山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制

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山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第1页
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山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第2页
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山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第3页
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山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制_第4页
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《山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省淄博市临淄区第八中学六年级英语上册 Unit 10 How much are these socks综合测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 10 How much are these socks?一. 将下列短语译成英语1. 各种颜色的_ 6. 运动包 _2. 亲自_ 7. 看一看 _3. 出售_ 8. 价格合理 _4. 服装店_ 9. 到达 _5. 愿意便宜_ 10. 不只这些 _二、单项选择,发挥你的聪明。试试选出你最满意的(共15分,每小题1分)A. toB. onC. forD. in3. Can I help you? _.A. Thank youB. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. Youre welcome. D. Im sorry.4. Lets go and have _

2、his new CD.A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at5. Jims _ is red.A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. pants. 6. How much are the pants? _ twenty dollars.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are7. Are these your shoes? Yes, _.A. theyreB. they areC. these areD. therere8. The T-shirt is only ten dollars. I

3、ll _it.A. buyB. takeC. saleD. sell9. I like red but my brother _.A. likes red, tooB. doesntC. doesD. doesnt like10. I like sports. My friend Allan _likes sports.A. tooB. butC. andD. also 11. What color is it? _A. Its a green carB. Its a greenC. Its greenD. Its green car 12. We have _ students.A. fou

4、rty fourB. four fourtyC. forty fourD. four forty 13. How much _ do you want?A. tomatoesB. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken 14. The car is too _, I cant buy it.A. cheapB. dearC. niceD. good 15. They have T-shirts _ green and black for only $13_ the shop.A. at; atB. in; inC. with; withD. at; in三. 连词成句(1

5、) blouse this my is_.(2) are socks these her _.(3) is necklace how much this _?(4) shorts are how much these_?(5) ten they dollars are_.四、完形填空,用你的智慧将下面的文章补充完整,千万要细心哦。(共10分,每小题1分)I work in a small shop. Its near an English 48 . Every day students come to 49 things.In the 50 . I get up (起床) at six. An

6、d then I have breakfast.I get go (到达) the 51 at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We sell things 52 food and drink. We have school things. 53 , so there 54 often many people in our shop 55 morning to evening.I have 56 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home 57 sup

7、per.( ) 1. A. farm B. factoryC. schoolD. river( ) 2. A. buyB. sell C. takeD. want( ) 3. A. evening B. afternoon C. noon D. morning( ) 4. A. classroom. B. schoolC. shopD. club( ) 5.A. with B. like C. forD. about( ) 6. A. tooB. also C. andD. but( ) 7. A. areB. have C. seeD. come( ) 8 A. in B. on C. at

8、D. from( ) 9 A. supper B. breakfast C. teaD. lunch( ) 10. A. to B. at C. withD. for五. 阅读理解(一)One Sunday afternoon Mr Green and his child, Mary, are in a big shop. Mr Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new dress for her. Mary doesnt like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her father buys

9、two kilos of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and colored pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. The people in the shop are very friendly. ( )1.It is _.ASaturday BMonday CF

10、riday DSunday( )2.Mary and _ are in the shop. AMrs Green Bhis father Cher father Dher mother( )3.Mary likes to buy _.Aa new dress Bcolored booksCapples, picture-books and colored pencils Dsomething to drink(二)Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One da

11、y his wife sees the fish and thinks, “Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much. ”When Sam comes home from work in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, “Oh, your cat eats it. ”And then she gives him some bread for his supper. Sam

12、 is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs(称)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see, then, where is my fish? ”1. What does Sam like eating very much?2. Who eat the fish that day?3. How much does the fish weigh?4. What does Sams wife give him for supper?5. Can you guess if (是否)Sam knows where the fish is?六. 书面表达根据下面的Shopping List 写一则买东西的对话。 1 kilo of chicken legs2 kilos of tomatoes2big bottles of coke 提示词: list 清单 kilo公斤 bottles瓶


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