2015秋冀教版英语七上Unit 1《School and Friends》word单元测试卷1.doc

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1、Unit1 单元综合测试. 单项选择(10分)()1. Zhang Hong, this is _ eraser.A. my a B. a my C. my D. my an ()2. _ that your ruler?A. Are B. Am C. Do D. Is()3. I have _. A. three pens B. three pen C. three the pens D. the three pens()4. Li Ming, can you show me _ the library? A. in B. around C. with D. for()5. Its your

2、 turn_ the dishes today, Zhang Jie. A. do B. does C. Doing D. to do()6.Zhang Ping, you need _ a new ruler. A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. buys()7. You are a teacher. _ your brother? A. What about B. What C. How D. How many()8. Li Hong, _ is my friend, Zhou Jie. A. she B. it C. he D. this ()9. May I b

3、orrow your eraser?Sure, _A. Youre here B. Here are you C. Give you. D. Here you are.()10. Danny, you are a good student. _ A. Youre right. B. Thank you.C. Youre welcome. D. Thats right.完形填空(10分) Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you. My 1 is Mary. I am a girl. I 2 two good friends at school. 3 are Lily

4、and Ben. Lily 4 a girl. She and I 5 books in the classroom. Ben is a 6 . He and his friend Li Ming borrow 7 in the library. Look!This is 8 schoolbag. I have many books in it. 9 my pencil box, I have two pencils, a pen, a ruler and an eraser. Look at the 10 . The teachers write on it in class.( )1. A

5、. teacher B. name C. friend D. class( )2. A.see B. know C. have D. like( )3. A.They B.We C.You D.She and he( )4. A.has B.have C.are D.is( )5. A.see B.read C.buy D.borrow( )6. A.friend B.boy C.girl D.teacher( )7. A.rulers B.erasers C.pencils D.books( )8. A.my B.his C.her D.you( )9. A.For B.On C. In D

6、.Of( )10. A.ruler B.eraser C.bag D.blackboard.阅读理解(40分)(A)Hello! My name is Jack. I am a boy. I live in Beijing now. This is my teacher. Her name is Anne. She is very good. I have many friends in my school. This is my pencil case. I have two pens, three pencils and one eraser. I dont have a crayon.

7、But I can borrow one from my friend.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( ) 1.Jack is _.A. in Canada B. a teacher C. a student D. in the classroom( ) 2.Anne is _.A. a teacher B. a student C. in the lab D. fine( ) 3. Jack has _ at school.A. many teachers B. many boys C. many girls D. many friends( )4. Jack has _ and one er

8、aser.A. two pens and pencils B. three pens and pencilsC. three pens and two pencils D. two pens and three pencils( )5. Jack can borrow a crayon from his _.A. teacher B. friend C. girl D. boy(B)This is Guo Yang. He is a student. He is in Class Four, Grade Seven. His class has 25 girls and 20 boys. Hi

9、s English teacher is Mr. Chen. He is a good teacher and the students like him. Guo Yang has a good friend. His name is Jim. He and Guo Yang are in the same class. Guo Yang and Jim live in China now.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )6. Guo Yangs class has _ students.A.20 B.25 C.45 D.60( )7. Guo Yangs English teacher i

10、s _.A. Mr. Green B. Mrs.Green C. Mr. Chen D. Mrs.Chen( )8. Jim is from_.A. Canada B. China C. England D. America( )9. Jim is in _.A. Class Five, Grade Eight B. Class Four, Grade Eight C. Class Five, Grade Seven D. Class Four, Grade Seven( )10. They _ in China now.A. work B. live C. play D. plan(C)Li

11、nda: Hello, my name is Linda Brown. Whats your name?Tony: I am Tony Smith. Nice to meet you!Linda: Nice to meet you, too! What is this?Tony: Oh, it is a photo of my family.Linda: Is this woman your mother?Tony: Yes.Linda: Is he your father?Tony: Yes, he is.Linda: And is the baby(婴儿) your brother?Ton

12、y: Oh, no, it isnt . It is my sister.根据对话内容选择正确答案。( )11. What is the boys last name?A. Brown. B. Tony. C. Smith. D. Linda.( )12. What is the girls first name?A. Linda. B. Tony. C. Brown. D. Smith.( )13. Tony has a photo of his _.A. parents B. family C. school D. class( )14. Is the woman Tonys mother

13、?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. You can ask her. D. We dont know.( )15. The baby is Tonys _.A. brother B. uncle C. aunt D. sister(D)Linda: Hello, Paul. Is this your pencil?Paul: Yes, it is. Thank you.Linda: Is this your book?Paul: No, it isnt. It is Marys.Linda: Mary, is this your book?Mary: No

14、, it isnt. My book is here. Ask Bill, please.Linda: Bill, is this your book?Bill: Yes, it is.Linda: Here you are.Bill: Thank you very much. But where is my bag?根据对话内容判断正误,正确的填T,错误的填F。( )16. This is Lindas pencil.( )17. Bill is a student.( )18. The book is Bills.( )19. Mary cant find(发现) her book.( )20. Paul knows Linda and Mary.情景对话。(10分)( )1_


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