Unit 3 Under the sea巩固练习 语言点(整理)

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《Unit 3 Under the sea巩固练习 语言点(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Under the sea巩固练习 语言点(整理)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 巩固练习巩固练习 一 单词一 单词填空填空 根据句意及所给汉语提示或首字母用单词的正确形式完成句子 1 His yearly income is about 40 000 In other words his 每年的 income is not high 2 If you intend to take a tour around Hangzhou you d better phone a hotel for 住宿 3 He prefers a job that doesn t require any great 深度 of knowledge 4 They all 逃离 the bu

2、rning building last night 5 There are many 轶事 about that hero which are short accounts of an incident 6 He 拖 his suitcases along the platform They were too heavy to carry 7 You can swim in the 浅的 water but remember not to go into the deep part 8 A speaker should 暂停 when coming to the end of a senten

3、ce 9 Seriousness is good but being over demanding may sometimes have the o effect 10 He is working very hard to achieve his t of buying a big house for his family 11 The r between my mother and me has improved we get along well now 12 The final score of the basketball match was 93 to 94 We were only

4、 n beaten 二 二 选词填空选词填空 从下面方框中选出适当的短语或单词并用其正确形式填空 witness yell out be aware of scare to death help out have a good feed on upside down in the meantime 1 I ll phone for a taxi you must get packed 2 She at the scary scenes when watching the horror movie 3 All the volunteers joining the organization hav

5、e the importance of protecting the environment 4 Her parents her with some money when she lost her job 5 After a long tiring day she is delicious food 6 She is the only person who the accident that took place last night 7 Her husband s sudden death turned her world 8 The big man squeezed his hand wh

6、ich made him in pain 三 单项选择三 单项选择 1 The conference will begin in an hour let s have a rest A on the meantime B in the meantimes C in the meantime D in meanwhile 2 Just as the clothes a person wears the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time his house his personality A resembles B

7、strengthens C reflects D shapes 学海无涯 3 The doctor an X ray test and then he could make a conclusion A urged me to have B urged me having C urged against D urged on me 4 My little brother was obviously in some kind of trouble but I really didn t know how to A figure him out B sort him out C help him

8、out D take him out 5 The police turned the whole office looking for clues A upside down B up and down C side by side D down to earth 6 After trying hard they the hope of finding an effective way to solve the problem A abandoned B released C discouraged D resigned 7 Mum has always made me my skin pro

9、blem and encouraged me to use the cream A aware of B compared to C familiar with D accustomed to 8 The old man lives on a after his retirement A pension B refund C salary D wage 9 The accused had many to prove that he was not guilty A judges B witnesses C lawyers D passers by 10 Set yourself a that

10、you can reasonably hope to achieve which should be not too high nor too low A purpose B cause C reason D target 11 After the earthquake the first thing the local government did was to provide for the homeless families A accommodation B occupation C equipment D furniture 12 The two sides held views o

11、n the problem at first How did it come about that they finally came to an agreement A similar B opposite C firm D vivid 13 Don t turn the room as I have just tidied it A upside down B inside C outside D inside down 14 The steel output in the company has reached a n figure of one million tons that is

12、 to say the company has been able to produce one million tons of steel per year A daily B monthly C annually D annual 15 There was a time I had to depend on myself for a living which had great effect on my character A which B when C where D whenever 16 Sorry we are late our plane was because of the

13、heavy rain A held out B held on C held up D held back 17 She was scared on the horse A to ride B riding C of being ridden D rode 18 I had to everything in that room dumped by the workers who helped us moved here 学海无涯 A set out B sort out C pick out D test out 19 The car broke down on my way home I h

14、ad to have it by the other car to the garage A dragged B driven C drag D drive 20 A n thunderstorm struck the city yesterday resulting in traffic jam on the roads A absurd B alarmed C beneficial D awesome 答案与解析答案与解析 一 单词填空一 单词填空 1 annual 2 accommodation 3 depth 4 fled 5 anecdotes 6 dragged 7 shallow

15、 8 pause 9 opposite 10 target 11 relationship 12 narrowly 解析 4 flee 的过去式 过去分词是 fled 可以是及物动词 直接接 逃离 的地点 9 句意 认真是好的 但是过度要求有时可能会有反作用 12 句意 篮球赛的最后比分是 93 94 我们只是险胜 narrowly 狭窄地 勉强地 好容易 才 二 选词填空二 选词填空 1 In the meantime 2 was scared to death 3 been aware of 4 helped out 5 having a good feed on 6 witnessed

16、7 upside down 8 yell out 三三 单项选择 单项选择 1 C in the meantime 在此期间 同时 meanwhile 也有 同时 期间 之意 因为可以是 副词 不需加介词 2 C reflect 反映 strengthen 加强 巩固 shape 塑形 resemble 类似 句意 就好像一 个人穿什么 吃什么以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样 一个人的住房也是 这样 3 A urge sb to do sth 力劝某人做某事 4 C help sb out 帮助某人解决困难 figure sb out 弄明白 看透 理解某人 sort sb out 妥善处理 加以分类 take sb out 带某人出去 句意 我小弟弟很明显有了某种麻烦 可我却真的不知如何帮他 5 A upside down 上下翻转 乱七八糟地 up and down 上上下下 来来回回 side by side 肩并肩 down to earth 务实的 6 A abandon 放弃 release 释放 discourage 使气馁 resign 辞职 7 A aware


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