Unit 3 A healthy life知识讲解 Unit 3 A healthy life语言点(整理)

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Unit 3 A healthy life知识讲解 Unit 3 A healthy life语言点(整理)_第1页
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《Unit 3 A healthy life知识讲解 Unit 3 A healthy life语言点(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 A healthy life知识讲解 Unit 3 A healthy life语言点(整理)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 Unit 3 A healthy life 语言点语言点 编稿 牛新阁 审稿 王春霞 学习目标学习目标 重点词汇重点词汇 abuse stress ban quit effect strengthen desperate disappointed ashamed risk 重点短语重点短语 due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on in spite of get into take off feel like 重点句型重点句型 As you know do 构成的强调 知识讲解知识讲解 重点词汇重点词汇 abuse 原句回放 D

2、rug abuse 滥用药物 点拨 abuse n banning 常用结构 常用结构 ban sb sth from doing sth 禁止某人 物做某事 a ban on against sth 有关 的禁令 Smoking is banned in school 在学校禁止吸烟 He was banned from driving for three months because of driving under the influence 他因酒后驾驶被禁止开车三个月 There is a ban on smoking in the museum 博物馆禁止吸烟 The police

3、 lifted the ban against parking in this street 警察撤销了不准在这条街上停车的禁令 拓展 forbid 和 ban 1 forbid 是普通用语 表示 禁止某人做某事 一般用 forbid sb to do sth 2 ban 语气很强 指由于法律或社会压力而禁止 有谴责或不赞成的意味 多以物 作禁止的对象 Fishing in this lake is banned 此湖禁止捕鱼 His parents forbid him to go swimming in the river 他父母不准他去河里游泳 quit 原句回放 When I was

4、taken off the school football team because I was unfit I knew it was time to quit smoking 而当我因不健康而被校足球队除名后 我才知道我该戒烟了 点拨 quit vt 停止 辞职 quitted quitted 或 quit quit quitting 注意 注意 quit 后接动词时要用动名词作宾语 He has not quit smoking but is holding down to three cigarettes a day 他还没有戒烟 但是限制在一天三支烟了 He has decided

5、to quit his highly paid but demanding position in his company recently 最近他已经决定放弃公司里那个高薪但费力的职位了 拓展 含 quit 的短语 quit school 退学 quit hold of 撒手 放开 quit it out 住嘴 quit oneself of fear 消除恐惧 effect 原句回放 When I was young I didn t know much about the harmful effects of smoking 我年 轻时 关于吸烟的危害性我知道的并不多 点拨 effect

6、 n 结果 作用 效力 影响 常用短语 常用短语 have an effect on 对 有影响 take effect 开始实行 开始生效 come into effect 生效 bring carry sth into effect 使 生效 in effect 正在实行 实际上 without effect 没有效果 be of no effect 无效果的 学海无涯 Her criticisms had a great effect on him discouraging him completely 她的批评对他影响很大 让他完全泄气了 His wife had in effect

7、run the shop for the past six months 实际上 过去六个月里是他的妻子经营着商店 The new law takes effect from January 1 新法律从 1 月 1 日开始实行 拓展 1 effective adj 有效的 有影响的 effectively adv 有效地 The medicine is an effective cure for a headache 这种药是治疗头疼的有效疗法 拓展 2 affect 是及物动词 表示 影响 病 侵袭 Your opinion will not affect my decision 你的想法

8、不会影响我的决定 The south of the country was worst affected by the drought 这个国家南部受到了干旱最惨重的影响 strengthen 原句回放 It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve 它也许对你戒烟和加强你的 决心会有所帮助 点拨 strengthen v 加强 变坚固 Her position in the company has strengthened in recent weeks 她在公司的地位近几周已经得到了巩固 The wind strengthened

9、 during the night 夜里风力加强了 Their attitude only strengthened his resolve to fight on 他们的态度只是使他继续战斗的决心更强 拓展 词缀 en en en 是前缀 也是后缀 有 使 之义 形容词或名词加上 en 就 变成了动词 如 weak weaken 减弱 wide widen 加宽 fast 紧紧的 fasten 系紧 sure ensure 确保 large enlarge 扩大 rich enrich 使丰富 courage encourage 鼓励 joy enjoy 喜欢 root enroot 使扎根

10、 desperate 原句回放 If you feel desperate you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you like nicotine chewing gum 如果你感到绝望 你还可以找一个医生或药剂师来谈 谈 帮你想点办法 如含尼古丁的口香糖 点拨 desperate adj 绝望的 不顾一切的 极度渴望的 拼命的 常用搭配 常用搭配 be desperate for sth to do sth 极其渴望 A desperate man will stop at nothing

11、 to get what he wants 一个亡命徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来 He was so desperate for a job to provide food for his children 他非常渴望工作使他可以养活孩子 I was absolutely desperate to see her 我确实太想见她了 disappointed 原句回放 Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking 如果你非得经过多次才能把烟戒掉 你也不要失望

12、点拨 disappointed adj 失望的 沮丧的 表示人的内心感受 学海无涯 常用结构 常用结构 in with sb at by about sth to do sth that 从句 The director was disappointed at the results 导演对结果很失望 The mother was disappointed to learn her son had failed the course 那位母亲听说儿子这门课没有及格 感到很失望 Are you very disappointed at about losing the race 你跑输了是不是很失

13、望呀 We noticed a disappointed look on his face 我们注意到他脸上有一种失望的表情 感到失望的是 他 不是别人 对比 对比 We noticed a disappointing look on his face 我们注意到他脸上一种令人失望的表情 他并不失望 但他的表情让别人失望 拓展 disappoint v 使扫兴 使失望 disappointing adj 令人失望的 disappointment n 失望 to one s disappointment 使某人失望的是 ashamed 原句回放 If you weaken and have a

14、cigarette do not feel ashamed 如果你因意志衰弱而又 吸烟了 也不要感到羞愧 点拨 ashamed adj 表示 感到羞耻或惭愧的 害臊的 常用作表语或后置定语 常用结构 常用结构 be ashamed of sb sth 为某人 事而感到羞耻 be ashamed to do sth 耻于做某事 You should be ashamed of treating your daughter like that 你那样对待你的女儿 真该感到羞愧 You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies 说了这样的

15、谎话 你该为自己感到惭愧 He was ashamed to tell his family what had happened 他惭愧地告诉家人发生的事 拓展 shame n 羞愧 羞耻 可惜 遗憾 vt 使愧疚 使蒙羞 It s a shame I should be at work instead of lying here in bed 真丢人 我应当在工作岗位上 而不是在这儿躺在床上 Mum thought my divorce shamed the family 妈妈认为我离婚让家里人蒙羞 risk 原句回放 He felt he had to make up his mind o

16、n every step instead of taking risks 他觉得每 一步他都不得不下决心而不是冒险 点拨 risk n 危险 风险 常用结构 常用结构 take risks a risk 冒险 run risks a risk 处于 的风险中 at risk 处境危险 遭受危险 in danger 对 感到失望 be disappointed 学海无涯 at the risk of 冒 之险 at one s own risk 损失 风险等 由某人自己负责 自担风险 He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge 他冒险过了那座年代很久的桥 He rescued a child at the risk of his own life 他冒着生命危险救了一个孩子 If we go to war innocent lives will be put at risk 如果我们参战 无辜的生命就会被置于危险之中 People who are overweight run a risk of a heart attack or stro


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