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1、三年级下期末试卷 一、读单词,每组单词中画线字母发音相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。(10分)( 1 ) yellow cry ( ) ( 2 ) rice nine ( )( 3 ) egg she ( ) ( 4) apple name ( )( 5 ) bread ear ( )二、词汇题1、你能根据图画补全下面的单词吗?(10分) 面包圈 狼 水饺 香蕉 牛奶d_ w_ d_ b_ m_2、小朋友下面的单词迷路了,你能帮助它们找回家吗?(12分) noodles Twenty pear elephant watermelon monkey sixteen orange ten hambu

2、rger tiger hot dog 动物类 水果类食物类 数字类3、小朋友请算一算,选一选吧!(10分)nineteen seventeen twelve eight thirteensix + seven = _eleven - three =_twenty - eight =_fourteen + five = _ ten + seven = _三 、全才,我最棒。(根据要求做题)。1、根据句意判断下列句子是否正确。对的画“T”,错的画“F”。(10分) (牛)Cows eat meat .( ) (鸟)Birds live in a tree . ( ) There are five

3、Pears 。( ) I like fish。( ) I would like some fruit。( )2、小朋友,动脑筋想一想,补全单词(首字母已给出)完成下面句子。(10分) R_ can jump . A sheep lives on a f_. Im thirst , I want to d_. In the afternoon , I have l_.then I go to school . Tigers live in a f_.3、在线上填上适当的词,是其与画线单词意思相反。(8分) The elephant is _, The bird is small. A panda

4、 is fat . A monkey is _. Look at the elephant .Its nose is long . Its tail is _. Jenny is hot . Liming is _.四,我会选择。(10分)( ) 1、 -_ for a donut ?- One Yuan . A How old B how many C how much ( )2、 -Where does a panda live ?- _ a zoo. . A On B At C In ( ) 3、 I like noodles ,but I _ like dumplings. A am

5、B dont C do . ( )4、 -How many _ are there ? - Ten . A monkeys B monkey C bear ( )5、 I like vegetables . Vegetables_good .A are B am C is五、请小朋友从B栏中找出与A栏中句子相对应的答语,并把序号写在题前的括号内。(10分) A栏( ) Where does a bird live ?( ) What would you like ?( ) How many apples are there ? ( ) Good night ?( ) Is this a sna

6、ke ? B 栏A、Good night.B、Id like song hamburgers .C、Seven .、Yes ,it is.、In a tree .六、我会阅读。(10分) My Family Hello , my name is Li Ming .Im ten years old .Im a student .I have a happy family .There are three people (人) in my family .My father ,my mother ,and me .My father is a farmer . He is tall. My mot

7、her is a teather .she is thin .My father likes meat .I like meat ,too.But my mother doesnt like meat .She likes vegetables and fruit .They love me and I love them (他们).阅读短文,判断下面的句子是否正确。对的画“T”,错的画“F”。1、Im nine years old . ( )2、There are three people (人) in my family. ( )3、My mother is a farmer. ( ) 4

8、、My father likes meat . ( )5、She likes vegetables and fruit . ( )2013-2014学年度第二学期升级考试三年级英语试卷及评分规范魏僧寨学区 油寨中学 命题人:高庆朝一、读单词,每组单词中画线字母发音相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。(10分)( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4) ( 5 ) 二、词汇题1、你能根据图画补全下面的单词吗?(10分) donut wolf dumplings banana milk 2、小朋友下面的单词迷路了,你能帮助它们找回家吗?(12分)动物类 pearelephant monkey tige

9、r 水果类watermelon orange pear食物类 noodleshot dog hamburger数字类twenty sixteen ten 3、小朋友请算一算,选一选吧!(10分)thirteen eight twelve nineteen seventeen三 、全才,我最棒。(根据要求做题)。1、根据句意判断下列句子是否正确。对的画“T”,错的画“F”。(10分)F T F F T、2、小朋友,动脑筋想一想,补全单词(首字母已给出)完成下面句子。(10分) Run farm drink lunch、 forest3、在线上填上适当的词,是其与画线单词意思相反。(8分) big thin short cold四,我会选择。(10分)1、C 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A五、请小朋友从B栏中找出与A栏中句子相对应的答语,并把序号写在题前的括号内。(10分)F B C A D 六、我会阅读。(10分) F T F T T 7 / 7


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