农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc

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农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc_第1页
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农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc_第2页
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农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc_第3页
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农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc_第4页
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农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools).doc_第5页
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1、农村寄宿制学校管理存在的问题及其对策研究(The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schools)The problems and Countermeasures of the management of rural boarding schoolsAbstract: in recent years, the rapid development of rural boarding schools has become an important part of Chinas rural basic

2、education. With the rapid expansion of the scale of boarding schools, the boarding school has exposed some problems in student management, teacher management and school management. By analyzing the causes of these problems, put forward through the increase of boarding school construction funds, esta

3、blish and improve the boarding school management system, strengthen the daily management of the school and other measures, hoping to provide some useful reference for the construction of boarding schools in rural areas and development.Key words: boarding school; management; countermeasure researchIn

4、 2001, the decision of the State Council on the reform and development of basic education in the first advocate set up boarding schools, published in 2004, 2003-2007 education revitalization action plan implementation emphasis on the construction of boarding schools in rural areas as the breakthroug

5、h point, to strengthen the construction of the western rural junior high school, primary school. According to figures released by the Ministry of education, 2004-2007 years, the central government has invested 10 billion yuan to build 7651 schools, benefiting about 2 million students. In 2010, the s

6、tate issued the national medium and long term education reform and development program (2010-2020) clearly proposed to speed up the construction of rural boarding schools, priority to meet the needs of children left behind accommodation. For more than 10 years, the rural boarding schools in our coun

7、try have made great progress, but the management of boarding schools has also exposed some problems. This paper starts with the existing problems in the management of rural boarding schools, analyzes the causes of the problems, and puts forward some countermeasures on how to better manage the rural

8、boarding schools.First, the problems existing in the management of rural boarding schoolsAt present, boarding schools have become the most important mode of rural compulsory education in the rural areas of China, especially in the rural areas of the central and western parts of china. However, as wi

9、th all the rapidly developing things, the development of rural boarding schools is no exception. This article is only from three aspects of student management, teacher management and school management.(1) student management needs to be improved. Student management is the most concentrated and promin

10、ent aspect of the management of rural boarding schools. Student management is the core of the whole rural boarding school management, and also the key to solve the problem. Student management mainly includes two aspects: teaching management and life management. The management of teaching belongs to

11、the normal management under the order of teaching and should not be explained here. Here we put the focus of the problem on life management, that is, the abnormal teaching links need to pay attention to. Life management in boarding schools takes more than 35 hours a day more than non boarding school

12、s, which objectively takes up part-time hours for many teachers. The main problems of student life management are as follows: first, students psychological problems are easily neglected. According to the observation and investigation of the present boarding students by the relevant organizations, ma

13、ny students have more or less psychological problems. Imagine, a six or seven year old child can not want their parents? For a long time, some students appear withdrawn, indifferent to relatives and other issues. Two is the student repast condition is poor, the nutrition cannot keep up. Because most

14、 of the boarding school located in remote, traffic inconvenience, in most economically underdeveloped areas, coupled with the local government financial resources are limited, the investment of funds can not meet the actual needs, resulting in many students of the school food standard is low, many s

15、tudents malnutrition, health is seriously affected. Three, the security awareness of student management needs to be strengthened. Because of the younger students and the lack of self-protection awareness, it is common for them to throw away things, fight, and bully senior students. The security mana

16、gement of female dormitory is more urgent.(two) teacher management needs urgent follow-up. The management of rural boarding teachers is an important part of the management of such schools. However, there are still some problems in the existing methods of teacher management. Mainly includes: first, the teacher team lacks the necessary stability, the teacher team drain phenomenon is more serious. Some people say that the boarding school teachers are eat


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