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1、2012年同等学力英语冲刺练习及详解(六)阅读理解The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s,I remember experiencing the events related to the Peoples Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it intere

2、sting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.Electronic media are having a greater imp

3、act on the peoples lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village,or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that television brings into your home every

4、 day. Consider also the contact you have with others simply by using telephone. These media extend your consciousness and your contact. For example,the video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on“live action”such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impress

5、ion of total disaster. Television coverage of the Iraqi War also developed an immediacy. CNN reported events as they happened. This coverage was distributed worldwide. Although most people were far away from these events,they developed some perception of these realities.In 1992,many people watched i

6、n horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles,seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This event was triggered by the verdict(裁定)in the Rodney King beating. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgment

7、s,and most people,who had seen the video of this beating,could not understand how the jury(陪审团)was able to acquit(宣布无罪)the policemen involved. Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results,as it seemed on that Wednesday n

8、ight in Los Angeles. By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading, “Can we all get along?”By Saturday,television seemed to provide positive feedback as the Los Angeles riot turned out into a rally for peace. The television showed thousands of people marching with banners

9、and cleaning tools. Because of that,many more people turned out to join the peaceful event they saw unfolding(展开)on television. The real healing,of course,will take much longer,but electronic media will continue to be a part of that process.46. The best title for the passage is .A. The 1989 San Fran

10、cisco Earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles RiotsB. How Media Cover EventsC. The 1992 Los Angeles RiotsD. The Impact of Media on Current Events47. All the following statements are true EXCEPT that .A. all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverageB. vi

11、deo coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake gave the viewers the impression of total disasterC. electronic media can extend ones contact with the worldD. those living far away from a certain event can also have some perception of realities by watching television48. The term“electronic city”in

12、Paragraph 2 refers to .A. Berkeley B. Earth C. Los Angeles D. San Francisco49. The 1992 Los Angeles riots broke out because .A. video coverage from helicopters had made people angryB. video coverage had provided powerful feedbackC. the jury acquitted the policemen who had beaten Rodney KingD. people

13、 can make their own judgements50. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. the 1992 Los Angeles riots lasted a whole weekB. Rodney King seemed very angry when he appeared on television on FridayC. media coverage of events as they occur can have either good or bad resultsD. most people who had se

14、en the video of the Rodney King beating agree with the verdict of the jury答案解析:媒体可以给时事带来很大影响。作为 20世纪 60年代伯克利大学的一名研究生,我还记得自己亲身经历了在校园中的一件与人民公园有关的事件。报纸和电视台对其中的一些事件进行了全国性的报道。我发现:把我对所发生事件的了解与从新闻媒体那了解到的信息进行比较是一件有趣的事情。我开始关注那时的新闻媒体所报道的事件。这也为我深入了解这些事实之间的区别提供了机会。电子媒体每天对人们的日常生活的影响更大。人们从这些报道中获得的信息越来越多。电视和电话通信将人

15、们联系在一起,成为一个地球村,或者如某个作家所称的“电子城” 。想想每天电视带给你家的信息,再想想你与他人仅仅使用一个电话就可以联系。这些媒体扩展了你的意识以及你与外界的联系。比如,电视对 1989年旧金山大地震报道的主要是大火或救援努力等的“实况” 。这使观众对整个灾难有了一个了解。电视对伊拉克战争也进行了及时报道。CNN 在战争发生时就进行了现场报道。这些报道被发往世界各地。尽管大多数人远离事件本身,但他们还是对事件的真实情况有所了解。1992年,在一个令人悲痛的星期三晚上,许多人惊恐地目睹了发生在洛杉矶的暴动,似乎是从直升机上拍摄的。这一事件是由于罗德尼金殴打案的裁决而引起的。我们生活在

16、这样一个时代,公众获取信息,能够做出自己的判断,大多数看过殴打录像的人不明白为什么陪审团会对涉案的警察宣判无罪。媒体在事件发生时进行了报道,并提供了影响事件的有力反馈。这可能产生不利的结果,就像那个星期三晚上发生在洛杉矶的事件所显现的那样。到星期五晚上时,公众开始在电视上看到罗德尼金的呼吁, “我们大家能够和平相处吗?”到星期六时,电视似乎提供的是积极的反馈,因为洛杉矶骚乱转变成了呼吁和平的集会。电视报道,成千上万的人拿着旗帜和清洁工具在游行。由于这个原因,更多的人加入到他们在电视中看到的和平行动中。当然,秩序真正恢复正常所需的时间更长,但电子媒体将继续在这一过程中发挥它的作用。46. 【正确答案】D【考点类型】主旨推断【解析过程】这篇文章的最佳标题是 。A. 1989年旧金山地震和 1992年洛杉矶骚乱B. 媒体是如何报道事件的C. 1992年洛杉矶骚乱D. 媒体对时事的影响线索:文章的第 1段提到“The media can impact current ev


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