五年级英语下册 Unit 7 Chinese festivals(Sound time and Checkout time)第4课时导学案 (新版)牛津译林版

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《五年级英语下册 Unit 7 Chinese festivals(Sound time and Checkout time)第4课时导学案 (新版)牛津译林版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 Unit 7 Chinese festivals(Sound time and Checkout time)第4课时导学案 (新版)牛津译林版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Chinese festivalsSound time and Checkout time课题Unit 7 Chinese festivalsSound time and Checkout time课型新授型共 6课时第4 课时 总课时42学习目标1. 能正确朗读字母组合th在单词中的发音。2. 能了解万圣节的由来及庆祝方式。2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。重点难点1. 能正确朗读字母th在单词中的发音。2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。预习提纲学习过程Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Sound time1.T: Look, it

2、s a tree. Can you guess Whats in the tree?出示一张大树的图片Ss try to guess.S1.S2.T: There are some birds in the tree.出示鸟。T: How many birds are there? Lets count together.Ss :One ,twothirty-three.T: You are right. Follow me again: thirty-three.Ss: Thirty-three. T: Pay attention to the pronunciation of “th”.T

3、: What are the birds doing?Ss: They are singing.T: Yes. They are singing to mike. Because today is his birthday.引导学生说出单词birthday.Ss read “birthday” again. 2. Follow the tape3. Say the chant in pairs4. Sum up T: T: Look at these words: mouth, thank, thin, think. What does “th” pronounce?Ss try to rea

4、d and say.T: Can you give more words?教师将学生说的单词写在黑板上。6. I have some new words, try to read them.(PPT呈现新单词)Step 3 Culture time1.出示一个普通的南瓜。T: Its a pumpkin, right? Look, is it a pumpkin too? 出示南瓜灯Ss: No, its a pumpkin lantern.T: Great! What holiday is it ?Ss: Its Halloween.帮助学生回答,出示中文。T: Whens Hallowee

5、n? Who knows anything about the festival?可让了解的学生讲讲。教师给学生具体的讲一下万圣节。Step 4 Checkout time1. Ask and answerT: Look, here are four cards. First, lets read.Next, you try to ask some questions according to the card.We do it one by one.出示第一个图片,师问生答。Work in pairs.Have a check.T: Just now we learnt Halloween,

6、 can you make a card like these four?将一组学生制作的信息卡展示给学生们看,然后以相同的方式问一些问题进行拓展。2. Think and writeT: We know there are so many festivals. Which one do you like best? And tell us why.3分钟时间学生准备。出示think and write 信息表。T: You can say like this. Who wants to share?点名3、4个学生。抽取一名学生的festival 大家可齐读。组内说说。教师可介绍自己的最喜爱的节日。板书设计:二次修订课后反思


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