三年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 11 习题精选 冀教版

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习题精选一、Look and match. (划线搭配。)1 A2 B3 C4 D5 E6 F7 G8 H二、Listen and make answers. (听对话作答。)1. Question: what do people in Canada like? _2. Question: What is Bobs favourite food? _3. Question: What does his sister like? _三、Describe and write. (根据图画描述。) 四、Make a dialogue.(编对话。) waiter Waiter: Can I help you?Danny: Yes.Waiter: _Danny: May I have a hot dog?Waiter: _Danny: _Waiter: You are welcome.答案一、1D 2C 3A 4B 5H 6E 7F 8G二、1. pizza and hot dogs 2. pizza 3. hot dogs三、(略)四、What would you like? Sure. Here you are. Thank you.


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