河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制

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河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第1页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第2页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第3页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第4页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第5页
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《河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省濮阳市第六中学六年级英语下册 Unit 1 When is your birthday Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案) 鲁教版五四制(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 When is your birthday 【学习目标】1.会谈论某项活动或事件的日期。2.会填写John的个人日程表,并会在日历上标注自己的重要日期。3.能根据自己的个人日程表回答同学的提问。【学习重点与考点】 学会使用序数词及询问某人的生日。【课前自学指导】 例句:My birthday is on June 7th. The school trip is in December. 2.序数词前常用the,但是序数词前有形容词性物主代词等修饰词时,不再加the。例如:Monday is the second day of the week. 周一是一星期中的第二天。Its m

2、y eighth birthday. (二)学习新知 短语:birthday party生日聚会 English test 英语考试 music festival 音乐节 school day校庆日school trip学校组织的旅行 basketball game排球比赛(三)小试牛刀短语连连看English test 学校郊游art festival 英语考试book sale 艺术节school trip 篮球比赛basketball game 图书销售 通过预习你学到了什么?还有什么疑问?_ 【学习过程】(一)自主学习检测 :1、小组合作交流预习情况,讨论预习中遇到的问题,教师适当点拨

3、。2、读一读课文方框中的短语,你知道它们的意思吗?3、将短语与图片匹配,并朗读识记这些短语。(二)能力提升1、Listen and circle the events above that you hear in 1a.2、Listen and fill in Johns calendar.听力技巧:在听的过程中,如果来不及写出完整的单词,可先写出几个字母,听完后再补充完整。(三)学习成果展示:根据所学内容编演对话。(四)总结:今天我们学习了_ _ 【课后作业】1、根据第四课时的课前自学指导进行预习;2、完成节节练。第三课时节节练【基础练习】 (一)单项选择。( )1. She is _ an

4、d her birthday is on August _. A. three, three B. third, third C. three, third D. third, three( )2. Im Jim Green. So Jim is my _ name, and Green is my _ name.A. family, last B. first, last C. first, second D. second. Last( )3 .- When is the school trip? - _ March 3rd.A. At B Of C. In D. on( )4. - Wh

5、en is _ birthday?- His birthday is on July 2nd. A Tonys B. Kates C. Anns D Ginas( )5. May is _ month of the year. A. fiveth B. fifth C. the fiveth D. the fifth( )6. Is Julias birthday on May 1st? - Yes, _.A she is B. it is C. he is D. they are ( )7. -_ is New Years Day? -Its January 1st. A. How B. W

6、hat C. When D Where ( )8. These are _ rooms. The twin sisters like them very much.A. Lucys and Lilys B. Lucys and Lily C. Lucy and Lilys D. Lucy and Lily 【拓展练习】(一)单项选择( ) 1. My school trip is _ May. A. In B. on C. at( ) 2. When is his birthday? Its on_ A. February B. February second C. 2020( ) 3. Hi

7、s _Tshirt is white. A. brother B. brothers C. brothers( ) 4. _ is your mother? She is fifty. A. How old B. How age C. How( ) 5. The baby is _. A. ten month old B. ten months old C. ten months old( ) 6. _ is between December and October. A. November B. August C. September( ) 7. He is_ student to scho

8、ol. A. on B. the first C. two ( ) 8. My aunt meets me_ 9 oclock A. at B. in C. on ( ) 9. The shop _a lot of present A. sell B. sells C. sells ( ) 10.The ID card is _backpack A. in B. at C. for(二)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. There are twelve _ (month)in a year. 2. April is the _ (four)month of a year. 3. February

9、23rd is Jims _ (twenty) birthday. 4. My _ (mother) birthday is June 6th. 5. September is (nine) month of the year.(三)火眼金睛:下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. His friend name is Peter. 2. John is fourteen year old. 3. Her birthday is on July twenty. 4. What is Marys birthday? Its on October 1st. 5. We have a Art Fe

10、stival each year. 【拔高练习】(一)句型转换1. My mothers birthday is December 11th. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your mothers birthday? 2. My birthday party is on October 22nd. (划线提问) _ _ _ birthday party? 3. Her birthday is July 6th. (改为同义句) Her _ _ birth is July 6th. 4. John is thirteen. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ John? 5. Mike has a volleyball game. (改为一般疑问句) _Mike _ a volleyball game?6. How old is she? (改为同义句) _ is _ _?7. We have a school trip each year. (改为否定句) We _ _ a school trip each year.8. They have a basketball game on March 15th. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ a basketball game on March 15th? 课后反思:_ _


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