2020年四年级英语上册 第五单元提优测试题(无答案) 苏教牛津版

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《2020年四年级英语上册 第五单元提优测试题(无答案) 苏教牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年四年级英语上册 第五单元提优测试题(无答案) 苏教牛津版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、四年级英语第五单元综合提优测评卷(时间:60分钟 满分:100分) 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,判断录音内容与图意是(T)否(F)相符。(12分)二、听录音,选出相应的答语 (10分) ( )1.A. Yes,it is. B. Thank you. C. All right. ( )2.A. Its in the bedroom. B. Theyre in the,bedroom. C. My skirt is on the bed. ( )3. A. Thank you. B. All right. C. Id like the green one. ( )4. A. Im hungry

2、. B. Here you are. C. Id like that. ( )5. A. Its nice and clean. B. My bedroom is big. C. I have a bed in my bedroom.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(8分) 1. Please_to my_.Thank you. 2I_a toy_in my bedroom. 3-_is the sandwich? -_on the plate. 4. -What_you like? -_like a cup of Coffee.笔试部分(70分)四、英汉互译。(10分) 1under the ta

3、ble 2in your bedroom 3come and look 4Id like 5Im hungry. 6在门后 7在沙发上 8我们的新家 9你的帽子 10.你好吗? 五、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. This lion is for . A. she B. you C. I ( )2. May I have apple? A. a B. an C. I ( )3. -Your school bag is nice. - A. OK. B. All right. C. Thank you. ( )4. -Is that your jacket? - A. No,it is. B.

4、 Yes,it is. C. Yes,that is. ( )5. -Is this ball pen? -Yes,it is. A. your B. I C. you ( )6. -Wheres Miss Li? - in the bedroom. A. Its B. Shes C. Hes ( )7. We are twins. They are _ dresses(连衣裙). A. my B. our C. your ( )8. The football is the door. A. on B. in C. behind ( )9. Where my pens? A. is B. ar

5、e C. am ( )10. - the man? -Hes my grandfather. A. Whos B. Whose C. Wheres 六.选词填空。 (12分)Where,Whose,Who,What,How,Whats A l. - shoes are these? -Theyre Nancys. 2. - are you? -Im hungry. 3. - is this? -Its a mango. 4. - is the book? -Its on the desk. 5. - this? -Its a fridge. 6. - is she? -Shes my sist

6、er. ; Have,look,go,close,come,try B 1. Its seven oclock. Its time to home. 2. Open your books. Dont your books. 3. -Can I a look? -Sure,here you are. 4. here, Helen. Is this your rubber? . 5. - at my shoes. -Theyre nice ! 6. Can you make a fruit salad? Have a !七、匹配题。(8分) ( )1. Wheres the doll? A. It

7、s six.( )2. What time is it now? B. Its on the bed.( )3. What colour is your apple? C. Its red. ( )4. Do you like this toy? D. Id like a sweet.( )5. Is he your father? E. Theyre my shoes.( )6. Whose shoes are they? F. No,thanks.( )7. What about a hot dog? G. Yes,I do.( )8. What would you like? H. No

8、,he isnt. .八.圈出错误单词并在右边横线上改正(10分) 1. How many banana can you see? 2. Whats a nice bird! 3. What would your like? 4. Would you like a orange? 5. Where is your T-shirts? 九、连词成句。(10分)1.brother where your is(?) hes in perhaps bedroom the (.) a is cat that nice (.) living caps our the in are room (.) see

9、 I her coats can the on chair (.) 十.阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10分) This is Janes room. I can see a desk,a bed and some chairs in it. Theres a computer and some storybooks on the desk. I can see a toy bear and two dolls on the bed. I can see a puzzle on the chair. Joan is in the room now. Her mother and father are in their factory(工厂 ). They work hard. ( )1. Janes parents are both A. in the room B. in the factory C. at school ( )2. There is in the room. ;


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