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1、听力:铜仁一中防疫期间高二第二次周考英语试卷答案15.AACBB610.CBBCB1115.ABCAC 1620.BBCAC听力材料(Text 1)M:Has everything been OK with you recently?W:I havent been able to get a good nights sleep lately. Im exhausted! How can I take my final exams next Monday?(Text 2)W:Its time for you to get up.M:Just five more minutes of sleep.

2、 Im really tired. I spent almost three hours last night doing my homework.(Text 3)M:I want to go to the beach tomorrow.W:I doubt it. Look at those clouds. I think it will be raining tomorrow like it was yesterday.M:Really?I heard that its going to be sunny by then.(Text 4)W:Did you notice that blind

3、 man over there?M:Yes, I know him. Hes been blind for years.W:Why dont we help him cross the street before we go to school?M:OK.(Text 5)M:Have you seen our waiter anywhere?W:Here he comes now.M:Weve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.W:Oh, I guess I was wrong. That isnt our waiter.M:We can give

4、 him five more minutes, but then well have to leave.(Text 6)W:Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?M:Yes. Id like to book a room, please. A double room with a bath, but without a street view. I want a quiet room.W:What dates would you like the room for, sir?M:From March 23rd to 28th. Ill

5、 leave on the morning of the 29th. Oh, and Id appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the ocean.W:Certainly, sir. Ill just check whether we have any available.Im sorryour oceanview rooms are fully booked, but we have a room with a splendid park view. Would that be OK?M:That would

6、be fine. Thanks!(Text 7)W:Hello, UPS?M:Yes, maam. What can I do for you?W:Well, Im calling to check on a package I sent on the 7th. It still hasnt arrived, and todays the 13th. Can you tell me what happened to it?M:Ill certainly try, maam. Do you have the tracking number handy? I can check it for yo

7、u.W:Let me see.its T71420190507.M:T71420190507. OK, please wait just a moment. Ill check it for you on the computer now. Well, I can see that it did go out on the 7th.W:Then where is it now?M:Hold on, please. Ive got to check another computer to see where it is.(Text 8)M:Ted has put on a bit of weig

8、ht over the last two years, hasnt he?W:Yes, he has. He rarely takes part in any outdoor activities.M:Do you ever try to encourage him to go outdoors and get some exercise? It would be really good for him.W:Yes, Ive told him he needs to do that, but I just dont know how to encourage him to get outsid

9、e more often.M:Hmm.Do you have any idea what kind of physical activities he likes?W:No, I guess I dont. I really should have a talk with him and ask him that.M:Just talk to him casually and find out what his interests are. Then youll know how to make plans to do activities with him.W:What do you usu

10、ally do when you go out with Lily and your daughter Eva?M:We have a dog, so we often walk the dog together in the morning and at dusk. On the weekend, we usually go to the beach to swim and play volleyball there.We sometimes go hiking in the park.W:Thats great! You really do a lot of things together

11、.M:Im sure you all can, too.W:Yes, youre right. I just have to make plans for us to get outside together more often.(Text 9)M:Serena, are you free this Saturday evening?W:Yes.Why?M:Im having a party at my apartment. Would you like to join us?W:Who else will be there?M:Oh, you know everybodyPeter, Pa

12、ul, Lisa, and some other colleagues from our company.W:Is Jeremy coming?M:No, I didnt invite him. I know you two are on bad terms.W:Oh, thats really kind of you. Shall I bring something to the party?M:That would be wonderful. Ive already got some wine, so how about something to eat?W:How about spagh

13、etti?M:Well, Mrs Lee is already bringing some.W:How about some pumpkin cakes?M:That would be great.W:By the way, do you mind if Bruce comes?M:Certainly not. Hed be more than welcome. You know how to get to my apartment, dont you?W:Its been a while since I went there last time, but I think I can find

14、 the way.M:Great.Everybodys coming around 4 pm. Is that OK for you?W:Well, I have an appointment with my doctor that afternoon, so I might get there one hour late.M:Oh, thats no problem. By the way, can you do me a favour?W:Of course! What is it?M:On your way to my apartment, youll pass a post offic

15、e. Could you buy me some stamps? Ill pay you back.W:Just stamps? Do you need any envelopes or anything else?M:No, just stamps. Thank you very much.(Text 10)Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today Id like to give you some information about this years Motor Show in our town. It will be returning to Eastbrook this July, and if you thought last years show was good, youre going to love the show this year. It will be held from 7th of July to 11th. This year the Motor Show will not be on the Park School Field where it was


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