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1、法学专题教学大纲Topics of Law Syllabus课程代码:Course Code:150002B课程类型:Course Type:学科基础课Discipline Basic Course学时:Periods :32 学分:Credits:2适用专业:经济学、国际经济与贸易、贸易经济、统计学、金融学等Applicable Majors: Economics, international economics and trade, trade economics, statistics, and finance先修课程:无Preparatory Courses: none一、课程的教学目

2、标(Course objectives)本课程是一门学科基础课,为经济学、统计学、管理学等专业的学生提供与其专业有一定关联度的从法学角度出发的学习专题。它以时下的经济现象为切入点,从消费者权益、劳动者保护、保险、市场竞争与垄断、知识产权、国际贸易与税收、外商投资等几个方面,向学生介绍经济法和国际贸易法的基础知识。本课程的引入是一种创新型的课程设计,为学生提供了跨学科的知识储备,使得学生能够运用所学法学基础知识从法律视角分析市场经济中出现的经济现象和提出法律意见。而且,本课程对于提高学生的逻辑思维能力以及培养学生的跨学科的思维方式具有重要意义。This course is a fundament

3、al course which provides topics to learn from the perspective of law for students major in economics, statistics and management. It starts with the current economic phenomena, introduces the basic knowledge of economic law and international trade law to analyze the issues with regards to customers r

4、ight, social welfare, insurance and medical care, market competition and antitrust, intellectual property, international trade and taxation, foreign investment etc. It is an innovative curriculum design to introduce this course to students major in other subjects. This course will equip students wit

5、h interdisciplinary knowledge, and enable students to utilize the law theory they learn to analyze the economic problems from the perspective of law and further give their legal advice. Furthermore, this course will be useful to promote students logical and interdisciplinary thinking.二、教学基本要求(Requir

6、ements)(一)教学内容 本课程的主要内容是阐述与经济现象有关的法学理论的基础知识。通过本课程的教学,要求学生了解国际贸易法中的有关合同、支付、运输和保险的基础法律知识,了解经济法中的有关公司法、合同法、劳动合同法、消费者权益保护法、反不正当竞争法、反垄断法、知识产权法的基础法律知识。The main content of this course is the basic legal theory related to the economic phenomenon. By this course, students are required to learn basic legal kn

7、owledge about contract, payment, transportation and insurance in the field of international trade law and corporation, contract, labor contract, customer protection, unfair competition, antitrust, intellectual property protection, in the field of economic law.(二)教学方法和手段该课程的教学以专题的形式进行,每节课在介绍基础理论知识之后,

8、引导学生自主分析和辩证思考当今社会上的某一个具体的热点经济问题、法律现象或者国际贸易中的实务案例。The course will be taught by topics and case-based. Each lesson will introduce the basic theory first and then encourage students to debate and think dialectically one hot economic problem, legal topic or a case of international trade.(三)考核方式(assessme

9、nt and Grading Policy) The total score is 100,the weight of different parts is as followed. 1. 出勤Attendance 10 %2. 期中考试mid-term exam 10%3. 课堂讨论与展示 In-Class discussion and presentation) 10%4. 期末考试Final Exam(written exam) 70%Grades are on a 100-points scale:90-10080-8970-7960-6959-ABCDE(四)学习要求 (requir

10、ements)先修课程:无Preparatory Courses: none课后作业:Homework after class学生自学:Reading materials before class, team work on some topics.三、各教学环节学时分配(Course Schedule)Class Schedule 章节内容(Contents) 讲课Lecture(hours)讨论与展示Discussion&Presentation其他Others 第一章 绪 论Chapter 1 Introduction10课后阅读Reading第二章 国际投资法Chapter 2 int

11、ernational investment law31课后阅读Reading第三章 公司法Chapter 3 corporation law 31课后阅读Reading第四章 经济法Chapter 4 economic law31课后阅读Reading期中考试 mid-term exam1 1课后阅读Reading第五章 知识产权法Chapter 5 intellectual property law30课后阅读Reading第六章 国际货物买卖合同法Chapter 6 international trade contract law51课后阅读Reading第七章 国际货物运输、支付与保险法

12、Chapter7 international trade transportation law51课后阅读Reading总结与复习 Summary and review1.50.5总计32课时四、教学内容 (Teaching Contents)第一章绪论Chapter 1:Introduction重点和难点:法学与其他学科的联系、与经济现象有关的法律的范畴。教学组织和设计:讲授学习标准:了解与经济现象有关的法学知识的主要研究内容,了解法学与其他学科的联系,掌握法学的研究方法。Key Points: the relationship between law and other subjects,

13、 the scope of rules related to economic phenomenon.Teaching method: lectureOutcome: know the main legal rules related to economic phenomenon, understand the relationship between law and other subjects and learn the methodology for legal research.第二章 国际投资法Chapter 2: international investment law内容:对内投

14、资和对外投资的相关法律在中国设立外商投资企业的程序和要求中国企业“走出去”的程序和要求跨国并购法律实务与风险防范国际投资的法律尽职调查 重点和难点:跨国并购的风险防范与失败原因,法律尽职调查的内容教学组织和设计:讲授,案例分析学习标准:了解国际投资的基本方式,跨国并购的基本法律知识,了解法律尽职调查报告的内容和重要性。ContentsRules related to inbound and outbound investments;Procedure and requirement for establishing Foreign invested enterprises in China;P

15、rocedure and requirement for Chinese enterprises going abroad;the practice an risk for cross-border M&A legal due diligence for international investmentKey points:the reasons for failure of cross-border M&A transaction and the approaches to prevent the legal risks, the scope of legal due diligenceTeaching method: lecture, case studyOutcome: learn the basic legal knowledge with regards to corss-border M&A, the ways of inte



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