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1、金牌奥赛天天练小学英语三年级超级试卷(二十九)姓名 班级 第五十四天 完形填空 ()【知识备忘】A. 进一步了解有关短文的完形填空题型。B. 进一步掌握完形填空做题技巧。【能力聚焦】例1 阅读短文,选择正确的选项。 1 name is Jim I am 2 EnglishIm 3 student. I am l2. I 4 a sister 5 name is Kate. Shes a student, 6 . My father is 7 English teacher. My mother is 8 Chinese teacher. My sister and I 9 good stude

2、nts. We love(爱) 10 father( ) 1. A. IB. MyC. Me( ) 2. A. anB. aC.不填( ) 3. A. anB. aC.不填( ) 4. AamB. isC. have( ) 5. A. MyB. SheC. Her( ) 6. A. toB. tooC. two( ) 7. A. anB. aC. the( ) 8. A. anB. aC. the( ) 9. A. isB. amC. are( ) 10. A. weB. ourC. my解答 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B

3、题型透视 这道完形填空题涉及到代同、形容词、名词、动词、冠词等语法项目,考查这几种语法的运用能力。高分方略 首先通读全文了解到,这是Jim介绍他的家庭情况的一段,里面谈到了各个家庭成员,接着结合所给选项看具体空格,前后左右一齐开弓。1.空格后是名词name,所以选物主代词My。2.空格后只有一个形容词English,作“英国的”解释,所以选C,“不填”。3、8空格后是以辅音开头的单数名词,或辅音开头的形容词加单数名同,所以选冠词a。4.根据语意选实义动词have作“有”解释。5.根据上文一句,是讲“妹妹”所以暂定为“她”,再看空格后是名词name,所以确定为物主代词Her。6.表示“也”用“t

4、oo”,同音词要鉴别清楚。7.空格后为元音开头的形容词加单数名词,所以选an。9.根据主语My sister and I确定动词用复数are。10.根据主语we确定意义一致,再看空格后为名词,所以选物主代词our。例2 This is a picture 1 a schoolThe school 2 very big 3 clean This is our classroom. We 4 have lessons(上课)in it. 5 you see the big desk in the classroom? Thats our 6 deskShe 7 a very good teache

5、r. That 8 my seat(座位).Im 9 Row 10 . I like(喜欢)my class very much.( )1. A. inB. ofC. at( )2. A. amB. isC. are( )3. A. andB. butC. very( )4. A. canB. areC. do( )5. A. CanB. AreC. Is( )6. A. studentsB. classmatesC. teachers( )7. A. amB. isC. are( )8. A. amB. isC. are( )9. A. inB. onC. at( )10. A. TwoB.

6、 twoC. too解答 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7 .B 8. B 9.A 10. A题型透视 这道完形填空题涉及到介词、连词、动词、名词的所有格等语法项目,考查这些语法的运用能力。高分方略 首先通读全文了解到,这是一篇介绍班级的短文,文中谈到教室、讲台、座位等。接着结合所给选项,上下左右一齐开弓,即根据上下文语意联系、空格左右语法等方面的联系来确定正确的词形,选择正确的选项。1.根据句意应是“学校的图画”,介词of为“的”。2. 7、8主语都是单数school、she和that,所以都选is。3.空格前后都是形容词,且意义并列,所以选and。4、5空格后

7、面是行为动词have、see,所以选情态动词can。6.根据上下文语意判断,应是“老师的”,所以选teachers。9.为固定词组“在排”,用in。10为习惯表达:数字跟在名同后表示“第几”,名词和数词的第一个字母都要大写。【触类旁通】仿做1 阅读短文,选择最佳选项。 Hello! My name 1 lily. Im eight. Im 2 England. Im in 3 .Look! This is my father and this is my mother. My father is a 4 My mother is a teacher, 5 ( )1. A. amB. isC.

8、areD.不填( )2. A. FromB. inC. toD. for( )3. A. class 3,grade 1B. grade 1,class 3 C. Class 3Grade 1D. Grade 1,Class 3( )4. A. farmerB. doctorC. teacherD. teachers( )5. A. to B. tooC. two D. for仿做2 Look at the picture of 1 room. 2 are white and the windows are big. 3 the wall you can see 4 old photo of

9、family. 5 the photo Ann sits(坐)on the floor(地板). 6 father and mother 7 behind 8 Her father is 9 . Her has(有) blue 10 .Her mother is ChineseShe has black eyes( )1. A. AnnB. a AnnsC. Anns( )2. A. The wallB. WallsC. The walls( )3. A. OnB. InC. Of( )4. A. aB. anC. the( )5. A. onB. inC. of( )6. A. SheB.

10、HerC. Your( )7. A. amB. isC. are( )8. A. sheB. herC. him( )9. A. EnglishB. an EnglishC. a English( )10. A. eyesB. shirtC. bag【天天精练】习题1 阅读短文,选择最佳选项。 Kates room is big. A TV is 1 the room 2 TV set is on the table(桌子)A desk is 3 the windowOn the desk 4 a clock. Its 7:10Its time to go 5 .( )1. A. 0fB. i

11、nC. on( )2. A. AB. AnC. The( )3. A. OnB. nearC. in( )4. A. isB. amC. are( )5. A. to schoolB. schoolC. to the school习题2 Can you see that car 1 ? Its my 2 .Its 3 . 4 number 5 323119.Its 6 English car. I like(喜欢) 7 very much. 8 go and 9 it. My father is 10 the car( )1. A. hereB. overC. over there( )2.

12、A. I fatherB. my fathersC. father( )3. A. redB. a redC. red color( )4. A. ItsB. ItC. Its( )5. A. isB. amC. are( )6. A不填B. aC. an( )7. A. itsB. itC. its( )8. A. LetsB. Lets usC. Lets us( )9. A. lookB. look atC. look for( )10. A. inB. OnC. at参考答案第五十四天 仿做 1: BACCB 仿做 2:CCABB BCBAA 习题1:BCBAA 习题2 CBACA CBABA


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