人教版高中英语选修 8 Unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》(Section 1)word练习题 .doc

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1、Unit 5Section 单词拼写1I have no a_ but to report him to the police2Now there are still some people dying of _ (饿死)3Do you have a_ money for the journey?4Sorry to i_ youCan you tell me the time?5Lets a_ what he said is true6The necklace was well _ (保存)7The _ (植物学的) analyses have showed us that it used t

2、o be a lake 8The living conditions in the camp were pretty _ (原始的)9B_ is scientific study of plants and their structure10C_ is a class or group of things in a complete system of grouping答案:1alternative2starvation3ample4interrupt5assume6preserved7botanical8primitive9Botany10Category用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空sho

3、w. round; as well as; regardless of; keep out; at most; cut up; be made of; an amount of; keep. waiting; care about1John was_about his failure to beat Mary2The work will be completed within four hours_3After class,Lily and Xiao Yang_Tom_the college4You cannot expect her to do the housework_look afte

4、r the children5The fence_posts joined together with wire6She spent_money on clothes yesterday7The headmaster_me_for two hours last time8The boss only_money9The laws apply to everyone_race, creed (宗教信条) or colour10In our country people have to wear the thickest jacket to_the cold in winter答案:1cut up2

5、at most3showed;round4as well as5is made of6an amount of7kept; waiting8cares about9regardless of10keep out根据课文内容用所给短语的适当形式填空When 1_ the Zhoukoudian caves, the students became aware of the fact that the Zhoukoudian primitive people were one of the earliest people in the worldThe evidence of the sixmet

6、re ash suggested that they could 2_ to 3_ as well as to bake meat and 4_ wild animals, and it was also the evidence that they lived in the caves, 5_ the cold When shown the needle 6_ three centimetres long, they realized that the primitive people could sew clothes from animal skins, and this also pr

7、oved that they could make stone tools to 7_ animals and remove the fat and meat from the skinInterestingly, the necklace suggested that the ancient people also 8_ their appearance答案:1shown around2make fires3keep warm4scare away5regardless of6at most7cut up8cared about阅读理解AThe Black DeathA terrible d

8、isease swept through Europe in the late 1340sCalled the Black Death, it got its name from the black lumps (肿块) that it caused on a sick persons skin The bacteria that causes the disease are spread to humans by fleas(跳蚤) that have bitten infected ratsWith all the rats in the crowded towns and cities

9、of Europe, the disease spread fastTwothirds of those who caught the disease diedThe Italian writer Boccaccio said that the disease spread “like a fire through dry grass”No one knew how to stop this terrible new diseaseMost people were afraid even to visit the sickIn just three years, one out of ever

10、y three people in Europe diedThen, suddenly, around 1351, the disease seemed to disappearBut it returnedin 1363, again in 1369, and on many more occasions for the next three hundred yearsThe great flu epidemic(流行病)As World War I drew to a close, a new threat aroseIn March of 1918, hundreds of USsold

11、iers at Fort Riley, Kansas, fell ill with influenza,or fluAbout one in nine ill soldiers diedThough many people died, the public did not take noticeThe dangers soldiers faced on the front in Europe seemed to go beyond this illnessSoon, soldiers from Fort Riley joined the Allied forces (the countries

12、 that fought with Britain, the USetc in World War I) in EuropeWithin months, the illness had spread throughout Europe, killing millions of peopleIn September, as soldiers began to return home, the illness attacked the USpublicPeople died within hours of falling illTo stop the spread of the disease,

13、the government limited gatherings and travelThey forbade stores from having salesThey even limited funerals (葬礼) to fifteen minutesBut the flu took the lives of more than a halfmillion Americans, ten times as many as had died in the warWorldwide, the epidemic lasted from 1918 to 1920, killing betwee

14、n twenty and forty million people文章大意:文章回顾了人类历史上两次重大的疫情。1The author used Boccaccios words in the first paragraph in order to make the passage_AbetterknownBbetterorganizedCmore convincing Dmore interesting答案:C写作手法题。薄伽丘说,黑死病的传播像火掠过干草一样。作者引用这句话可以使文章更真实可信。2Which of the following shows the spread of the Black Death?AThe bacteriafleasratshumansBThe bacteriaratsfleashumansCFleasthe bacteriaratshumansDRatsfleasthe bacteriahumans答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段的The bacteria that causes the disease are spread to humans by fleas that have bitten infected rats可知,黑死病的传播是这样的:跳蚤咬了已经感染黑死病的老鼠之后,把病菌传播给人


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