希望之星小学英语竞赛模拟试题Test 2(无答案)

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1、希望之星小学英语竞赛模拟试题Test 2姓名 班级 一、语音,选出与其它三个划线部分发音不同的词。(共5小题,每个题2分,共10分) ( )1. A.day B.bad C.have ( )2. A.fish B.find C.give ( )3. A.me B.see C.red ( )4. A.glue B.run C.us ( )5. A.for B.plant C.four二、中英文互译。(共10小题,每个小题2分,共20分) 1.做游戏 6.do ones homework 2.回头见 7.两杯咖啡 3.what else 8.看起来像 4.thank goodness 9.a qu

2、arter to seven 5.make the bed 10放风筝三、单选。(共15小题,每个小题1分,共15分)( )1.Here are some flowers _ our best wishes. A.to B. with C.for D.of ( )2.This is Susan King. We usually call her_ A.Miss Susan B.Mrs Susan C.Miss King D.Ms Susan ( )3._are you going there? On foot. A.Where B. Why C.How D.What ( )4.What are

3、 you going to do _this afternoon A. on B. in C.at D./( )5.I am going to _Uncle Wang _Tuesday. A.Look at;/ B. see; / C.see; on D.watch; on ( )6.She can not ride a bike. She_ school on foot. A.must get to B.has to get to C.have to get D.has to go to ( )7.Granny Li often_ the children stories. A. speak

4、s B. talks C.tells D.says( )8.The shop is about _away from here. A.two hundred meters B.two hundreds meters C.two hundred meter D.two hundreds meter ( )9.I am sorry .I can not help you with your English. Thank you_. A.very much B.all the same C.at all D.of course ( )10.May I _your bike? Sorry.A.ride

5、 B. reading C. read D.riding 四、情景对话(将正确的选项填到横线上,共10小题,每小题2,共20分)1.当你想知道橡皮放在哪里: _A.Where is the eraser? B. Where is the pen? C.Where is the pen ?2.当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球,说 _ A.Do not read in bed ! B. Do not be late for school ! C .Do not play ball in the room!3.如果你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时候,说:_A.How much is the car? B.Ho

6、w many cars can you see?C.I can see five4.如果你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车是,问 _ A.Do you like the green car ? B.What is the car like? C.I am looking for a green car.5.当你想要一杯茶,说:_ A.I would like a cup of tea. B.Would you like a glass of tea? C May I have a bottle of tea?6. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴是,问 _ A.Have you got a piano?

7、 B. Do you like running ?C.Do you like ping pong?7.当你的朋友总是运气不佳时候,你应该: _A. Enjoy yourself. B. Have a good time! C. Good luck8. 当你去医院看病,医生会问你:_ A.What is the matter with you? B.Nothing serious C.You should have a good time9.如果受伤了,你不应该做: _A. Take some medicine B.Go swimming C.Have a rest10 An apple a d

8、ay keeps the doctor away. 翻译为_A每天一个苹果可以生病 B.每天吃一个苹果,医生不找我.C. 医生每天吃苹果五、阅读理解:( 共10小题,每小题2分,共20)AA good breakfast is important. We can easily understand why. We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by breakfast time. Our bodies need food for morning activities. One good breakfast should be ri

9、ce or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary. We must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily ( )1.Why do we need food

10、 in the morning?A.Because weve had nothing to eat for the whole night. B.Because we have not eaten anything for eight hours C.Because we have plenty D.Because we like to eat things in the morning ( ) 2.A good breakfast will be_.A.only rice or bread B.rice, bread and milkC.bread or rice, an egg, frui

11、t and milk D.all kinds of food( )3.What is important? A.To get up late. B.To have plenty of food C.To have a good breakfast D.To have a hot drink ( )4.What does a good breakfast help us to do? A.To smile B.To help us to be more friendly and to do everything better and happily C.To make us fat easily

12、 D.To sleep well( )5.Why do we eat breakfast? A.We need food for morning activities B. To help us to smile more easily C.To work better and play more happily D. All the aboveBOn Sunday, Tom usually gets up at 9 Oclock. Today ,Tom got up at six,because he would go to a picnic with his parents. But it

13、 was raining ,so they could not go to the picnic in the park .Tom went to the kitchen and said to his mum, “We can not have a picnic.” Mum said “Wait a minute.”Then, Mum took out the food ,a fan and a recorder. “It is just like in the park, a cool wind and the birds singing,” Mum said.( )1.Tom got up at six today because he would have a picnic( )2.It was raining and Tom could not go to the picnic.( )3.Tomfamily had a picnic at home.( )4.There was birds singing at Toms home. ( )5.Mum took out the food and a recorder. 六、写一段话介绍我们的国宝熊猫,内容包含所有提示词。(不少于六句话)(1


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