五年级英语下册 Unit 6(4)教案 新世纪版

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1、新世纪版五年级英语下册教案Unit 6 Holidays in Shanghai 第四课时预习:课前要求学生听读Disneyland中的小诗;听读Music box中的音标和单词。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作,圣诞物品、圣诞老人的实物。课型:儿歌和音标教学教学目标 基础性目标:能认读国际音标/ : /, / : /,能根据音标读出单词。能基本理解Rhyme的基本意思,能根据Rhyme说说wolf。发展性目标:能根据字母组合的发音给单词归类并读出单词。能体会Rhyme的语音、语调、语感和节奏并诵读。尝试用自己的语言描述儿歌所描述的情景。能模仿Disneyland的儿歌创编儿歌(能力较强的学生)。

2、课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整I.Pre-task preparation1. Read the rhyme: On the blackboard I can draw.2. 儿歌改编(要求学生画一幅森林图)Say the rhyme together.Draw the picture in groups.II.While-task procedure1. Talk about the forest.What can you see in the forest?What animal lives in the forest?Which is your favorite animal?

3、Which animal is the fastest?Which is the cleverest?2. Learn some phrases.1) What does the wolf do all day?talk to the flowers, chase after leaves, crouch in the grass, sleep in the sun, hunting is done,2) Ask the students to act out the phrases.3. Learn the rhyme.1) Listen to the rhyme.2) Listen aga

4、in.Watch the picture and talk about the questions in groups.Guess what the wolf does during the daytime.Read the phrases, try to catch the meaning.Students imitate the wolf.1) Listen to the rhyme together.2) Read the rhyme in groups.Post-task activitiesHow much do you know about a wolf?Fill in the blanks (the rhyme)Learn the phonetic symbol / : /, / : /提供书本上的范例指导学生规范朗读根据读音填写空缺字母指导学生搜寻与所学音标相同发音的例词1) Talk about the wolfs daily life in pairs.2) Fill in the blanks.3) Tell a story about the wolf.4) Make a new rhyme if the students can.集体或个别朗读单独填写小组讨论,整理与所学音标相关的词汇


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