2017学年中考真题精品解析 英语(黑龙江齐齐哈尔卷)(原卷版).doc

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1、二O一七年齐齐哈尔市初中学业考试英语试卷 考生注意: 1考试时间120分钟 2全卷共六道大题,总分120分 3使用答题卡的考生,请将答案填写在答题卡的指定位置第一部分语言知识运用(共计65分) I. Multiple choice(本题共20分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.1. Listen! The little girl singing in the room. A./ B.are C.is2. I have useful book. It is ab

2、out how to play basketball. A. an./ B. a./ C. an.the3. It is raining outside. Why not _an umbrella. A. to take B. take C.taking 4. The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in China in 2022. _good news it is! A. What B. What a C. How 5. I found a book in my room. Whose is it? Oh, It is _. Thank you. A.

3、me B. my C. mine 来源:Zxxk.Com6. My younger brother was born _the night of June21st. He is very cute. A. in B. on C. at 7. Our country is getting _. We are proud of it. A. more and more strong B.strong and strong C.stronger and stronger 8. Today is my cousins _birthday. I am going to his birthday part

4、y tonight. A. nineteenth B. the nineteenth C. nineteen 9.Books are our friends. _do you read books? I read books every day. A. How often B. How soon C. How long 10. A number of visitors _visiting the West Lake and the number of the visitors _increasing. A. are ; is B. is ;are C. are ;are 11. I went

5、to the hospital yesterday. I found a few _there. A. man nurses B. men nurse C. men nurses 12. I want to know if he _back tomorrow. Ill call you as soon as _. A. will come ; will return B. will come ; returns C. comes ; will return 13. Would you like _to eat? Yes, please. A. anything delicious B. del

6、icious anything C. something delicious 14. WeChat () is widely used. _the young _the old are interested in it. A. Either ; or B. Neither ; nor C. Not only ; but also 15. The weather in Qiqihar is colder than _in Shanghai. 来源:学科网来源:学科网ZXXK A. those B. it C.that 16. Someone is knocking at the door, Is

7、 it Tom? It _him. He has gone to Beijing. A. may not be B. cant be C. mustnt be 17. It takes me half an hour _playing the piano. How about you? I usually spend 20 minutes _it. A. practicing ; on B. to practice ; in C. to practice ; on 18. The lights is on. When you leave, please _.OK, I wont forget

8、_it. A. turn it off; to do B. turn off it ; doing C. turn on it; to do 19. How long is it since he _this school? He _for three years. A. has left ; has left B. left ; has been away C. leaves ; has left 20. I didnt know _. A. what we could do B. how we could do C. what can we do II. Cloze test (本题共 1

9、5分,每小题1分) Choose the best answer to complete the passage. In China, most families have one baby. Are you the only child in your family? Do you want to have a younger sister or brother? Well, 21 a new baby in your family is really special. If everyone in your family 22 care of the baby, your mom will

10、 be very glad to have 23 happy family. When you help to look after a new baby, you must try to 24 . Babies dont need sugar or salt, so dont give these things to 25 . In fact, sugar and salt are not good 26 babies, or you. Always ask your parents before you do anything for the baby, and they will sho

11、w you how 27 look after your new little brother or sister. Your mum will be 28 if the new baby wakes a lot during the night. You might be able to help your mother by doing something nice for her, like bringing 29 to drink for mum while she is thirsty. You may feel 30 jealous(嫉妒)of the baby sometimes

12、. Dont think that you are a “bad person” if you get those feelings. 31 natural for you to have such feelings, Although there is one more child in your family, 32 your parents still love you as usual. The most important thing is that you should try to be a good elder brother or sister, your parents a

13、lso 33 you to be friendly to your brother or sister. In the future. he or she will help you in 34 ways. When you go to university, your parents wont feel 35 . Do you look forward to having a bother or sister?( )21.A.having B.have C.has( )22.A.taking B.take C.takes( ) 23.A. such a B. so a C. a such( ) 24.A. be careful B. look out of C. be carefully( )25.A.it B.them C.you( )26.A.with B.at C.for( ) 27.A. to help B. helping to C. help to( )28.A.hungry B.tired C.happy( ) 29.A. oranges B. water C. apples juice( ) 30.A. a little B. a bit of C. a kind of( )31.A.Its



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