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1、五年级朗文英语Chapter 3-4 单元测试卷听力部分 ( 30分 )一,听音素,选出所含有的单词,将编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(4分)( ) 1 A beef B bread C cereal( ) 2 A plenty B waste C fiahball( ) 3 A same B enough C balanced ( ) 4 A buffet B sausage C spaghetti二,选出你听到的句子,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分)( )1 A There is a little water in the glass. B There is a little

2、milk in the glass. C Is there a little milk in the glass ?( )2 A Ken has more grapes than Lily . B Lily has more grapes than Ken . C Kate eats more grapes than Lily .( )3 A You shouldnt eat too many noodles . BYou shouldnt eat too many fishballs . C You shouldnt eat too much ice cream .( )4 A Its OK

3、 to drink some yoghurt. B Its OK to eat a few crackers and some yoghurt. C Its OK to do more exercises in the morning .( )5 A I want to be fit so I go on a diet . B Im fat so I will go on a diet. C We should have a very balanced diet .三,听问句选答句,听答句选问句,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分)( ) 1 A Would you like some

4、 snacks ? . B Do you want any snacks? C What would you like ?( ) 2 A Fine ,tyanks . B Good . C All right .( ) 3 A Its five . B Its five yuan . C Its over there .( ) 4 A Im having a few peas . B I had a few peas . C I have had a few peas .( ) 5 A Yes , hes gone there . B No , he didnt . C Yes , twice

5、 . 四,听对话和问题,选出正确答案,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分)( )1 A 5,00 a,m B 5,30 a,m C 6,30 a,m ( )2 A Ben B Ben s sister . C Ben s brother .( )3 A 14 B 22 C 6 ( )4 A Yes, he can . B No, he cant C Yes , he does .( )5 A Play table tennis . B Do his homework . C Help his mother .五,听短文,判断句子正误,对的写“T”错的写“F” ,念两遍。(5分)( )

6、1 When Jeff was young , he was fat and unhealthy .( ) 2 Jeffs friends suggested he go to work by car .( ) 3 Jeff bought a new bicycle from a market .( ) 4 Jeff would be healthy and strong again because he did exercises every day .( ) 5 Riding a bicycle can help people keep fit .六,听句子,将句中所缺单词补充完整,念两遍

7、。(6分)1 You should have eating habits .2 We should eat of fruit and vegetables .3 He had bread on Tuesday than on Monday .4 We have money to buy this good book .5 The doctor gave me some on eating .6 I find that some children are putting on . 笔试部分(70分)七,判断单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“Y” ,不同的写“N”。(5分)1 habit map

8、 ( ) 2 eat bread ( )3 little broccoli ( ) 4 stay pay ( ) 5 plenty vegetable ( )八,词汇: A 补全单词。(5分)1 p r mid金字塔 2 d t 饮食 3 n gh足够的 4 l tt ce 生菜 5 h thy 健康的B 词性转换(6分)1 little比较级 2 many比较级 3 heathy 副词 4 should 否定式 5 salty 名词 6 pay 过去式 C 选词填空。(5分) pay goodness bill wasted pocket Janets father looked at th

9、e and said , “ My ! You have a lot of food , Janet. Now we have to for it . No money for you this month .九,句型转换。(10分)1 Im having a few peas and some bread for lunch . 就画线部分提问 ?2 We will have lessons tomorrow (改否定句). 3 Eric is making the beds . (改一般疑问句) ?4 We are young boys . (改成单数形式) 5 Its time for

10、school . (改成同义句) 十,选择填空。(10分)( ) 1 _ you ever been to a palace , A. Has B. Did C Have D Would ( ) 2 You should have good _ habits . A. eat B. eats C. eating D eaten ( ) 3 Its healthy a lot of vegetables and fruit . A. eat B. to eat C. for eat D eating ( ) 4 Hurry up .There is time . A. few B. a few

11、C. little D a little ( ) 5 The sun is bigger than the moon . A some B many C much D most ( ) 6 Do you have fruit ? Yes , I do . A some B any C much D little ( ) 7 You shouldnt eat fishballs and chocolate . A too many too many B too much too much C too many too much D too much too many( ) 8 Look , th

12、ey are singing . A happy B unhappy C happily D happiness ( ) 9 Would you like some noodles ? A Never mind B Sorry C Yes ,please . D Oh , my god .( ) 10 I dont know this word , so I look it in a dictionary . A. at B. down C. up D after 十 , 选择正确的词语填在横线上。(10分)1 He could not stop ( eat / eating ), so he is fatter and fatte



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