On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc

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On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc_第1页
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On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc_第2页
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On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc_第3页
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On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc_第4页
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On learning model based on analysis of computer network(在学习模式基于计算机网络的分析).doc_第5页
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1、 On learning model based on analysis of computer network Paper Keywords computer network learning factors Abstract The rapid development of computer networks to provide a modern education, new forms of education online education in the analysis of learning and teaching relationships, based on comput

2、er network-based mode of learning in-depth study, and from the learners , teachers and computer networks and cultural perspectives affect the implementation of the learning objective and subjective factors. I. Introduction As the network technology and the rapid development of information technology

3、, human ways of thinking and learning resulted in a huge change, along with the birth of a new form of education online education in recent years, scholars have the basis of modern educational thinking and learning psychology theory, the learner-centered learning theory under the guidance of the cha

4、racteristics of learners proposed for a variety of computer network-based mode of learning. a variety of learning for teachers and students to understand and difficult to grasp, This paper on which the main mode of learning characteristics and the factors affecting the implementation of learning to

5、make an analysis. Second, the learning and teaching relationship About learning and teaching relationship, an American scholar Joyce (BruceJoyce) have the following views: teaching is learning, to help students access to information, ideas, skills, values, ways of thinking and expression, we also te

6、ach how they learn. outstanding teaching contemporary American design theorist Robert. M. Gagne (RobertMillsGagne) proposed a resounding slogan: To study the design of teaching! Can be seen, learning and teaching are interrelated and inseparable whole, and learn how to learn is the ultimate goal of

7、teaching. Third, computer-based learning network representative Computer network-based mode of learning research is the most discussed topic in recent years, dozens of before and after the learning mode. English translation of some models is different, the basic form of the same, such as cooperative

8、 learning and collaborative learning; some model names are similar, but not very different, which is the result of the further development of the former, such as self-learning mode and self-directed learning, to explore learning and inquiry learning; some models are actually a combination of the oth

9、er two modes, such as problem-based collaborative learning, collaborative self-learning mode, so there are many models or similar or overlapping or cross or progressive conditions . are representative of three kinds of learning models for analysis and research. (A self-learning mode Computer-based n

10、etwork of independent learning environment for the students use the Internet to provide the learning support system, proactive, assertive, the exploratory study and its essence is in the process of teaching and learning, from the center to go to school to teach as the center, from teacher-centered t

11、o student-centered, full of initiative and creativity of students, in the main cognitive generation process into the students own creative ideas. Note that, independent study does not mean self individual learning, problem-based learning (PBL) are its sub-patterns. self-learning mode will help learn

12、ers to acquire knowledge and develop the ability to construct knowledge, training learners to gather information, process information and solve problems. (B collaborative learning model Collaborative learning in the constructivist learning theory under the guidance of a learning strategy in a collab

13、orative learning process, learners through group or team in the form of organizational learning, team members work together to achieve learning goals is an integral part of learning maintain a harmonious relationship between, the attitude of mutual cooperation, sharing information and resources to j

14、ointly shoulder the responsibility to learn, to complete learning tasks based on computer networks collaborative learning model is the use of certain interactive network platform, a collaborative learning environment in which teachers and students, life and life to discuss with each other for the sa

15、me learning content, interaction and cooperation in order to achieve a deeper understanding of course content and mastery of the process. Collaborative learning model emphasizes the learners creativity, autonomy and interaction can be used strategies include team division, team games competition, co

16、-learning, group investigation. Collaborative learning in specific applications, a typical feature of normal and other learning model used in combination, such as collaborative self-study mode, collaborative inquiry-based learning model, and so on. (Three research-based learning model Computer-based learning research network, is a teacher proposed a research project, under the guidance of teachers, students, the us


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