福建省福清西山学校七年级英语 Unit1Topic2SectionB 导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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1、福建省福清西山学校七年级英语 Unit1Topic2SectionB 导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版学习目标:1.继续学习Would you mind. .? 句型2.学习表达抱怨和道歉的功能用语教学重点及难点: 1.Would you mind. .? 句型的运用2.总结回应抱歉的用语3.重点词组教学(习)方法:先试后导,先练后讲,指导自学1 课前回顾(复习) Would you mind. .?句型操练2 预习展示 1.单词拼读: careless, chance, shout at, goal, either, fight, be angry with, do ones best, no

2、thing, keep doing sth, serve, turn down, dirty, minute, in a minute, ready, clearly, another, take a seat 2.汉译英: (1)你错过了一个好机会。 (2)你那么说是什么意思? (3)你不应该对我大叫。 (4)不要生Michael的气。他尽力了。 (5)你介意向Michael道歉吗? (6)我为我所说的感到抱歉。 (7)我们确信下次会赢。3 自主探究及展示 1.Listening: listen and answer the following questions. (1)Did Micha

3、el and his teammates win the game?(2) Did Kangkang say sorry to Michael? 2.Reading:(1) Read 1a by themselves.(2)listen to the tape,check the pronunciation.(3)Act 1a out. 3.Speaking: find out the key points(1) useful phrases:shout at;either/too/also/as well;be angry with;do ones best;keep doing;be su

4、re to (2) important sentences: What do you mean by saying that?Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?Im very sorry for what I said? 4.Practice: Finish 1b,check the answers.4 能力提升1. 找出1a中Would you mind. .?的句型 思考:尝试总结Would you mind. .?及常用应答句2. 找出1a中抱怨道歉及相关的应答句。 思考:抱歉语句的应答句有哪些?3. 完成P12 2,3五达标检测(一)根据汉语

5、或首字母提示完成句子1.Mary was a c_girl. She lost her keys yesterday.2.Beijing held the Olympics. It was really a good c_for us to study English.3.The teacher _(生.的气)Kangkang yesterday.4.Your shoes are very d_. Youd better wash them right now.5._(在李磊的帮助下), the lost girl found her home. (二)选择填空1. I cant swim a

6、nd my sister cant,_ A.also B.too C.always D.either2. Im not good at English,but I keep _hard A.study B.to study C.studying D.studies3. -Would you mind not _here? -Of course not. A.smoke B.smokes C.smoking D.to smoke4. -So hot in the classroom. Would you mind_the windows? -OK. Ill do it right now. A.to close B.to open C.opening5. Would you mind if_my bike here? A.I put B.I putting C.me put D.my putting 2用心 爱心 专心


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