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1、 Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame Unit5 SectionA1a 2b 1 Whatareyoudoingnow Iam 2 Whatwereyoudoingat10 00lastSundaymorning Iwas 自主学习 Whatishedoingnow Whatwashedoingatthreeo clockyesterdayafternoon Hefootball wasplaying Heisplayingfootball Warmup Whatwasshedoingatseveno clockyesterdaymorning She W

2、hatisshedoingnow She isrunning wasrunning Whataretheydoingnow They WhatweretheydoingataboutthreeonApril4th They aredancing weredancing Andhowaboutthem They weresinging 过去进行时 含义 表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作 结构 was were doing例句 IwashavinganEnglishclassatthistimeyesterday 现在进行时 含义 表示现在正在进行的动作 结构 is am are doing例句 I

3、amhavinganEnglishclass Iwasstudyinginthelibrary Yesterday therewasarainstorm Whatweretheydoingwhentherainstormcame Herearesomereports Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstorm re nst m 暴风雨came Presentation Iwasonthestreet Wherewereyouwhentherainstormcame Iwastalkingwithmymotherinmyhouse Whatwereyoudoingwhent

4、herainstormcame Iwaswaitingforthebusatthebusstop Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame 合作与探究 Shewasreadingathome Lookatthepicturesandanswerthequestionsbyusing was were doing Whatwasyoursisterdoingatthetimeoftherainstorm Speaking He Whatwasyourbrotherdoingatthetimeoftherainstorm wasdoinghishomework He

5、 Whatwasyourfatherdoingatthetimeoftherainstorm wasplayingbasketball 1bListentotheTVreportandcirclethecorrectresponse 1cTalkaboutwhatthepeoplein1aweredoingatthetimeoftherainstorm A Whatwasthegirldoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Shewas Pairwork A Whatwastheboydoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Hewas Askanda

6、nswerinpairsWherewereyouat6 00yesterdayevening Whatwereyoudoing 1inariverswimming2inaparklayingbasketball3inashopdoingsomeshopping4athomecooking5athomedoingmyhomework Whatwerethesechildrendoingat10 00lastSundaymorning LiLei thetwins Joy Jack LinTao Kate 2bListenagain Fillintheblanksinthesentencesin2

7、a I sobusy fortheumbrellathatIdidn tseeacarcoming Myalarmdidn tgooffsoI uplate Itookahotshowerand somewarmfood was looking ate woke l r m n 闹钟 发出响声 w k 醒 wake I forthebuswhenitbegan b n torainheavily hev li adv 大量地 I tothebusstopbutIstillmissedthebus waswaiting ran begin b n v 开始 1 Myalarmdidn tgoof

8、fsoIwokeuplate 1 alarmn 闹钟 e g WhattimeshallIsetthealarmfor 2 gooff 发出响声 e g Thealarmwentoffat6 30 Languagepoints 2b 2 Iwaswaitingforthebuswhenitbegantorainheavily 1 beginv began 开始e g Itbegantorain 2 heavilyadv 在很大程度上 大量地e g movingheavily吃力地移动Itwasrainingheavily 雨下得很大 3 So whentherainstormsuddenlyc

9、ame suddenlyadv 突然 忽然e g IsuddenlyrememberedthatIhadn tlockedthedoor 我忽然想起没有锁门 巩固提升 WhenI Hewasdoing WhenIcalledhimup hewassleeping Makeupthesentences WhileI Hewasdoing WhileIwalkedtoschool hewaseating WhenI Hewasdoing WhenIreadthenewspaper hewaswatchingTV 2 过去进行时 1 概念 表示过去某一时刻或某段时间内正进行的动作 2 构成 was

10、were 动词现在分词3 用法 a 表示某一时刻正进行的行为 与特定的过去时间状语连用 常见的时间有 at8lastnight atthistimeatthattime atthatmoment等e g Whatwereyoudoingat10yesterdaymorning Iwaswritingalettertomyfatheratthatmoment 表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作 e g Wewerebuildingahouselastwinter Theywerewaitingforyouyesterday 否定句和疑问句 e g Wewerenotsleepingathome Wa

11、shefeelingwell atfiveyesterdayafternoon 1 What be you do whenhearrived 2 Jim sleep whenIcamein 3 They watch TVat8 00yesterdayevening 4 Nowhe read and write were doing wassleeping werewatching isreading writing 用所给词的正确形式填空 4 上课铃响时 你在干什么 What you whentheclassbellrang 5 当我妈妈进来时我正在看书 I whenmymothercamein 6 昨天晚上十点钟她正在做饭 She atteno clock were doing wasreading wascooking lastnight ThankYou



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