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1、小学英语竞赛试题(5)姓名 班级 一、读单词,判断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用,不同的用表示在括号中 1.small morning ( ) 2.cloudy down ( ) 3.float mouse ( ) 4.spoil paint ( ) 5.room cool ( )二、读词语,并与意思相符的中文搭配成组 1.fridge (1)停放 2.medicine(2)楼上 3.upstairs(3)冰箱 4.park(4)药 5.touch(5)触摸 6.dangerous(1)吸烟 7.smoke(2)吐,吐痰 8.spit(3)访问者 9.visitor(4)中心 10.

2、centre(5)危险 11.concert(1)感觉 12.street(2)开始 13.mouth(3)音乐会 14.feel(4)街道 15.start(5)嘴,口 三、将下列单词组成词组(每词只用一次) traffic up a fever lights cheer high keep up be out careful look get after off stay look to right centre turn shopping 1.购物中心_ 2.照顾_ 3.向右转_ 4.小心_ 5.当心_ 6.熬夜_ 7.到达_ 8.交通灯_ 9.高兴起来_ 10.高烧_四、选词填空 1.

3、Yesterday they _(have, had)lunch _(at, on)12:30 _(of, in)their school. 2.She _(will, does)have to stay _(in, at)home and _(look, like)after her grandma, because she is ill. 3.We _(see, saw)a lot of new houses _(on, in)our way _(to, from)Shunyi.五、联词造句 1.the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and,rest _.

4、 2.to, Zhong, Shan, Park, get, I, can, how _. 3.help, me my, could, lessons, you, with _. 4.yesterday, where, they, did, go _. 5.came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine _.六、选择正确的 ( )1.Could you post the letter for me? A.Yes, I did. ( )2.Would you like to have a trip with her? B.Ive got a toothache. ( )3.Did you enjoy the concert? C.Youre welcome. ( )4.Whats the matter with you, Jim? D.We had a picnic in the park. ( )5.When shall we start? E.Yes, Id love to. ( )6.What did you do last Friday? F.With pleasure. ( )7.Thank you very much. G.At 6 tomorrow moring.


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