高中非谓语动词-只能接do doing to do的固搭总结

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《高中非谓语动词-只能接do doing to do的固搭总结》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中非谓语动词-只能接do doing to do的固搭总结(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、只接todo的常见短语 只接sb todo的常用动词 只接doing的常用短语 能接todo和doing的短语 5 只能接do的常见动词 一 只接todo的常见短语 affordtodosth负担得起做某事agreetodosth同意arrangetodosth 安排determine decide makeupone smindtodo决心expecttodosth 期待plantodosth 计划learntodosth 学习preparetodosth 准备pretendtodosth 假装behappy 所有形容词 todo快乐 promisetodosth 承诺refusetodos

2、th 拒绝wanttodosth 想要wish hopetodosth 希望aimtodosth 打算managetodosth 成功failtodosth 未能longtodosth 渴望happentodosth 碰巧wouldliketodo想要can twaittodo迫不及待 二 只接sbtodo的常用动词tellsbtodosth 告诉某人做某事allowsbtodosth允许advisesb todosth 建议allowsb todosth 允许asksb todosth 请 叫 causesb todosth 导致commandsb todosth 命令encouragesb

3、 todosth 鼓励expectsb todosth 期望forbidsb todosth 禁止forcesb todosth 强迫 invitesb todosth 邀请ordersb todosth 命令permitsb todosth 允许persuadesb todosth 说服prefersb todosth 宁愿remindsb todosth 提醒teachsb todosth 教tellsb todosth 告诉wantsb todosth 想要warnsb todosth 警告wishsb todosth 希望urgesbtodosth 催促 三 只接doing的常用短语a

4、llowdoingsth 允许appreciatedoingsth 感激avoiddoingsth 避免denydoingsth 否认like enjoy lovedoingsth 喜欢hatedoingsth不喜欢finishdoingsth 完成forbiddoingsth 禁止giveupdoingsth 放弃 imaginedoingsth 想象keepdoingsth 保持minddoingsth 介意permitdoingsth 允许practicedoingsth 练习riskdoingsth 冒险suggestdoingsth 建议lookforwardtodoingsth盼望

5、burstoutdoing突然做某事bebusydoingsthcouldn thelpdoingsth忍不住 keepondoingsth持续admitdoingsth 承认做某事advisedoingsth 建议feellikedoingsth想做stop prevent keepsbfromdoingsth阻止做某事be getused accustomedtodoingsth习惯于havetrouble difficulty in doingsth做某事有困难succeedindoingsth成功spend in doingsth花费 做某事therebesbdoing有某人做某事 四

6、 既能接todo又能接doing的短语considertodo 认为 doing 考虑 meantodo 打算 doing 意味着 stoptodo 停下来去做另一件事 doing 停止做某事 goon continue todo 继续去做另外一件事 doing 继续做同一件事 remembertodo 记得去做 没做 doing 记得做过 做了 forgettodo 忘记去做 没做 doing 忘记做了 做了 regrettodo 遗憾去做 没做 doing 遗憾做过 做了 trytodo 尽力 doing 尝试 liketodo 临时喜欢做 doing 一直喜欢做 五 只能接do的常见动词 Let makesbdosth让某人做某事Whynotdosth whydon tyoudosth为何不做某事hadbetter not dosth最好做 不做 某事情态动词 can may must will would oughtto should do


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