Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)

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Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)_第1页
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Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)_第3页
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Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)_第4页
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Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)_第5页
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《Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Pygmalion知识讲解 复习过去分词2(整理)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 复习过去分词复习过去分词 2 作状语 作状语 编稿 牛新阁 审稿 王春霞 概念引概念引入入 在上一单元我们已经复习了过去分词作定语 表语和补足语 本单元我们继续复习过 去分词作状语的用法 并小结非谓语动词的做题技巧 先看下面句子 1 Now once taught by me she d become an upper class lady 2 Once educated to speak properly that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess 3 Placed inside the rooms s

2、tatues of Gods seem to guard the large sleeping Buddha 4 Bitten by the snake in the bush Susan was sent back to the camp 这些句子中斜体词部分都是过去分词短语作状语 其中句 1 和句 2 是条件状语 句 3 是方式状语 句 4 是原因状语 那么用过去分词作状语时要注意什么呢 作状语时与动词 ing 形式和不定式有什么区别呢 下面我们将就这些问题进行讨论 用用法讲解法讲解 过去分词作状语过去分词作状语 1 高清课堂 高清课堂 非谓语动词之过去分词非谓语动词之过去分词 作作状状语

3、语 过去分词或短语作状语时 表示被动和完成 在句子中一般可表示时间 原因等 1 时间状语时间状语 Told that his mother was ill Li Lei hurried home quickly 知道了他母亲病了 李雷赶紧回了家 Seen from the moon the earth looks green 从月球上看 地球是绿色的 2 原因状语原因状语 Broken down on the highway his car was carried away by the police 他的车在公路上出了故障 被警方拖走了 Satisfied with what he did

4、the teacher praised him in class 老师对他做的很满意 在班上表扬了他 3 条件状语条件状语 Given a few minutes I ll finish it 给我几分钟 我就会完成它 Compared with you I still have a long way to go 与你相比 我仍然有很长的路要走 4 让步状语让步状语 Explained a hundred times he still can t understand it 给他解释了上百次 他仍然不明白 Trained ten hours a day he will still be a f

5、ool 一天训练 10 小时 他也还是个蠢人 5 结果状语结果状语 He fell off a tall tree his leg broken 他从一棵很高的树上掉了下来 腿骨折了 The cup fell down to the ground broken 杯子落到地上 碎了 注意 注意 有些非谓语动词短语已经游离出来 成为单独的短语 在句子中作状语 如 1 exactly honestly frankly generally speaking 准确地说 老实地说 坦率地说 一般说来 Exactly speaking he got here at eight fourteen this m

6、orning 学海无涯 确切地说 他今天早晨 8 点 14 分到这里的 Generally speaking a snake won t attack a man unless it is bothered 总的来说 蛇如果没被搅扰就不会咬人 2 judging from by 从 根据某东西判断 Judging by his accent he is from Hunan 从他的口音判断 他是湖南人 Judging from what he said he is very honest 根据他的话判断 他很诚实 3 providing provided 假如 如果 Providing he

7、follows our advice we can help him 如果他听我们的建议 我们可以帮助他 Provided he is free he is sure to come 假如他有时间 他肯定会来 4 considering 考虑到 Considering he was just a little boy we didn t punish him 考虑到他只是个小孩 我们没有惩罚他 Considering it was late we didn t discuss the question 考虑到时间晚了 我们没有讨论这个问题 5 thinking of 想到 考虑到 Thinki

8、ng of the environment we live in the waste can t be thrown away around directly 考虑到我们所生活的环境 废物不能随手扔掉 6 talking of 谈到 说到 Talking of math he became excited 说到数学 他非常激动 7 其它常见短语 taking into consideration 把某事考虑进去 calculating roughly 粗略地计算 supposing 假定 to tell you the truth 实话告诉你 to be frank 坦白地说 to begin

9、 with 首先要做的是 so to speak 可以这么说 taken as a whole 从整体上来看 put frankly 坦率地说 given that 鉴于 过去分词作状语过去分词作状语 2 1 逻辑主语与独立主格结构逻辑主语与独立主格结构 1 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语一般是主句的主语 此时应注意人称一致 When asked why he came here the boy kept silent 当那个男孩被问到为何来这里时 他沉默不语 Born and brought up in the countryside he was interested in biology 由

10、于在农村出生并长大 他对生物很感兴趣 2 如果主句的主语不是分词的逻辑主语 而是前面的名词或代词 此结构属于独立主格 结构 注意此时代词必须是主格注意此时代词必须是主格 而且只用于作状语而且只用于作状语 The signal given the bus started 信号一发出 汽车就开动了 the signal 是 given 的逻辑主语 Her head held high she went by 她把头昂得高高地从这儿走了过去 her head 是 held high 的逻辑主语 2 过去分词与从句过去分词与从句 过去分词作原因状语 时间状语或条件状语时相当于谓语是被动语态的状语从句

11、而过 学海无涯 去分词作伴随状语相当于 and 并列谓语 并列句 Caught in a heavy rain he was all wet 因为淋了一场大雨 所以他全身湿透了 Because he was caught in a heavy rain 原因状语从句 Grown in rich soil these seeds can grow fast 如果种在肥沃的土壤里 这些种子能长得很快 If these seeds are grown in rich soil 条件状语从句 The trainer appeared followed by six little dogs 训练员出现了

12、 后面跟着六条小狗 and he was followed by six little dogs 3 连接词连接词 过去分词过去分词 根据需要 过去分词前也可加上 when while until once though although as long as unless as if even if 等词 When given a medical examination you should keep calm 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定 He sat there reading as if tied to the chair 他坐在那里读书 好像被绑在椅子上 注意 在 before aft

13、er without 后必须用 being done 代替过去分词 Before being called remain where you are 叫你之前 待在原地别动 The boy left the playhouse without being seen 一个男孩没被发现就离开了游戏室 4 表示主动的过去分词表示主动的过去分词 有些过去分词因来源于系表结构 作状语时不表被动而表主动 常见的有 lost 迷路 seated 坐 hidden 躲 stationed 驻扎 lost absorbed in 沉溺于 born 出身于 dressed in 穿着 tired of 厌烦 等

14、Lost Absorbed in deep thought he didn t hear the sound 因为沉溺于思考之中 所以他没听到那个声音 Dressed in a jacket he walked out of the house 他身穿一件夹克走出了那幢房子 非谓语动词非谓语动词做做题七原则题七原则 1 用作目的状语 用作目的状语 多多用不定式用不定式 When asked why he went there he said he was sent there for a space flight A training B being trained C to have tra

15、ined D to be trained 解析 由于进行航空飞行训练是他被派往那儿的目的 所以要用不定式 因此可排除 A 和 B 另外 由于 他 与 训练 为被动关系 选 D 2 用作伴随状语 用作伴随状语 多多用用动词动词 ing 形式形式 As the light turned green I stood for a moment not and asked myself what I was going to do A moved B moving C to move D Being moved 解析 move 与主语 I 是主动关系 与 stood 同时进行 用动词 ing 形式 选

16、B 3 用作结果状语时 可用用作结果状语时 可用 ing 形式形式或不定式或不定式 不定式多表示意料之外的结果 而合乎逻辑的结果 即意料之中的结果多用 ing 形式 1 The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance in the natural light during the day A to let B letting C let D having let 学海无涯 解析 此处用 ing 形式表示自然而然的结果 选 B 2 He hurried to the booking office only that all the tickets had been sold out A to tell B to be told C telling D told 解析 不定式表示出人意料的结果 tell 与主语是被动关系 选 B 注意句型注意句型 never to do to be done He left his hometown 20 years ago never to return 他


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