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1、2020届中考真题语法专练之非谓语动词及情态动词非谓语动词1. I have trouble English, Mr. Lee.- Why not go to the English Corner and try to talk with others? (2019福建)A. readingB. writingC. speaking2. We are supposed _ some housework with our parents when we have free time. (2019甘肃兰州)A. to shareB. sharing C. sharedD. share3. Hong

2、Kong Disneyland is well worth . (2019甘肃天水) A. to visit B. visited C. visit D. visiting4. Businessmen prefer_ e mails to communicate with each other rather than_phone calls. (2019甘肃天水) A. write; make B. to write; make C.to write;to make D. write; to make5. Young people are encouraged to work hard _th

3、eir own dreams. (2019广东)A. achieveB. achievesC. to achieveD achieved6. I saw her _flowers in the garden when I passed by. (2019甘肃天水) A. to water 8. water C.watering D. watered7 The teachers often tell us _in the river Its dangerous(2019广西百色)Anot swimBdont swimCnot swimmingDnot to swim8 I have troubl

4、e the new wordCan you help me?Sure You can look it up in the dictionary (2019广西贵港)AunderstandingBto understandCunderstandDunderstood9. He ran as fast as he could _ the bus but he failed. (2019 广西 柳州)A. catchB. to catch C. caught10. Lily enjoys _ a film at the weekend(2019 广西 柳州) A. seeB. to seeC. se

5、eing11. What a heavy rain! -So it is. I prefer _ rather than _ on such a rainy day. (2019 贵州安顺) A. to go out, staying at home B. staying at home, go out C. going out, stay at home D. to stay at home, go out12. Mr. Wang, please speak loudly in the hall to make yourself _ while _are there. -Fine, than

6、ks for telling me about that. (2019 贵州安顺) A. understood, others B. understand, other C. understand, others D. understanding, other13.Betty isoften seenthe lonely old man with hishousework. (2019 贵州毕节) A. helpB. helpingC.helpsD. helped14 Mrs Green refuses_sweet food She doesnt want to get fat (2019 海

7、南)AeatBeatingCto eat15.一Do you always get up so early?Yes,the first bus. My home is far away from school. (2019 河南)A. catchB. to catchC.catchingD. caught16.Youd better _ hard from now on,_ you will fail in the exam. (2019黑龙江大庆)A.work;and B.working;or C. working; and D.work;or17. Would you like _ a f

8、ilm with us tonight? (2019黑龙江大庆) - Sorry,I have to help my mother do housework.A. see B. to see C.seeing D.to seeing 18.Kidslikereadingstorieswhichcanmakethem _. A. laughB.tolaughC. laughing19. A friend in need is a friend indeed. All of us need a friend _.(2019黑龙江绥化)A. to talk withB. talking withC.

9、 to talk20. Have you ever heard that China is building a nationwide 5G network? Right. 5G will allow us_English movies faster than ever. (2019 湖北咸宁)A. download B.downloads C.to download D.downloading21. Come and see! The baby is crying.Please do something to make him_. (2019 湖北咸宁)A.stop crying B. st

10、op to cry C.crying D.cry22. -What time do you get up in the morning on school days? -I get up at 7:00 every morning to avoid _the early bus. (2019 贵州安顺) A. miss B. missed C. missing D. to miss23 Look! The light in your bedroom is still on(2019 贵州 黔南州)Sorry, I forgot Ato tum it offBto turn it downCto

11、 turn it upDto turn it on24. 一In my opinion, animals shouldnt be kept for fun. (2019 湖北孝感) 一 I think so. Forests are the best places for animals _. A. live B. living C. to live D. to live in25. -How do you improve your spoken English? -By practicing _ to my teachers and classmates. (2019湖南邵阳) A. tal

12、king B. to talkC. talk26. _, he has to listen to tapes every day. (2019湖南益阳) A. To learn English well B. Learn English wellC. Learning English well27. People enjoy _ zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. (2019湖南岳阳)A. eatB. eatingC. to eat28. -Please stay with me this weekend. -Im sorry, but my father

13、and I planned _ Beijing a long time ago. (2019江苏苏州)29. In his e-mail, David promised _his daughter during her stay in Japan. (2019江苏泰州) A. visiting B. visit C. visited D. to visit30. It is wise _Linda to make up her mind _to play an instrument. (2019呼和浩特) A. for ; learning B. for ; to learn C. of ; learning D. of ; to learn31. Mr Wu keeps _ his students that the future belongs to the well-educated. (2019江苏盐城)A. tellingB. to tellC. orderingD. to order32. Dan


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