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1、必修三 单词拼写练习第一组 unit 41. The _ look on her face suggested she was puzzling over the _ math problem.(puzzle)2. Hes likely _ (attend) the meeting.3. Youd better not shut the window _(violent).4. They were _ (阻止)from entering the burning building.5. _ is well-known, his songs are attractive.6. Large amou

2、nts of money _(be)spent on the bridge last year.7. A group of children were found _(play) on the playground.8. Her husband died, so she had to bring _ three young children on her own.9. They entered the area without _. (permit)10. the young man sought _ (speak) to her, but she walked away.第二组Unit 4

3、1. On December 28, 2014, the plane QZ8501 of Air Asia _(坠落)in the sea.2. The _(气氛)changed as he walked in. 3. The professor has brought in a good _(系统) of teaching languages from abroad. 4. She asked them not to discuss the matter in her _(在场) 5. He was very _(粗暴的)when he got drunk. 6. The medicine

4、is _(有害的) to children but does no harm to adults.7. _(like) his brother, he is talkative and has a sense of humour.8. Man cant live without water and _(氧). 9. She always speaks _(gentle) to the child.10. Now we still dont know whether life _(存在) on Mars.第三组 unit 51. The government has taken _(措施) to

5、 prevent the spread of AIDS.2. With the house _ (surround), the thief couldnt escape and was caught by the policemen.3. First _(混合) the butter and sugar together, then add the milk.4. The new teacher made a good _ (印象)on the students.5. It became fashionable for _ (wealth) families to send their tee

6、nage children to foreign countries.6. The _(恐怖) news made her awake all night long.7. There is just _(slight) too much salt in the soup.8. We are living in pleasant _(surround).9. The alients took me _(上船) the UFO so that they could do research on me.10.As far as Im concerned, a mans character can _

7、(衡量) by the types of his friends with whom he stays.第四组Unit 5 1. There are seven _(洲)in the world, of which Asia is the largest. 2. The house was _ (环绕)by high walls. 3. The town lies on the _(边界)between the US and Canada. 4. When are you going to marry and _(定居) down? 5. Vancouver is Canadas larges

8、t _(海港). 6. A straight line is the shortest _(距离) between two points.7. The patient is _ (稍微) better today. 8. The rural _(风景)was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.9. Go _(向东)to the end of the street and you will find the book.10. It is known to us all that China is a _(多文化的) countr

9、y. 必修四 单词拼写Unit1-unit 2 填空(共25个空,每空2分,满分50分)1. They _(表现)badly to me at the party, which made me very angry.2. However, the evening makes it all _(值得的).3. Earth Day was first _(庆祝) in the US in the spring of 1970.4. If you want to _(尊重), you must respect yourself first.5. _(激励)by his _(鼓舞人心的)words,

10、they went on climbing the snowy mountains.6. We are deeply grateful for your _(支持).7. Luckily, the bus was not so _(crowd)then.8. I like radio, television and other forms of _(entertain).9. These books are intended _ children only.10. Please give the matter your careful _(considerate).11. The _(dist

11、urb) news made us sad.12. The headmaster said that their laboratory was well _(equip).13. The girl decides to choose the _(occupy) of a secretary.14. My grandpa died of _(hungry) in the old days.15. Much to his _(satisfy), his boss accepted his request.16. The teacher was very _(satisfy) with my ans

12、wer and praised me for that.17. Youd better _(使摆脱)the bad habit of smoking, or it will do harm to your health.18. _(多亏)your help, much trouble was saved.19. He makes _ a rule never to borrow money.20. Much to my _(遗憾),I am unable to accept your invitation.21. Please _(集中) on your studies and not on

13、your hobbies.22. They have _(reduce) the prices in the shop, so its good time to buy.23. They asked me so many _ questions that I got _(confuse).答案:1. behaved 2. worthwhile3. observed4. be respected5. Inspired; inspiring6. support7. crowded8. entertainment9. for10. consideration11. disturbing12. equ

14、ipped13. occupation14. hunger15. satisfaction16. satisfied17. rid18. Thanks to19. it20. regret21. focus22. reduced23. confusing; confusedunit 3 1. The show was an _(astonish) performance that took place on the surface of the water in West Lake.2. The children loved _(slide) on the polished floor.3. The robots helped arouse students interest in English learning and build u


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