, she had to mem

4、orize telephone messages. She became a good cook too, but she had to 6 everything she did because there was no cookbook she could read, and she couldnt write down what she had done.In 1978 Bertha Ingram became very ill with a stroke(中风). This illness 7 her to lose the use of one arm and both legs. I

5、t also weakened her ability to speak. 8 she began to get better, she had a 9 thought for the first time in her life. Because she couldnt work, she had the time to learn to read.In her town there was a special program that taught adults to read, but Bertha Ingram was quite nervous. Would people laugh

6、 at her? Would they 10 to teach her? It didnt happen that way. She had a teacher who worked very hard with her. After the first day Ingram could 11 wait to get to the library.As she learned to read, Ingram got more and more confidence(信心)in herself. She became a reader at religious(宗教的)services, joi

7、ned neighborhood groups, and 12 at meetings in city hall. Finally she wrote a book telling about her life. At age 63, Bertha Ingram proved that learning never comes too late.1AchanceBreasonCideaDchoice2AgroundBlandCfarmDgarden3Amake moneyBearn their livingCturn overDget them in4AdroppedBonCoverDneed

8、ed5AforBuntilCfromDduring6ArememberBwriteCknowDtell7AbroughtBcausedCmadeDasked8AIfBBeforeCAsDTill9AfairBrightCmagicDwonderful10AlikeBrefuseCagreeDstop11AhardlyBneverCjustDonly12AarrivedBrestedCappearedDlooked(2)Elizabeth Swan looked at the long line of passengers at the check desk. She quickly looke

9、d through the small red travel bag that was on the seat 1 her. Had she forgotten anything? Ticket, passport, camera, pens and paper, 2 she needed was there. So she took her suitcase, typewriter, and travel bag, and 3 in line. Everyone there was talking about this tour overseas.Most of the passengers

10、 on the flight were reporters. They were all going to special 4 Elizabeth was glad that her newspaper had chosen her to 5 on it.Im looking forward to seeing them, arent you? another reporter asked her. He was good-looking, he smiled. Youre sure everyone is 6 to see them. she answered.Will you be sta

11、ying long? he asked.Only until they arrive. Ill write my story and probably return the next day, Elizabeth looked at the front 7 stories in the newspaper he was holding, Im glad to see were preparing the public for them, she thought.The line 8 moving. Finally Elizabeth was standing in front of a cle

12、rk at the desk. She gave him her ticket, and he checked it. Another clerk took her suitcase.Would you mind if I sat next to you? the good-looking reporter asked.“Not at all, Elizabeth said. I wouldnt mind 9 someone to talk to.The two of them walked to the plane together. Before entering the plane, s

13、he looked up at the sky. It was 10 and blue. What a beautiful day to fly, she thought. I hope its like this tomorrow.1AbelowBnextCbesideDunder2AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDanything3AarrangedBgotCputDtook4AmatterBeventCaccidentDhappenings5AtalkBresearchCdescribeDreport6AexpectingBbelievingCworryingD

14、thinking7ApartBpieceCpageDpaper8AstoppedBendedCcontinuedDkept9AfindingBhavingClooking forDasking10AcleanBcloudyCclearDsunny(3)Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was 1 to learn more about wolves. Do wolves kill lots of caribou(驯鹿)? Do they kill people? They gave him lots of food a

15、nd clothes and guns.Then they put him on a plane and took him to 2 . The plane put him down and went away. There were no houses or people in this place. But there were lots of animals and lots of wolves. People tell terrible stories about wolves. They say wolves like to kill and eat people. Farley remembered these stories, and he was 3 . He had his gun with him 4 .Then one day, he saw a group


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