三年级英语下学期Lesson 30-31习题精选(无答案) 冀教版

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《三年级英语下学期Lesson 30-31习题精选(无答案) 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下学期Lesson 30-31习题精选(无答案) 冀教版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、三年级英语下学期Lesson 30习题精选姓名 班级 一、看图写单词。1._2. _3. _4. _二、读一读,画一画。1. I comb my hair.2. I take a shower.3. I brush my teeth.4. Draw your favourite sports.(运动)三、What do you like to play with?(你喜欢玩什么呢?填空,画画。)I like to_.答案:一、1. doll 2. kite 3. ball 4. soap二、略。三、略。三年级英语下学期Lesson 31习题精选(一)一、选择正确答案。1. The dresse

2、r is . 2. The teddy bear is . 3. Lets go for a .A. soft B. hard C. walk 二、看图写单词。1. lam 2. elepho e 3. adio 4. omb三、画一画。1. They are playing cards.2. They are playing checkers.四、下面短文中有五处错误,请指出并改正。I Have a friends. Its a small dog. Its name is Baobao. Baobao is very lovely. It have two brown eye and a

3、black nose. It likes my boll very much. Do you have a dog. 答案:一、1.B 2. A 3. C 二、1. p 2. t, n 3. r 4. c三、略四、1.friends-friend 2. have-has 3.eye- eyes 4. boll-ball 5. 末尾的句号改为问号三年级英语下学期Lesson 31习题精选(二)一、读一读,指出对应的图片。1. fly kites2. play on the computer3. listen to the radio4. draw a picture 二、听指令做动作。Wash the clothes / Iron the clothes / Brush your teeth / Wash your face三、读一读,画一画。A kite is above the bed. A ball is below the bed.A teddy bear is on the bed. A dresser is beside the bed.四、根据实际情况回答。Whats your favourite sports(运动)?五、把你经常玩的游戏的名称写下来。_答案略。


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