2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 4《Life in the future》重点单词练习 .doc

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1、 Module 4I、 重点单词。1.粉笔 chalk 2.直尺 ruler 3.未来 future 4. 生命life (复) lives 5.问题 question 6.水平 level 7.机器 machine 8.机器人 robot 9.太空 space 10.雨 rain 下雨v. rain 有雨的adj. rainy11.交通traffic 12. 风 wind 有风的windy13. 小时 hour 14.长的 long (反)short15. 便宜的 cheap (反)expensive16. 轻的 light (反)heavy (副)heavily17.容易的 easy (副

2、) easily (反)difficult/hard 18. 空闲的 free (反)busy 19.真的 true 20.有关工作的 working 21.需要 need 22. 升起 rise 23. 改变,变化 changeII、重点短语。1.一支粉笔 a piece of chalk 2.天气的变化 a change of weather3.将来 in the future 4.以后 in future5.需要做某事 need to do sth 6.需要被 need doing 7.通过做某事 by doing sth 8.变成change into 9.不再 not any mor

3、e= no more 10.也 as well11.实现 come true 12.不但而且 not onlybut also13. 在某人空余时间 in sbs free time 14.检查学生们的水平 check the students level15.在二十年以后 in twenty years time= in twenty years16.通过因特网、电话、邮件 by Internet/telephone/email17.用来做 use sth to do sth 18.全年/天 all year/day19. 有很多衣服要洗 have lots of clothes to wa

4、sh20.海平面 sea level 21. 和玩耍 play with sb/sth22.不得不做某事 have to do sth 23.在太空中 in space24.意味着做某事 mean doing sth25.打算做某事 mean to do sth26.能够做某事 be able to do sth= can do sthIII、 语法 一般将来时 will (见名校课堂26页)1)肯定句:主语+will +do (动原)+其他2)否定句:主语+wont +do (动原)+其他3)一般疑问句:Will +主语+ do (动原)+其他?4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+ will +主语+

5、do (动原)+其他?. 写作。 同学们,未来的生活是遥远而又神秘的。你觉得未来的生活会是什么样子?请你充分发挥想象力,以Life in the future为题写一篇英语短文,从学习、生活等方面描述未来的生活,不少于60词。范文: Life in the future will be different. In the future, maybe there wont be any schools. Students will use computers to study at home. They will ask their teachers questions by Internet,

6、 telephone or email. In the future, there will be robots everywhere. They will help people do much work. So people will have long holidays. I like life in the future. What about you?、练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Thousands of people lost their _(life) because of hunger in the past.2. Can you use these words _(

7、make) sentences?3. I need _(have) a rest after a long walk 4. Students will _(ask) their teachers questions on the Internet in the future.5. Its _(wind) and cold today. You had better put on your coat.6. Its raining _(heavy),so w e cant go out.7. There _(be) an American film next week.8. Mum, can I

8、have something _(eat)?9. _(eat) vegetables and fruit is good for our health.10. Theres no _ today. But it will be _ tomorrow. (rain)11. We can learn a lot of knowledge by _(watch) TV.12. In 50 _ (year) time, maybe there will no water.13. It will be cheap _(travel) everywhere by plane.14. The baby is

9、 too young, so he needs _(look) after.15. Missing the train means _(wait) for another hour.16. We had to _(stay) at home because of rain yesterday.17. Look at the clouds. It_(rain) soon.18. What else do you have _(ask)?19. Tom and Jim are in different _ (school).20. There are some _(different) betwe

10、en them. 21. They _ the football match yesterday. They were _(win).二、用put on, wear ,dress , in的适当形式填空。1. The boy is old enough to _ himself.2. She likes _ a pair of sunglasses.3. The boy _ a blue hat is Jim.4. Its seven oclock. Tom _ his clothes. 三、单项选择。1. He usually goes to school _ bike or _ a bus

11、.A. by; by B. by; on C. on; on2. -Can you finish your homework before 2:00 pm? -Yes, of course. Ill finish it in _ hour. A. an B. the C. a 3. -Do you have _ to tell us now? -No, I dont.A. something new B. new anything C. something new4. My father will come back _ two days. A. for B. after C. in5. No

12、t only my friends but also I _ interested in football. A. am B. is C. are 6. This is _ bedroom. They like it very much.A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucy and Lilys 7. It _ hot all year in the future. A. maybe B. may be C. may is 8. You can see many stars _ on a clear night.A. in space B. in

13、 the space C. on space9. My friend has a house by the sea _.A. to live B. to live in C. live in10. There will be _ rain and _ wind tomorrow.A. strong; heavy B. heavy; big C. heavy; strong11. Jim doesnt like maths. He doesnt like English _.A. too B. either C. also12. We _ them yesterday. A. won B. be

14、at C. win13. There are some differences _ the two words.A. between B. among C.during14. Tom wants to be a doctor, and he thinks it is a good _. A. work B. job C. subject D. life三、按要求完成句子。1. Tom can play football. He can also play basketball.(同义句) Tom can play _ _ football _ _ baskeball.2. Damings parents take the bus to work every day. (同义句) Damings parents _ to work _ bus every day.3. Tony likes s


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